No Modern Warfare 2 demo

Infinity Ward announced that there will not be a demo of Modern Warfare 2, the highly anticipated successor of Call of Duty 4.

image: 2hxrfm

Earlier Robert Bowling already stated that it's unlikely that an open multiplayer beta would be released either.
The reason for these decisions is the time Infinity Ward would have to invest into developing and managing such a pre-launch event, they would rather spend it developing the actual game.
For Call of Duty 4 Infinity Ward did release a demo and a public beta. Of course there is still a chance that they will release a demo post-launch.

Looks like we'll have to wait until the 10th of November!
why :(((((((((((((((
the game will rock anyway !

and they've seen that a demo can destroy the entire game (Wolf), so pretty much intelligent by Infinity Ward :-)
yeah i think wolf leaked demo helped a few ppl to save 50 bugs :D

unfortunatelly not me T_T ... i was so dumb to buy it anyways :/
Wolf never had a demo, just a leaked private beta
hehe yeah true, it was a leaked final version :D
if they make the game good (no bugs etc), they can make a demo, but i guess, there will be a after-5-minutes-release-patch
2gb patches incoming :D
Wolf was a leaked final version, the "beta" didn't made the game look bad it was proof the game was going to be bad.
Looks like we'll have to wait until the 10th of November!

looks like they`ll have to suck my cock for that money :S
clever move! ,
no problem for waitin, its mine! :>
Crossfire 3.0 - A Software Pirate Community most likely doesn't care.

On topic: It's CoD from Infinity Ward. They could pack a shit into the box and people would still buy it. No demo, no beta and an increased pricetag and still it will sell millions.
It could very well be the biggest entertainment launch of all-time. Talking about a hype? ;)
Yeah the wet dream of every publisher when a hype has reached a level where nothing can stop it.
Agreed, one of the main reasons they can do this. That doesn't mean this game won't be good though :)
need a rss feed w/o cod news, thanks!
Actually this makes me a little nervous. Seems like maybe Activision learned something about playable versions (demos/betas) of bad games getting released & how much it hurts their potential revenue after the Wolfenstein fiasco. If the game is good why not release a demo? Been standard practice for awhile now.
The article stated the reason: "they would rather spend it developing the actual game"
Well of course they're gonna give an excuse. Would they really come right out & say "we're afraid people won't like the demo & therefore not buy the game" ?
It does make sense to invest your time into the real game, but you do have a point. Although perhaps they just don't want to give people too much information to keep the mystery hype going?
Yes anythings possible & my statements are obviously pure speculation. Just makes me nervous companies not releasing playable demos all the sudden. Tired of wasting my money.

$50.00 for COD4/ Modern Warfare didn't bother me too terribly but felt it was hardly worth that. Was bored with the MP especially playing comp in less than a month.

$40.00 for Wolfenstein is starting to hurt a little. Really expected some fixes by now. Only thing that eases the pain in my wallet is the comfort that I got years of free enjoyment out of ET so I don't mind so much in that sense throwing id a little cash. Activision on the other hand can piss off.

$20.00 for CSS is about the only game I've bought in recent years that was right about at the appropriate cost. I don't get into the game to awful much but it's fun to play on occasion which makes the cost justifiable.

When I look at all the media for MW2 all I see is the same boring game that MW was. Everything I hated about is being replicated. Thats exactly what went wrong with COD5 & why it was never nearly successful as the rest of the series. My gut tells me this is why theres no demo & with no demo to check, I won't be rushing out with $50.00 in hand to buy another turd wrapped in a shinny box.
If you say that the reason of the unsuccessful sales & quality of CoD5 was the exact copy of CoD4, then why did CoD4 sell so much?
Alright alright, it's all about taste when it comes down to multiplayer. I've been playing ET from the start, and still don't get bored of it (well kinda), and it was a free game! That's an immense cost/value ratio! You won't ever find a game that cheap for such an experience if you ask me :P And yes, CoD4 isn't the same competitive experience as ET. But it also has SP and some great MP public elements.
The style of competition in CoD4 is just different, much slower, much more tactical. If you don't like that, then you can still enjoy the SP or MP public, so not wasted money for most buyers. But if you don't like playing pubs and the SP hasn't gotten under your skin (which is weird) then ye, point taken!

