GGL sued by Game Hosting

image: ggl_logoSwedish based Game Server provider Game-Hosting have recently completed the formalities on the first stage of taking GGL through court to procure some $40,000 owed to the company in unpaid bills. Game Hosting are owed the money following their hosting agreement with GGL that saw the company hosting the website between January 06 and April 2008. GGL successfully paid the earlier months of hosting, however stopped paying and by April 08 owed approximately $30,000 and the hosting was terminated.

When Clanbase was moved onto Game Hosting's servers it was a welcome increase in performance for Clanbase users who had been experiencing large load times prior to the move. However unpaid bills are a problem that have plagued the GGL organisation for years with several other eSports organisations listing GGL owing money to a variety of teams. Such allegations are still levelled at the company today with amongst others Clanbase Eurocup CoD prizemoney still remaining unpaid according to players.

Eirik Pedersen, Sales Manager, of Game Hosting gave Crossfire this exclusive statement regarding the legal proceedings that had taken place:

Quote by Eirik PedersenWe have finished legal proceedings against GGL and we won. GGL lost in Swedish courts and GGL is judged to pay us what they owe. Since GGL is a US company the Swedish ruling must now be transferred to US courts and enforced there. GGL has owed us money for over 1 year now and counting. We have several times tried to resolve this before taking it to court but GGL didn’t even reply to our emails, letters or phone calls. Even when presented with court proceedings they chose not to reply/appear. GGL has turned out to be an extremely un-professional organization and we have to warn all other companies out there to not do business with this company. For the record I have to say that Mads has been very professional but he is not the person calling the shots so he could not do anything but forwarding everything to the US office.

I have also talked to other parties that GGL owes money and they would like to take their claim to court but unfortunately they do not have the resources to take their claim to court. It sometimes looks like GGL is planing on not paying out money since they know they most likely do not get sued. However there is good news for those parties, in US you can get affordable help in suing such companies as GGL as long as the claim is not to high. If other parties are interested in taking their claim to court, contact me and I will try and help. There may be a way that you can get the money you have rightfully earned.

Crossfire attempted to contact GGL to obtain a retort to Eiriks statement, however they declined to comment.

We will keep you updated as the legal proceedings continue.
omg :s

does that mean CB might fold?
No, ClanBase won't fold. Even if the mother company is in trouble.
Bye bye Clanbase? :s
what the fuck
cool story
not this ass licking retard again
serious business bro
same shit happens in sales contracts...they dont pay coz it costs more to take ppl to court...rediculous and totally unprofessional
Its a farewell to CB adios amigos! ?
wanna post on ESL?
just curiosity :)
omg the almighty therogue here <3 ;D
In 5 years I've never heard him described as almighty, whats going on!
for several reasons he is almighty for me :>
e: btw wats gonna happen with game-violations also?
I doubt CB will go down as a result of this. GGL might have to take a $40k hit, but I cant see that closing them down.
Kinda hope not.

CB Radio! <3
Yeah but if they can afford it doesn't that beg the question why haven't they paid it before now? I realize it's a large network but with the state of today's economy it's really hard to gauge a companies financial status especially those that are based online.
the 40k hit might not close them, but if game hosting wins the case it will be alot easier for the other companies/individuals who still need to get some money from them. I'm guessing there is atleast an other 40k they need to pay.
A hit of lets say 100k can be critical for online only gaming business.

And Game Hosting can also decide to erase all data on the servers which GGL was renting/stealing from them, same goes for the back-up. Will be a nice loss of data.
CB is not hosted by Game Hosting anymore for over a year. There is nothing to delete.
Decl is one of the Chiefs of ClanBase, so i think he knows more.
kasper34 is Skeit, so i think he knows more.
bye bye CB !
yeah close clown base
40k isn't a big amount to sue over, so I respect the courage Eirik had to drag them to court.
You that rich huh?
oh noez ....oh wait, i don't give a fuck
Maybe they can pay with Wolfenstein medals and posters? :<
lol i proposed the same @ priv channel :D
paly paly ESL
ESL has that premium shit
But CB doesnt spam you with those damn 'Buy zeh prem1um acc0unt and zen you iz teh l33tness'-messages...unlike ESL :F
we don't.. you get a message when your premium is expiring, a full page message about once a year.. I don't remember getting an automated mails to any of my (non-premium) testing accounts

