Wolfenstein 5on5 Cup

image: cupbnr

Hello & welcome to the 1st edition of this Wolfenstein cup.

It's been a while since there's been any sort of cup in the Wolfenstein scene so together with Sui & FimS, I have decided to create this 1st season.

To compete in this cup, you need a working copy of Wolfenstein for the PC, a team, WolfPro & sportsmanship.

The cup will begin at 20:00 CET on Wednesday 2nd September 2009. We're aiming for 32 teams, if not, then 16. It's single elimination. There will be 1 map per round & the maps will be played in this order:
  • Round 1: mp_manor (20:00 CET)
  • Round 2: mp_bank (20:30 CET)
  • Round 3: mp_hospital (21:00 CET)
  • Round 4: mp_tesla* (21:30 CET)
  • Round 5: Each team will pick a map from the maplist (22:30 CET)
* If mp_tesla is causing crashes on any of your players' PCs, then let a cup admin know & mp_canals will be played instead

There will be prizes!

12 slot Wolfenstein gameserver
5 IRC bouncers

Your admins:
image: gb Seanza
image: be Sui
image: de FimS

The rules: Click

Please have atleast 1 player from your team in #wolfenstein.gather in order for your opponent to contact you easily.

Good luck.
have fun.
canals should be in the list imo
Due to the amount of double fullholds on it in previous cups, we decided to add it in as a backup map.

Quote* If mp_tesla is causing crashes on any of your players' PCs, then let a cup admin know & mp_canals will be played instead
i keep crashing on that map, thought it was my pc didnt realise it was the the game :\
It's quite common, no idea what's causing it. I've never had the problem myself, but alot of people have.
btw: where was "previous cups" ? Oo
There were some beta cups. This is the 1st retail cup, afaik.
what other cups they been please link :D
There were some beta cups. This is the 1st retail cup, afaik.

No links since the cups weren't allowed to happen : ))
i guess you're right, it is quite hard to transmit the docs when they are right near their spawn.
i think chemical should be in the list.
i don't know about that one, i think it should stay a pub map, it's not very fun to play in scrims
imo 5teams max.
hopefully you will have 2 teams to play at least 1 match !!
if so I would join to get the 3rd place!

how newwwwwschoool :S
cool, thanks for making this happen gents, should be much fun!! <3
np, thanks for supporting it.
you didn't sign up jet, i am disappointed ;D
need team :[
nice initiative, but just one week too soon for YYT, lets hope for some more cups later on
Is that some ubersecret info you leaked? :O
its not a secret, some dutchys knew it already and if you look at the signups for wolf oc and et ec you'll see our name on both
no, he has exams :DDD
thats wed afternoon, evening = party jwz
no more ET? =(
both ET and wolf
rifle without rnades in new wolf... :s
I will pwn anyway ! :D
No, not really.

seems very organsied, n1 seanza <3
crap game

btw: did you take the bnc?? :((( sad
this is just sigh i bin waiting for a wolf cup now i have an offi on wed when it starts gg
nice initiative Seanza & rest :)

hope we can make it! :o
holy cow
nice nice
opencup signups ET :

Team YoYoTech rating 9

you already DID!
opencup signups wolfenstein:

Team YoYoTech FiF rating 8

oh my god ... :p
this game is just not playable in competitions as it is right now imo :s
If it's playable enough for people to prac every night, then it's playable for a cup, imo.

Note the level 1 accounts, so no upgrades.
ET was played on release (:D), and that was a joke but people played it - Wolfenstein is in a worse state than ET was then and ET was in a pretty bad way.

maybe by 1.3/1.4 it will be properly playable with some good mod support.
I didn't play ET on it's initial release, but m ore or less anybody I know who has, states that Wolfenstein is better than ET as far as initial releases go.
ETtest fueldump is 9001 times better than Wolfenstein will ever be, not to mention beach test for RTCW

LOL, no it wasn't. I ref'ed a match in the 1st ET Cup organised by Shakes on Fueldump. ETMain (no ETPro at the time) and after 3 hours the result was a 0 - 0 draw (3 double fullholds).
wtf the result has to do with it fuckin moron
This sequence of replies is to Merls statement that ET was more ready for competition than Wolfenstein is. I was giving an example of why ET was nowhere near ready for competition prior to ETPro.
AT that time the potential was a lot bigger when comparing it to the games back in the old days (doens't rly matter what you check about those).


And now? Wolfenstein against OLD games... like CS:S, COD4, COD5(?), ET, RTCW. The multiplayer potential doesnt give that much new or even good to challenge some of the OLD games.
Haha, comment of the year!!!

Brilliant :D
I agree with Seanza, I was an admin for an ET Cup played before ETPro was even thought of, and ETMain was simply unplayable competitively. Wolfenstein doesn't have ET's spam and although it lacks a huge degree of polish (which I'm not sure a mod can provide) it does at least work. It might not be the game you want it to be, but it's playable.
well its all opinion at the end of the day, Wolfenstein as it is cannot be classed as playable - we all know this. It has the potential to be though of course. Player models, hitboxes, restrictions are all borked add to this a pretty poor cheat protection (on a pub the other day seeing a guy virtually spin around constantly) and you get a game that should be left alone for a while ;)

The differences between now and the release of the game are big no doubt and I envisage bigger changes in the near future just from mod support - but pops proove how succesful/liked a game is, and pops within wolfenstein are extremely low... I tried to play the other night and there were 4 servers with players on 3 were 100+ ping (US no doubt) and the last was full.

