Kreaturen vs

Two big names go head to head in the ET Steelseries Summer cup tonight organised by eSports Heaven. Dutch powerhouse Kreaturen take on CC6 champions in a the Semi Final of the tournament which may have slipped a touch under the radar in recent times, but should still have mouths watering at the prospect of such a big game!

Netherlands Kreaturen 0-4 Slovenia Mamut
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Latvia dunno
Shoutcast QuadV TosspoT

Finland Squall gave Crossfire the following statement:

QuoteI cant wait for tonights match and getting back to top level ET action with Mamut, we're always going to be a match for anyone with our lineup and I intend to show teKoa what hes missing by leaving idle all those years ago! Mark my words, tonights match will be one to remember!

Also taking stage tonight is the Eurocup Qualifiers Loserbracket match between Belgium Bpbeh and Croatia Cortana. Two teams who are no stranger to the Eurocup are nestled in the loser bracket with the reality that one of them wont be making it into this season. The belgians there courtesy of their favourite opposition, Polands Blurred Vision and Cortana there after going down 4:0 to European Elite on Sunday.

Croatia frozz kept his prematch statement short and sweet...."aCozZ is back!"

Whilst Belgium vila was also a man of few, yet always controversial words: "if we won't win this, i am eating my hat"

That match takes place at the same time as the Mamut vs Kreaturen match, with all the ETTV goodness over here.

Update Belgium 5:3 Croatia Cortana - It was the longest match ever

Shoutcast - download
lol frozz :D
No shoutcast Tosspot? :(
Yeah for the first game - Added to post
how to open that pls file? With what program?
Winamp or video lan player
either of the two files that beggin will open it, but only when its onair (about 15 minutes before the match)

In order to sync your casts with ETTV, read this tutorial -
Nice sound we got!

who the f is burping =DDD
Longest match was actually: (Cortana vs Authentic Gaming: 6:6)
what a surprise, cortana!

e: that in 2 days or not?
its all your bloody fault i casted it! GIVE ME BACK MY NIGHT
Let me shoutcast then ffs, seriously teach me and I can shoutcast today's match between asd and ec winnars
bullshit. they were two separate matches, both ending in a decider map. just, they were played one after another.
I just saw the score idk
wow this certainly is a big shock:P

but I love shocks:D
how to open pls file tosspot shoutcast in, with what program?
oh cool :) finally a good match after 1 year with gay matches
danke <3
gl gunzii

ozapft is!
Doubt teKoa will miss anything. x)
who is xperia?
nothing to see at krea, they get slaughtered every time
are you jealous?
Not really he's telling the truth tbh.
i've never seen them play a serious game the past 2 years
luckily u are pwning cortona noa at supply
will be the first time in a longlong time that im gonna watch some ettv :>
Even after all these years your taste in music remains shite ~/
Come on, TosspoT is my number one source for brit pop ;)
only thing tekoa is missing is my level 113 blader!
yeah :> he's level 100 force shielder Lun4t1C is level 90 warrior and im level 113 blader :P
hehe :)
which server?
btw, i had a lvl 142 wizard on mars, just someone always cracked it(4 times : D)
and if u 3 are playing together, then make a wizard,blader,warrior combination, this will be perfect after lvl 125 ;)
atm i'm trying to get a 154 wi from my mate, cuz he is not playing anymore, but he doesn't want to give that char to me :DD
that's nothing, I had a 170 archer, almost full slotted mithril on the other server
on private server ? : >
no, a friend of mine also played on that char, so mega fast lvling :)
and waht wahs ur char name? which server?
Mars (not mercury)
Name: Selenna

Section9 member, top 100 char of the server :)
lold, aree u selenna ? omg : D theres no way : DD
42 Selenna 170 53362205 Section9
Not me alone though :>

Tbh I don't play that often anymore, used to farm like shit but the fun part - running dungeons with mates - kinda got boring...
Please,ForceShielder and Warrior is an awesome combo!
fs will be useless after lvl 125, low aoe, low dmg, medium/high def..
which server are u playing on?
we're on jupiter ;d
heh, i don't know anything about jupiter :D
mars' prices are fucking low cuz of hackers, mercury is okay, but i just know shit about jupiter : D
pfft,you just dont know how real ForceShielders play!
i have a lvl 105 fs on mars, but its rly shit :P
btw, are u going for mFS or sFS ?
Making a sFS for now,dont feel much for mFS with only his cannons.
Might make it a mFS if I get too much trouble in the dungeons later or ill just start another char.

So far the skills of a sFS look awesome at least. :>
Normal damage is low but a sFS is all about luck!
sFS is the worst thing what i've ever heard :P
lets see: sfs:mid/high att,mid/high def, slow, not big aoe(bigger than mfs) low dps
mfs: mid/high magic, mid/high defm low/normal speed, small aoe dmg, big range

for dungeons, bosses fs is useless, hard to solo dungeons, which means low leveling, little money

Eventhough the damage is lower than a mFS its alot more fun to play.
Also the crit damage isnt that bad,just need to be able to get some great crit+amp gear.

If you make a FS to go magic you should make a wizard or something.
I guess everyone has a different opinion about sFS or mFS but the skills of a sFS look at least 10 times better. :P

My BM on the otherhand is pretty gay looking. :(
heh, the sfs skills are awesome ? pls :DD where do u live ? its yellow, and ugly, yuk ! :D
btw, how many crit dmg/rate attack/def and amp u have(with basic+buffs) ? :P
and yes, ur bm is ugly .D
SB and SS look nice yes,better than 95% of the other skills at least. (not stronger but better looking)

Also its not yellow,its blue because I only crit! :D
i mean the skills are yellow, not the text witht the dmg :P

btw, how many crit dmg/rate attack/def and amp u have(with basic+buffs) ? :P
I just got to lvl 101 and the gear I got is pretty basic so its all pretty low.
Havent bought anything good yet,just wearing what I found more or less.

CDI= 65%
CDR = 48%
amp = 3% :D
def = 629
attack rate = 1552
CDI= 65%/ basic crit dmg=+20%
CDR = 48%/ basic crit rate=+5%
amp = 3%/ epaulette of fighter right ? :D
def = 629
attack rate = 1552 does not matter if ur killing with combo
in 101 its all okay
just buy a ring of luck +1(after +2 if u have money) crit ring +1/+2, helm with drit dmg, stit gloves/bootswith swampm its not too much, and an osmium suit with 7%s.amp + 50 hp/clear slot
weapons are 7amp mithril(:DD) or a lot crit dmg
I got 2x RoL+1 and yes the amp is from the EoF :P
epic ettv fail
epic server restart fail
didnt even have a chance to watch it. :/
want ketchup or mayo with that hat vila XDDD???
hahaaaa ketchup pls
I confirm the map choice
Can we see a cortana - edit matchreport tomorrow pleewz?
listen to the cast!
The man asked for a report !!
The other man told him to listen to the cast!
the first man asked for a report!
But that other guy said listen to the cast!
the first man is always right, im sry :(
The second man always comes along to correct mistakes!
hmmmmmm, but the third man is always right?
Yes please.
what was wrong with ETTV yesterday???...chaos³!!!
vila > busted
omg noops
you still owe me poker money! With interest ill soon take your house
that money has already been spent.
yes please.
You wanna fart with me
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