If you didn't like MW1 at all as a whole (SP, MP public & comp) then I wouldn't count on MW2 to be much better :/
QuoteIf you say that the reason of the unsuccessful sales & quality of CoD5 was the exact copy of CoD4, then why did CoD4 sell so much?

Because when COD4 was released it was something new. COD5 was the same thing re-hashed. Why spend $50.00 on something you already have?

QuoteThe style of competition in CoD4 is just different, much slower, much more tactical. If you don't like that, then you can still enjoy the SP or MP public, so not wasted money for most buyers.

It's not the style that got dry. I don't mind slow & tactical.The game was actually quite fun at 1st. What got to me was the same handful of comp maps with the same exact objective over & over & over & so far thats what I'm seeing MW2 shaping up to be. Maybe some new maps but same tired objective.

As for publics, I've never really been a huge fan of pubs in any game. All the randomness & various levels of skill, you can keep it. Now the SP of COD4 was good & I thoroughly enjoyed it. What pissed me off was I eased through it in just over a day. Same with Wolfenstein. WTF happened to SP games that took weeks if not months to complete. Christ the original Pitfall on the Atari 2600 took me longer to beat. I remember staying up hours on end as a kid trying to beat the original Metal Gear or Castelvania on NES. If you added up all the time I vested into the Zelda & Final Fantasy series from back in the day I've probably lost years of my life to that shit. Even RTCW took some time. Devs these days spend far too much time & resources in developing environment & gameplay & hardly anything on content. COD4 SP was a bit of a disappointment in that aspect.
Mostly agree on you with that.
The reason they don't make more content in the SP is because of the immense amount of time the graphics and breathtaking action takes to develop. Just the first level of CoD4 where the whole boat starts sinking and you jumping towards a copper just holding on with your nails takes a much longer time than it took to make 10 levels in the first Zelda's. We kind of expect the wow-factor to be there. I tried playing old adventures again, but damn I'm grown away from it. Plain and simple *used* to be fun, but not anymore nowadays.

But then why do you complain when MW2 is an improved copy of MW1? MW2 gives more content that looks a lot like the cool content we had in MW1 SP. Sure you have to pay up, but that's how it goes these days...
QuoteBut then why do you complain when MW2 is an improved copy of MW1? MW2 gives more content that looks a lot like the cool content we had in MW1 SP. Sure you have to pay up, but that's how it goes these days...

Maybe so but that is MP content where it's not needed. I was referring more to SP content. MP needs a variation in objectives. So far the only differences I really see are in perks & weapons. The new Demolition mode really looks to be more of the same.
CTF is new!
Doesn't really affect his point. Not saying i agree with him, but they would say that, wouldnt they?
i see the same fail like wolfenstein incomiiiiiiiiiiing
i saw ingame videos

game looks awesome :)

cod4 nr 2
I did only read "Modern Warfare 2 demo" now my day is ruined.
whats so good about that game?
all i heard was thats its the same as mw
explain plz
Depends largely on which part of the game you mean: SP, MP publics or MP comp
mp comp ofc
For comp there won't be many differences of course, since the community likes to be very sceptic about new changes. They will likely make it CoD4 with better graphics (although configs will just turn those down to save fps). Or they make it a combination of CoD4 and CoD2 (which was already attempted by CoD4 modders).

New gameplay elements such as the riotshield will most probably not be used due to the disadvantages and of course the scepticism of the community. Although it does offers a whole range of new tactical possibilities.

