XonX-Network Public Server

XonX-Network is proud to present you with their public server hosted by Cyber Athlete Game Services. Unlike, current conventional servers, it features brand new map scripts and special settings to improve your gaming experience.

What follows are the major enhancements:

-Knockback is disabled
-Spread has been reduced
-Helmet protection is disabled
-All heavy weapons are disabled including rifle grenades and mines

The server will run on objective gametype with the following map rotation:

-No major changes

-New axis spawn behind the bank
-New allied spawn at balcony activated when command post is built and bank doors are blown out
-New emplacement for command post
-All mg nests have been removed including tank mounted mg
-Both the tank and truck are now indestructible

-New allied spawn at command post when the latter is built
-Axis can now spawn on the upper garrison area using alternate /setspawnpt
-All mg nests have been removed
-Axis command post has been removed
-Water now drains completely from the tunnels
-Team doors are also blown along the old city wall

-All mg nests have been removed/disabled
-Team doors are blown along with main and side entrances

-no major changes

-New axis spawn at garage
-All mg nests have been removed

In addition to the above settings there are numerous other minor enhancements:
-Console command /players no longer displays /rate, /cl_maxPackets, /cl_timeNudge and only outputs team status, client number and player names. It now also correctly displays ^ in names
-Players with empty or duplicate names won't be able to connect to the server and will be informed accordingly
-Faking other players' names during the game will lead to a kick
-Flooding the server with either name, team or class changes will lead to a kick
-Complete user management system including protection levels and commands
-Killing sprees

Server address:
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