Eurocup Sunday Wrap up!

A cracking night of ET Action for all as the Clanbase Eurocup ET Qualifiers took center stage this evening. A number of top names in action, and an epic match played out for the masses in the shape of asd vs sub which is where the wrap up focuses (as thats the match I saw!).

United Kingdom sublime 2:4 Europe asd

A strong Supply defence saw sublime race into a one map lead with hYpe setting out a good case for his 'UK's #1 field ops' claim top fragging and damaging throughout the map. A combination of problems for asd meant they didnt get the first stage for 6 minutes and after that the map was a foregone conclusion, despite several exciting points along the way. However, it was the Goldrush first stage of asd that set the tone for an asd comeback, holding the tank for 4 minutes and getting the tank barrier up. They were able to successfully keep the sublime side at bay for about 11 minutes and that opened the door for a lengthy attack, which in truth they needed the comfort of as their first stage offence was a touch impotent.
Once past the first stage they were on cruise control and got the objectives away after a mad scramble at the back MG corner with Baggiez racing away with the documents towards the truck. Who should pop up from the command post but hYpe and the rivalry was to come under the spot light as unchallenged hYpe let rip with the sten onto Baggiez only to completely miss and Baggiez (not knowing where hYpe was) kept running and put the objectives home! (THis being the reason for most of the journals this evening!)
Radar started more to the liking of sublime however as asd's first stage attack was disjointed and combined with 2 or 3 defuses on the front gate it really didnt look good for them. They finally completed the first stage with 6 minutes played, it took them only half of that time to complete the second as they recovered well to set a little over 9 minutes to beat, a time that favoured sublime. Sublime took 3 and a bit minutes to take the first stage and had, just like asd, 6 minutes to complete the second stage however with some last ditch defending it was asd who came out on top and held on to win the map, and the match. All round, a cracking evenings entertainment!

United Kingdom Baggiez had the following to say on both the match and his rivalry with hYpe:

Quote by About the matchI think most teams would have lost in our position after our performance on supply, really proud of how we played on swgr & radar, it showed a lot of character. Hopefully this will shut Kamz up for a while. Just happy we could put on an exciting game for everyone who tuned in to watch & listen, and a big thank-you to everyone who offered their support before and after the match.

Quote by About the UK's #1 fieldops crown - "Evidentally I am...and UKs best covert by default"

The other results from tonights action (Sorry I cant give you a match report as I didnt see them!)

Europe TAG 4:0 Belgium system6
Europe EC Winners 4:0 Finland zero Empathy
Costa Rica Cortana 0:4 Europe European Elite
Europe glitz 4:0 Poland invitium
Hungary underscore 2:4 Europe zZz

You can see the replays for all of those over on and the results are of course all from Clanbase
Damn it was nice to hear you shoutcast again :-)
was a nice match :p
Question: why didn't you run with the objectives since your teammates had just respawned and could have given you immediate backup / firing support? :p
because he is dumb as a rock
read ensams comment
u could had a chance @west part

nice match though,both gave a good performance :>
good shoutcast as always tosspot.
we should've won. we just did some individual mistakes and thats what us fucked up.
like failing hard ;/
good game anyway.
deserved win by asd, they showed character like baggiez said.
you have loads of peoplewhothinkyouhax fans
underscore 2:4 zZz
when we got raged on sd,i wouldnt have bet a penny on us for the win :D gg anyway

edit: fucking good that u'r back toss
attention en traversant la route!
entertaining, both were pretty much evenly matched
Best match i've seen in a year
I hate your shoutcasts... gtfo random
u still didnt learn that croatia is hr :( und is hungarian btw
was an awesome sc, hope to hear some more in the future of teh EC ;)
Grats on making ET interesting again, at least for a night. :D
+1, most interesting match on ETTV for about 3-4 years for me lol
Great cast! Was the first time i'd watched ettv in about a year!
Great shoutcasting Tosspot! You make ETTV a lot more fun to watch :)
Cortana - costarican power!

all uk's fops sux. best uk players plays in celsus,sleeperz, ec winners those guys who played yesterday was backup skill!
gj asd
QuoteSorry I cant give you a match report as I didnt see them!
go watch em!
Go to work you! :P
leaving in 20 mins :X :(
^2 worth to report :)
indeed :P was a rly nice game
Finland Lettu = Amazing :)
I watched ec winners instead hahahaa
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