and we don't advertise premium as l33tness :]
well when using ESL (sometime ago) there were this things like: Becoming premium and you can see this.(not sure if it';s still there) but that annoyed me. + CB feels smoother
I still get "You are a member for 1249 days, to removing this annoying ad become a premium member"

you wait for the 60 second countdown timer or "ignore this ad"
every time you visit the site, or just your first visit to the site in a while?

I use every day and I can't remember the last time I had any kind of premium advert on it
when i don't view the site every 24 hours i get that ad, yesterday the countdown ad was new, it happend when clicking on the gather page
No actually its a once every 2 weeks message or so, nothing to complain about tbh
lol happens to me very often tbh :S maybe your account is not 1000 days old?
Actually it is :D, maybe its a cookie related thing
the gather thing is normal

I understand that you find ads like that annoying, but at the end of the day, we are a business

At least with the money *we8 get we invest *a lot* (millions of euros) back into developing gaming and esports across europe and the world

Every time you visit many other leagues, you are just generating money for their corporate owners :)
invest those millions of euros into a new site please!
after you invest in backups =p

the site is mostly OK now with the last design, hopefully after the next major feature release soon we can get some much needed small usability improvements, there's no argument from us that there are many small things that need to be fixed :(
Welcome in ESL :)
game hosting guys are stupid? they should just disable service after a few months (not over a year), and ggl would magically find the "lost" emails about missed payments etc.
They should just shutdown the servers which are running shit for GGL, and format the disk and the back-ups. Or maybe just keep the last back-up incase GGL starts paying, otherwise delete that shit!
And GGL never seemed to be profesional in anything.
back-up? What is this...
smth crossfire hopefully has by now ;)
They are busy hosting 360 hip-hop leagues, fo shizzle yo. No time to pay bills.
ESL here we come
well if the activity fits we can continue with ems for sure :p
last time i checked the cod4 esl ladders there were only 5 clans playing in 5on5 lol
humm in which country is that supposed to be? :D

Promod 5on5 S&D Ladder: 218 teams
PAM 5on5 Hardcore S&D Ladder: 69 teams

108 matches / day
5on5 Ladders (Normal, Promod, EAS , EPS, EMS, Bundesliga) ~ 200-300 teams

guess you misread something :D
true that. but cod2 is pretty inactive everywhere, atleast competition & lanwise (high profile competitions)
in CB it's pretty active, there were about 700 conflicts and thousands of matches every month :/
last generation :p
cb admins should pay :DDD
AkA insta CB-kill? :D
First off all.. nobody at the ClanBase Crew gets something for what they do..

Second of all: It's the same as saying that employers of Lehman Brothers bank have to pay for the mistakes what the owners/director board made.

Stupid idiot.
it was sarcasm.

too bad ur iq is equal to the time my browser needs to reload this page
rofl, kids shouldn't be up this late.
lol swedes ?
paybase or wedonotpaybase
praybase or prayforyourmoneybase
sup dodging msn?
Yup, I've always been professional. It's in the name.
Will see you in court!
not Pedersen again, god damn now memories are coming back-.-
noice content.
Hi Pansy!
wow hey :P how you been?
I'm great :) And you?
ffs now we need to play naziesl full with germans that send allot of propaganda like "click here for your award!" and if you click a banner pops up with HAHAHA NOW PAY US AND THEN YOU GET IT 4times per month and then dont give us food
Eirik Pedersen
And now someone please agagin complain about ESL paying "oh so late/ not at all" their bills :D We've always done it up to now and a time duration of 1-6 month is rater short in eSport. Just as a short notice.
kill clanbase, bring back et-cup
Germany SPU9 jump in!
You reap what you sow.
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