I went on RtCW and there were over 10 populated servers and more than 80 players online - This should NEVER be the case with a game that was officially released and unless it changes quickly this game will crash and burn.
The point about player numbers is a good (and worrying) one. Yesterday afternoon I counted 73 players in the entire World playing, that's just diabolical for a game only a couple of weeks old. There were a good 10 - 15 servers with players on last night, but even so I struggled to find one that had a good ping, and that wasn't full but had enough people playing to make it worthwhile.

Though tbh I'm already giving up on pubs, Medics -v- Medics and only 1 or 2 people bothering with objectives is not the kind of game I want to play anyway. If I wanted to play MedicStein I'd play ET ;)
Merl!!! http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/4741/rtcw.png woot best game evah?!

Where u at on IRC? We srsly need to go RTCW pub some more :D
I really dont play as often as I would like, which is a shame it's still a great laugh :)

as much as I whine about Wolfenstein good luck with the cup and hope it goes smoothly :) shout if you need anything! ;]
Dont care what you say about Wolfenstein, ur entitled on ur opinion m8 I am not the person to try and make you change that opinion. ;)

PM me ur msn or smth so we can play whenever u have some time, RTCW that is.

having a sniper who is capable of healing himself :E and everything is fucked up for example i had some money on my level 1 account ( prolly caused due the beta ? idk ) and i think im not the only one with this phenomenon
Medic + KAR soon runs out of ammo, and a bullet in his head is going to bring him down just as easily as if he'd been any other class. I play Sniper quite a bit (I often play Sniper in DOD:S, my current game) and when I do I go Engie so I can give myself ammo.
"soon" 1 hit = 1 kill so enough ammo to stay alive for 3-4 minutes
1 sniper bullet maybe but u need aleast 4 headshots ( or even more if he is gonna heal himself with packs or the aura )
i dont like this , they should reduce the sniper damage and remove the sniper for medics imo
Reduce damage, no, remove from Medics, maybe. It's not that easy to Snipe in Wolfenstein, due to the laggy player animations, and it's only 1 hit = kill for a headshot, so the Sniper may only get 1 or 2 kills per clip. If he's a Medic he will run out of ammo quickly.

But just like Medics with MP40's can camp on a stash of packs, so can a Medic with KAR, so I guess taking Rifle away from Medic would do the trick. Personally however I'd make it so Medics can't be healed by their own packs, that'd sort out more problems than just Snipers ;)
1 hit = 1 kill is 99% using powers

i never use powers not even in pubs and i never kill with 1 hit :(
Hmm if everyone plays without upgrade, 1 short distance headshot -> dead
short ok...

but on pubs i see people from axis at their spawn killing me (resistance) at my spawn in rooftops 2nd stage

thats def with upgrades
Hitboxes are fubar, if you shoot someone in the head that is sticking out behind a barricade, you'll hit nothing but wood...
not competions yet, starting too early tbh
why wedn. ? :(

Got no time on wedn. T_T
I'm appalled by the class / weapon restrictions, this isn't ET, and it's not MedicStein either, there's no competitive need to restrict Soldier / Rifle.

However, if a team needs a lowbie gimme a shout.

I've also got a server going spare (like 100's of other Wolfenstein servers atm it seems) if the Cup needs it, or a team needs somewhere to practise.
Sui Wolf admin nao? :XD
Avi for team PMMM
need team PM
Avi for team Francais / English / Nederlands

Just pme on crossfire or #as-clan.et @ quakenet
need teem!
need a team for this one !
let this game die ffs
nice one, I hope its a success...
hx will take this :P
hyperion gaming going to play this. Thx for the cup.
i cant play tesla, keeps crashing, so : nothx
Quote* If mp_tesla is causing crashes on any of your players' PCs, then let a cup admin know & mp_canals will be played instead

avi 4 team
Great Success!
Nice idea, good luck! Keep those cups commin'.
chosen ; this guy gave some statistics!

please 50 warning points just like me
get cg_autoaction for wolf :< and make some configs for the buyable stuff... like i want to make a new acc for every stupid cup :X
w_autorecord 1 for demos, and with the new 0.1b wolfpro + servercommand there are no upgrades available.
then i wont need a new account every single match/cup? :P
no you can use your *normal* account now.
merc avi
what about wolftv? is it announced?
there will be a stream, showing 1 match per stage with shoutcasting.
why on wednesday and not on a sunday :/

and why announcing it just one day before the cup starts :(

because u suck, thats why 8)
Could your rules page be any harder to read?
first one day cup for new wolfenstein and main news :D
great success!
3 et teams, 13 qw/bf/cod? teams
maybe, if they fix the lag issues 1st
fixed already
we're using it already
need team :o
omg franzl omg
still in need - hx is tooooo low, especially hx^duKe_ <3
ololololol :D
ölölöl noor my old homeboy! i got a warning coz of writing in german language :o! that´s the way xfire is celebrating my cumback -.- . things have changed... *cry me a river*
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