New guns and maps and dual wield (if not imba) will be refreshing the comp scene, but other than that, not much really "new" will be in MW2. Unless they didn't announce new stuff yet (highly likely). The old maps of CoD4 won't be in MW2 due to the new gameplay features, but since the comp scene always cuts away the new imba stuff, perhaps we will see their return in custom maps.
so thats the deal
developers took the cod:mw and put it into a box on which it says cod:mw2 and the whole world freaks out?

are u guys out of ur mind ???
No kazzam, the whole world doesn't play MP competitively. Only a small percentage. That's why this wasn't the focus of the devs. The SP has received significant changes and the MP public too. I could go over them too if you want.
you will be paying for new maps and weaponskins.

i like cod4, but im kinda sick of the current maps being played over and over
because there's only a few well balanced competition maps
Agreed all I saw was everything I hated about MW. Brink has my attention atm not a re-hased boring repeat.
The title is CoD4:MW2? They need to change the PR guy.
No they changed the title to Modern Warfare 2 since Treyarch (the failstudio who made CoD5: WaW) has the rights on the "Call of Duty" name, and Infinity Ward has the rights on "Modern Warfare".
There was a poll amongst Americans to see if they recognised the franchise by the Modern Warfare name, and while a lot of people recognised the franchise by the Call of Duty name, only half of that amount recognised "Modern Warfare". That's why the normal edition of the MW2 game will be called: "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2", while the collectors & prestige edition will just have the "Modern Warfare 2" title.
But nevertheless, the official title is: "Modern Warfare 2".
Is there anything you dont know about this game? :P
Told you, it got me psyched :P
Interestingly enough the failstudio brought better after-release support for the game than infinity ward. Meh, but I guess that's part of the hype.
Don't know about that, I stopped playing it after a couple MP pub sessions...
The reason why it's a failstudio in my opinion is because they took the success of CoD4, took the engine, took the general gameplay, and changed the location. They surely didn't add a lot of new stuff and the things they did add were nothing less than awful. Dogs, tanks, lag, it all added on top of each other and made for a great game a shit sequel. That's entirely my opinion though :-)
thats an outright lie , considering i had read a while back on the IW forums that bowling aka fourzerotwo said "we aren't making a demo because we'd rather you guys focus on the actual game"
"you guys" or "our guys"? :p
no they were talking to people on the IW forums, they said "You"

Basically they want to make sure no one tries the demo and says "hey I really don't like this game im not gonna buy it", so instead they will let all the pc people just buy it and play it cuz they wasted $50.

I enjoy cod4 and i'm sure i'll enjoy mw2 competetively also but they surely aren't as good as the original COD's were. Mostly because they are direct xbox ports.
ET <-----
ET ---->
Fucking americans and their dating system, I thought it was gonna be out on 11th october.
this bodes not well...
guess why they say cod wf2 will be this years best fps game? because soon its 2010 and then will come Battlefield:BAD COMPANY 2 WICH WILL BE THE BEST GAME EVER!!!1 xDDDDDDDDDDDDd fucking own :)

BF <3
this game is going to be the future of the competitive gaming (hopefully)
The future of gaming posted by Future :-)
What is this hype about this game? For me it looks exactly like the previous version, except the guns.
like noorgrin mentioned: it will ahve the publisher support, the promod will appear very soon cause the game is similar to cod4 and new gfx and graphics are not bad for any mp part of a game.
so it will be successfull :>
CoD series is clever , they do every game the same , they didnt wolfenstein did it aswell , copy wolfenstein +add new things +maps , tadaa awesome game , but nooo , we need something new ... CoD bring somuch money and its allways like the same game , well done :-)
more or less.. they add a lot from 2/3 to 4 with the perks and stuff like that.. but true they just changed the skins+ maps @ 5 and mostly minor changes to 6.

but thats a good thing.. take something great and add some usefull/fancy stuff.

thats what they should have done with et right. add some nice stuff (more depth in classbuliding for example) and some new grafic+maps.
ET players would be surprised how good CoD4 is! This shyt is gonna rock the world!
it is nice.. but actually i hate the cs like matchtype. public with HQ is fun. but i hate it to wait for up to a couple of minutes after some bad luck at start. otherwise its a great game.
i lold @ u
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