BRINK Mega Interview *Updated

Today released the first part of a four part mega interview with with Splash Damage Creative Director, Richard Ham, where they cover everything there is to know about the upcoming spring 2010 shooter.
image: brinkxf

Episode 1 looks at the game's background, including story, what we can expect from the setup of the title and more.

BRINK Mega Interview, Episode 1: The Background
BRINK Mega Interview, Episode 2: The Mechanics
BRINK Mega Interview, Episode 3: The Rest
BRINK Mega Interview, Episode 4: Achievements

Also in Brink news, Splash Damage recently had a small press event , with several journalists getting a closer look at the game and some special interview time with the people behind it. The resulting write-ups are now starting to pop up and you can read first-hand impressions in Will Porter's two-pager on Eurogamer, Alec Meer's extensive preview on Rock, Paper, Shotgun, as well as the latest issue of PC Gamer UK.

If you're still hungry for more Brink information I suggest reviewing Beggins post here at crossfire titled "Brink in September" for a massive collection of articles, interviews & videos.

Q&A thread with Richard Ham
Summary of Q&A with spam removed
-thanks dohfOs
brink will be awesome :>
how do u know?
dunno all my hopes are on that game, but from what i've heard and seen it looks nice and the gamplay sounds great
My first hopes were on: ET:QW - Failed

then I thought Wolfenstein will be great but - failure ...

I just don't think (but I hope) this will rock my socks off :)
i played et:qw beta and it was not so bad, but noone played it so i didn't bought it and never played it again.
i didn't played wolf yet ( only 5min leaked version ) and i think it's not a game which i can play active and very day, it's getting boring to fast. the sp should be very nice maybe i will try it next days.
so from what i've read about the mp, it sound good with classes and teamplay and stuff, but we will see in the end ^^
That's really awesome but I don't think that crossfire needs it, I mean, we got our own and personal "interview" with Richard Ham.
Yes because I'm wasting valuable random cup news space, rofl whatever
I was just saying my opinion, anyway, you shouldn't take it personal :D
didn't :)

Theres no such thing as too much information
No cup news space anymore, now it's front space!

I don't mind btw ;)
He does have somewhat of a point but meh, like I said no such thing as too much info. tbh I noticed the Brink ? forum when it was first posted but have paid very little attention to it since. I just now looked it over again.At 1st I truly thought it was some kinda hoax & not actually Richard Ham. Just goes to the character & the lengths this guy will go to.
Yep he's great!
This game will be epic. Short summary from wiki
QuoteBrink is a first person shooter. It has a story mode which can be played co-operatively online in 8-a-side missions. Players can create a custom character with additional rewards given with experience points. When joining a game, the player replaces an AI fighter.

(basically it's like ET but with a bit more of a story behind each map/mission)
Richard Ham would also make a good comedian :D
I love the vibe I get from from him. It's nice to see somebody in his position gushing with enthusiasm the way does. So used to Peter Sokals disconnected approach. This guy not only goes out of his way to make himself available but you can tell he throughly enjoys what he's doing.
You are so right. Peter Sokal could learn a thing or two from him.
"When joining a game, the player replaces an AI fighter."
hope you can turn that off. cuz else u might find yourself only play aginst bots all the time like in et-qw.
dejavu! you fucking suck
p.s. fuck you wanker
This gives me hope :)
Ok shit site is shit.
I can't seem to find a link to the actual interview on that xbox site.
aaah no flash at work so that's why it didn't show that :)
you can tell hes a good guy, and that he actually cares if the game turns out great or not. This is what developers are missing these days and its why these guys are going to make an amazing game.

As long as the gameplay videos look decent, I will be buying this game opening day , finally developers that care about the community..
You have to keep in mind though that listening to the community does not mean doing what the community wants. I think it has the potential to be a great game if you do not expect another ET. Because from all I've seen and heard so far I doubt it will be anything like ET.
uh, in what terms? If you mean by movement, weapons and other minor game dynamics, I would agree, but that's what new games are for... however they have stated they're keeping the whole class, objective system with team based elements, fast revives (he said more than one way to revive as well) on a decently developed engine (as far as they've said)
ETQW had all that as well (except the decently developed engine) and you know how that ended. Movement, weapons and other minor game dynamics are what defines ET.

All I'm saying is don't expect another ET and you may be happy.
you gotta love puppy dad! enjoy his interviews
Thanks for posting, really enjoyed the interview, sounds like a cool game
You might wanna read some older interviews from SplashDamage, about their other game, QuakeWars. Sounded great too you know.
Are you stuck on some loop or something?
story in warmup lol:D
stopped reading after ""
stopped reading after "h8m3"
part 2 of the mega interview:

game mechanics, co-op, mp, sp, respawns etc

(glad they finally decided to make class changes possible at any time - thats what i believe he said)
cheers, np :)

here's part 3 o the mega interview:

called "the rest", which makes the last upcoming episode 4 kinda mysterious :o
part 3+1 (titled 3, but i guess it's supposed to be 4?) of the Brink MEGA Interview -->

achivements achivements...

they changed the name to 4, so it's def. part 4 and not 3+1 :)
btw, thx for the nice summary you've done there:)
not that I'd not know what this thread was all about, but still nice effort:)
cheers, appreciate it - alot :)

waited soooo long for this.
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