Warleagues ET Season XII has come to an end

image: vxm2iu
Greetings Warleagues fans,

After a little more than 3 months of exciting matches, the Warleagues Enemy Territory Season XII has finally come to and end. In the finals Poland Team Celsus didn't play bad at all, even with some lineup problems, but the Finnish powerhouse Keskus Rikos Poliisi clearly had the upper hand in this match. My congratulations go out to Finland Keskus Rikos Poliisi as the winners of this season.

1st. Finland Keskus Rikos Poliisi
2nd. Poland Team Celsus
3rd. Germany AoW & United Kingdom increased

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all teams for participating in this season and I hope to see you all back next season. Unfortunately this season did not turn out as we expected, as the system did not support divisions (yet). This resulted in a rather strange cup format, with 4 winners of each division/group moving on to the winnerscup. Hopefully the next season will have a better system so we can have a separate winnerscup for each division.
gj :) keep up the work
nice fucking up the gtv odds with fake-lineup set first :p
I got more money \o/
izist wl ever? damn ET is so dead ;z
:) well done
Any infos about the new season (date)?
The pocal is mine
Finland Stalkiii wins Warleagues
Team Celsus didn't play bad at all, even with some lineup problems ( NOT?)
You did play bad or do you mean you had no lineup problems?
oh yeah!
nice cup
keep up good work WL! gratz KRP
lowest ec wl ever !!
NICE JOB TAZ!!!!!!!!

QuoteIn the finals Team Celsus didn't play bad at all, even with some lineup problems

I disagree, they played fucking terrible
ah... fuck you
sad that the Groupadmins had no adminsrights in the Winnerscup...
But still i enjoyed the work for WL...
Hope i'll be in the adminpool again next season
get ready to be Germany c.
hmm, this system was nice imo
nice season
yeah it was good, kinda reminded me of old seasons where u had to qualify for next season [for premier] against the premier teams

so that weaker can have a shot for that aswell

ofcourse it cant work like that if teams stop playing / rebuilding / different teams so there's hard choice to make between all teams but average idea was great. maybe tiny tweaking to it that top clans would have less useless games like we had now. thumbs up from me
I'd like to see the old strict rules (about cheaters) again...
i agree bout those rules! WL indeedly needs me! eventhough i know personally that any krp member doesn't cheat. <:
i dont want to be banned again :(
yea well, they kinda like said if they ban all cheaters there wouldnt be enough teams anymore which is probably right.

was just a thing that seperated them from other leagues.
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