ESL Summer 3on3 Final & EMS Qualifier tonight

image: summer_buttonThe next grandfinal of our ESL Summer Leagues is just around the corner! This time we will see the best of the best 3on3 teams face each other.

Both teams had a tough way through this seasons playoff tree and in the end Europe JRP managed to come back out of the loser bracket and join the grandfinal versus Finland re+play
As follows, information for the ESL 3on3 Premier Division final tonight at 19:30 CET:
image: s_headimage: s_news
Finland re+play

Finland vokki
Finland Swani
Finland Squallimage: s_news
Europe just random players

Germany risee
Estonia Euruz
Poland lestiimage: s_border_shortimage: s_news
image: game13899

ESL Matchlink - ESL EU ET Mainpageimage: s_foot
image: ems_fall_banner
Another stunning match that will be broadcasted later tonight at 22:00 CET is Europe TAG versus Belgium Belgian Fraternity in ET's premier online competition, the ESL Major Series Season V! This is the first qualifier match that takes place. Check the table for detailed information: also published a nice preview on this match, check it out!
image: s_headimage: s_news
Europe TAG

Netherlands Hope
Latvia Clown
Germany zerender
Finland coconutboy
Croatia rimi
Netherlands Lightningimage: s_news
Belgium Belgian Fraternity

Belgium Gifted
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium AL1
Belgium uNDEAd
Finland toNi
Finland tbaimage: s_border_shortimage: s_news
image: game13890
Germany w0nd3r

ESL Matchlink - ESL EU ET Mainpageimage: s_foot
We wish all teams the best of luck and enjoy the game!
best of luck to rise and euruz :-*
Easy for Squall & Finland co
gl Euruz
will be a nice match.
epic match!!
best of luck to rise and euruz :-*
risee in final? lol
online only!
risee in final?

kb in final of SC?

ye maybe in 2020
nice new eiM <3
i love ET, no other games have summer cups in aunts !
its only the final >_<
(20:36:14) risee: nach der lan habe ich mir nen bot gekauft bin eh lanprooved xD
(20:36:20) risee: pokale incoming

our way wasnt tough=)
easy for replay, i mean squall
vokki? that nerd that always stalks me
izi gl lesti:]
Gl bF! :o)
gl lest & risee
I love that layout eiM! Mind if I steal it next time? :p
looks pretty shit, dont do it.
congratulations Swani. ;)
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