Dignitas with new CoD4 Lineup

After over a year of having one of the most stable lineups in Call of Duty 4, Team Dignitas today announces two new faces in that lineup. We had a successful year winning ESL EPS UK Season 1, OOF3 Champion and we did well in various other competitions. The new season is starting and of course with Modern Warfare 2 not very far away we are looking to secure a stable lineup for that new challenge.

image: cod4changes

Returning to the lineup is our old friend United Kingdom Chris 'nreo' Mead together with former TCM player United Kingdom Mark 'Phantasy' Pinney. We are also glad to announce that United Kingdom Chris 'blackmane' Kinnair will be returning from his inactive role and step into the starting lineup as team Captain.

Team Dignitas COD4 is:

United Kingdom Mark 'mark' Horner
United Kingdom Jonathan 'raz' Baker
United Kingdom Chris 'blackmane' Kinnair
United Kingdom Chris 'nreo' Mead
United Kingdom Mark 'Phantasy' Pinney

The amount of spam on their irc..
lool blackmane is back! xD
Wonder how many big macs it took to get him back.
great lineup
Wow nice job nreo :D
he comes back as a team captain :pp great success
What will happen to BB? And where have soclon and lookzor gone to?
I hope Duffer is going to rebuild BB, don't know if it will be the same without nreo.

As for Soclon and lookz, I'm sure they'll be back on the scene in a powerful way soon! :)
Perhaps you should team up with duffer ;)
Off topic: does the old EG team: wombat, wiseguy etc still play cod4?
No, they moved around in the US scene.
The team caught up with CoD5 and played it actively, though further in time it came to mind that CoD5 lacked competitive activity and leagues in order to continue gaming on the level they decided to stop.
gl raz & phan
mark mark
chris chris

Thats one hell of a team, phantasy has been the best player in the game of late and nreo is awesome. 2 huge pickups
Will BB rebuild the cod4 lineup?
for MW2, yes
Just wow. Awesome line-up going to be awesome to see them playing
Sick team. Best of luck guys - have 4 of the nicest people in gaming in 1 roster! :)
will there be any lans to spec them?
first one for mw2 is cc7 ;)
blackmane ftw!
Lol, blackmane is back!

Scars on wrists & Big Macs noted.
who cares about cod ?
nice team. gl guys, esp nreo & mark
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