Wolfenstein 5on5 Cup
31 Aug 2009, 22:51
Hello & welcome to the 1st edition of this Wolfenstein cup.
It's been a while since there's been any sort of cup in the Wolfenstein scene so together with Sui & FimS, I have decided to create this 1st season.
To compete in this cup, you need a working copy of Wolfenstein for the PC, a team, WolfPro & sportsmanship.
The cup will begin at 20:00 CET on Wednesday 2nd September 2009. We're aiming for 32 teams, if not, then 16. It's single elimination. There will be 1 map per round & the maps will be played in this order:
- Round 1: mp_manor (20:00 CET)
- Round 2: mp_bank (20:30 CET)
- Round 3: mp_hospital (21:00 CET)
- Round 4: mp_tesla* (21:30 CET)
- Round 5: Each team will pick a map from the maplist (22:30 CET)
There will be prizes!
12 slot Wolfenstein gameserver
5 IRC bouncers
Your admins:
The rules: Click
Please have atleast 1 player from your team in #wolfenstein.gather in order for your opponent to contact you easily.
No links since the cups weren't allowed to happen : ))
how newwwwwschoool :S
btw: did you take the bnc?? :((( sad
hope we can make it! :o
Team YoYoTech rating 9
you already DID!
Team YoYoTech FiF rating 8
Note the level 1 accounts, so no upgrades.
maybe by 1.3/1.4 it will be properly playable with some good mod support.
And now? Wolfenstein against OLD games... like CS:S, COD4, COD5(?), ET, RTCW. The multiplayer potential doesnt give that much new or even good to challenge some of the OLD games.
Brilliant :D
The differences between now and the release of the game are big no doubt and I envisage bigger changes in the near future just from mod support - but pops proove how succesful/liked a game is, and pops within wolfenstein are extremely low... I tried to play the other night and there were 4 servers with players on 3 were 100+ ping (US no doubt) and the last was full.
I went on RtCW and there were over 10 populated servers and more than 80 players online - This should NEVER be the case with a game that was officially released and unless it changes quickly this game will crash and burn.
Though tbh I'm already giving up on pubs, Medics -v- Medics and only 1 or 2 people bothering with objectives is not the kind of game I want to play anyway. If I wanted to play MedicStein I'd play ET ;)
Where u at on IRC? We srsly need to go RTCW pub some more :D
as much as I whine about Wolfenstein good luck with the cup and hope it goes smoothly :) shout if you need anything! ;]
PM me ur msn or smth so we can play whenever u have some time, RTCW that is.
1 sniper bullet maybe but u need aleast 4 headshots ( or even more if he is gonna heal himself with packs or the aura )
i dont like this , they should reduce the sniper damage and remove the sniper for medics imo
But just like Medics with MP40's can camp on a stash of packs, so can a Medic with KAR, so I guess taking Rifle away from Medic would do the trick. Personally however I'd make it so Medics can't be healed by their own packs, that'd sort out more problems than just Snipers ;)
i never use powers not even in pubs and i never kill with 1 hit :(
but on pubs i see people from axis at their spawn killing me (resistance) at my spawn in rooftops 2nd stage
thats def with upgrades
Got no time on wedn. T_T
However, if a team needs a lowbie gimme a shout.
I've also got a server going spare (like 100's of other Wolfenstein servers atm it seems) if the Cup needs it, or a team needs somewhere to practise.
Onlineplayers: 12 ^^
Just pme on crossfire or #as-clan.et @ quakenet
please 50 warning points just like me
and why announcing it just one day before the cup starts :(
great success!