Girl Gamer Looking for Love!

After spending some 30 minutes trying to find a new piece of news, this writer felt it appropriate to steal from another site!
The Global Gaming League has written many girl gamer articles in the past, asking "Do boys like sex?" for one, however yesterday they did come up with a rather interesting article about Girl Gamers and Online dating agencies!

QuoteBesides curiousity -- who doesn't want to know if people like you or not -- I thought it would make a nice research area. My goal was to see how people react to a profile of a girl who plays games. Freaky nerds or some cool guys who are worth checking out?

A litte part of the text in my advert: Who's not afraid to go to the next level and get his ass whooped (in gaming, that is)?

If I would have thought this experiment through a little bit more, I would have realized that it could and would lead to some strange reactions, some even a bit frightening. I registered on a Thursday at 10 p.m. When I woke up the next morning and eagerly checked my inbox, I already had 42 messages. OMG! After two days the total was 154! Quite some work to read them all, but I laughed my ass off. Let me share it with you:

You can read the full article and the many replies, HERE
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