UPDATE: Wolfpro 0.1 is out of beta!

Hi there,

what a day. About 12 hours ago, we were close to releasing the competition and pub version of wolfpro. After some good brainstorming however, we were able to come up with another solution. cvars! While we first thought that it is not possible without the SDK (esp. synced cvars) we were lucky enough to find a way!

So here we are! 12 hours later with a full powered 0.1 update!

UPDATE: everybody that did download the mod before 21:10 cet redownload it. you can make sure if you are up to date by joining this server: connect;password nonpro

Download: http://wolfpro.myhannes.info

Changelog Beta -> 0.1
  • 15/20 for bank,hospital,manor & canals
  • 15/25 for facility and tesla
  • Fixed all missing nade / panzerfaust / airstrike / flammenwerfer effects / explosions (first person)
  • Fixed ATI shadow bug
  • Fixed missing effect on tesla ( electrical barrier )
  • Fixed MP40 / MP43 falloff damage ( we need your feedback on that )
  • Fixed weapprev & weapnext fov bug
  • Panzerfaust was reworked. 20 Second shoot delay, no reload, faster, wider splash, more damage
  • HUD health / veil bars are colord now (white to red)
  • HUD fonts are smaller
  • HUD font elements have a shadow
  • Scope material has no picmip anymore
  • HUD indicator for recording a demo

Cvar changes:

Quotews_axisRespawnTime [-1, n] default: -1 will use the default wolfpro spawntime
ws_alliedRespawnTime [-1, n] default: -1 will use the default wolfpro spawntime
ws_allowUpgrades [0,1] default 1: Enable / disble any upgrade

Quote w_skipMuzzleFlash [0,1] default 0 - skip weapon muzzleflash
w_autoRecord[0,1] default 0 - will auto record a demo on match start, and stop it on match end

Added Serverside Mapconfigs:
The mod has now a new folder containing the mapscripts: wolfpro/maps/<mapname>.cfg
At the moment those scripts only hold the respawn time. If you think that the times should be changed, just change them in the corresponding map script.

but remember, to enable this feature, your server cfg must contain the following cvar: g_execMapConfigs and it must be set to 1

Added preset cfgs for:
  • avidemo: exec preset_avidemo
  • windowed: exec preset_windowed
  • fullscreen: exec preset_fullscreen

So far, your wolfpro team!

PS: we know about the lag with no upgrades, we are looking into it.
shrapmod >> this but will check !
JaKaZc: Well, WolfPro could save the game at the moment, there are some great changes already and some more are coming. The vanilla game is not made for competetive gaming.

i love you babe!
whats this fake shit ?!
dno, some digimon page has this shit :/
i don't think that anything can save the game from such engine :-)
wtf is shrapmod?
Nice, good job guys.
Great job, and funny to see that all of this is possible because they can't compile their scripts.
15/20 for bank,hospital,manor & canals FTL

15/25 for bank,hospital,manor & canals FTW!
read the docs! you have mapscripts, just do your own spawntime

then I will have to hear about it when we scrim EU... "In EU WE USE 15/20... THESE AXIS SPAWNS ARE TOO LONG!!! YOU UNHIT AMERIKANS"
then don't scrim vs EU teams and stay in your world dominating united states of whatevah! Or maybe just start using the same settings as we do for a change.
Only can scrim EU teams at 02:00 CET due to work. Mostly end up having to play vs. EU teams that use 1 to 2 ringers because it's early morning. All of the other American teams either quit the game or don't pracy/war/scrim because this game is DEAD. We are constantly spamming for scrims in most of the quakenet Wolfenstein channels around the time listed above and on the weekends during normal hours.

We only use EU rules and found 15/25 - 20/30 to be the best spawn times on all the maps. To bad tomorrows Cup is on a weekday and not on the weekend. Not sure what we would do with that EU server anyways.
Awesome stuffs :DDDD
Looks good again, even though its only a few changes. Upgrades turned off in scrims will at least stop everyone being paranoid :P.

The panzer fix hopefully will also be nice, since the point blank panzer and survive thing was kinda stupid.

I was also a bit bored so i made some spawn timer scripts to sayTeam the spawn intervals, theres one for 15 and 20 second spawns at the moment.

http://www.crmbs.co.uk/wolfenstein/?page_id=2 (report any mistakes in them to me)
QuoteUpgrades turned off in scrims will at least stop everyone being paranoid

and start the whine with lag

they are fixing it now :D
pls reply to my question on your site :)
i luve u so much now
hannes = legend
awesome work, much appreciated... :DDD
need pause!!!
well done
nice !
so you don´t have to wait for the SDK anymore?
buy it. they use punkbuster for cheat protection so its easy to bypass whenever you get bored of sucking.
play ET or RTCW, all your wishes included \o/
LoL @ sounds
fireteam allready included, and works good.
how to create one ?
bind ''key'' _fireteam
And if you invite players to join the fireteam tell them to press F1 or, Bind ''F1' vote yes.
Or make fireteam public so ppl can join it with _fireteam bind.
awesome work guys. now lets work on the upgrades to remove them. fucking annoying to play against loser using upgrades
I find it interesting that hannes & crew are the only one working on this game while id/activison/sokal are sitting on their asses and haven't released one patch since release.
I just hope they are fixing all the bugs and problems with the MP before releasing the patch.
probably working on rage.
Activision is the publisher. It would be Activision providing support like patches.

id and Activision probably won't be working together again. What is Activisions incentive to patch Wolf?
u should try sharp mod
its just pointless having 2 teams working on seperate mods, just like etpro & antipro
there are many differences between etpro/antipro and wolfpro/shrapmod. etpro development stopped long time ago and antipro changes almost nothing on etpro besides adding an anticheat. you can not compare the current wolfenstein modding situation with antipro&etpro.
etpro refused to work with antipro while shrapmod and wolfpro are not working together. while etpro stopped developing, they couldve still helped out the antipro staff. the situation with wolf is different, true, both groups are simultaneously building their versions of the game while not really contributing for greater good doing so. the result is nearly the same.
what about when the engi is building, he cant look around the map.. like in ET, where u can stand with ur back to the constuct box and still build?? good or bad idea? :)
good job
is the game still laggy??
Panzer and flamer are bugged.

Panzer: After warmup time, if u used it and it has charging time left, when you start the match, you still have to wait.

Flamer: If you are burning and there is burning time left, even if you die, when you respawn you still burning.
Panzer is not a bug. Even in ET if I remember right, when you shot a panzer & respawned you still had to wait - the way it works. But yeah, always when you shoot before a match you have to wait, so no panzer shooting during warmup lol :X Same with grenades sometimes. Happened a few times during warm up someone throws a nade, game starts and it drops and TK's :DDD

Flamethrower is wierd though. Was running around in warmup and toasted myself, and nearly died after I spawned because I was still getting hit by it :S
thats actually quite funny :>
i still cant see

-removed ironsight
-removed veils
you are a little bit stubborn.
no i want to see a proper game not a cod bullcrap game
How is it with Referee @ ET
I mean the server admin modus.. I cant find where I can vote or kick some1
They can't add those features while the SDK is not released.
Not sure if its fixed already but if you have muzzleflash/ui_showgun 0 then you cant see the flames of a flamer
good job.
i'm still waiting for anti-pro, while new wolf came out and has a pro mod and patch already... hmmz :Xd
well done
Good Job. Keep up the good work!
give this game a chance otherwise ill not survive the first opencup
nice :D
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