Differo: OC's Kick-off!

image: differo

Finally its time to relax, sit back and enjoy a quiet moment of serenity after all the Opencup Premier hussle of this sunday.

Like never seen before, arrayed before us are 4 fantastic matches to be played. All decisive on their own and an individual exciting array of skill lined up in every match. Within all games we have teams that have everything to fight for! Each team needs to stay focused a 100 percent if they want the ticket to the might Play Offs.

So, Without further ado, let me present you some of Opencup's finest teams fighting for the mighty Clanbase Opencup Premier Championship:

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Netherlands corNu

Netherlands DiZoR
Netherlands juA
Netherlands Testi
Netherlands fusi
Netherlands VAPOR
Netherlands OverSchieimage: s_news

Belgium Belgian Fraternity

Belgium AL1
Belgium Gifted
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Crook
Belgium Chizz6l
Belgium syLimage: s_border_shortimage: s_news

image: game13865

VAPOR]I think its gonna be a nice match. bF got a nice + Skilled lineup, we only played 2 wars last week, no tax nothing + fusi's pc broke down so overSchie is gonna play. I think it's gonna be a close match.
uNDEAd]II hope it will be an exciting match, I don't really know our odds because I'm not following other clans but my own. I know if my team plays concentrated and teamwise that we play good so let's see what it brings for us. :)
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Belgium System6

Netherlands Trixor
Netherlands zeno
Belgium pHILLE
Belgium rasloV
Netherlands Eddo
Netherlands dEzzimage: s_news

Netherlands In7 - eSports

Netherlands 1pson
Netherlands Sa7z
Netherlands Banaan
Netherlands bizzy
United Kingdom DarK
Netherlands Lunaticimage: s_border_shortimage: s_news

image: game13902

Trixor]Well, it's going to be a hard match against a good opponent but we hope we can take it. Would be nice to start with a win because our goal is getting into playoffs.
bizzy]I think it will be a nice game for our team, resulting in our first win. Izi bash.
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Finland turboApinat

Finland Swanidius
Finland repje
Finland Slarto
Finland vokki
Finland Kolibri
Finland jawaimage: s_news

Germany HighBot

Germany humm3L
Germany lagg3r
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FimS
Germany Bl4d3image: s_border_shortimage: s_news

image: game13894

repje]Will be a tough match since the vocal core of our team, Juuti, is working late and can’t play today. Also our newest addition to our lineup, kolibri, is playing his first cb match under the name of tA. Should be interesting so how things turn out.
FimS]So our first OCprem game tonight, and yea i am intent to see how we can do against the other team (in particular Zero Empathy turboApinat this time). But I think we will take this by a 4:2, or even by a 4:0.
image: s_foot

image: s_news

Hungary underscore_

Hungary adze
Hungary boRi
Hungary Nonix
Hungary Ocelot
Hungary Powi
Hungary sebiimage: s_news

Europe Zero.E

Belgium Frauwe
Belgium Nazty
Belgium iMmi
Russia Dzagoev
Netherlands Barbon
Netherlands visimage: s_border_shortimage: s_news

image: game13852

adze]We will try to do our best, but I'm not sure we're strong enough to beat them because we lost them last year as far as I remember, and I just got in the line-up. I don't know how underscore performed before but I'm afraid still the same as before, lack of teamplay. I'm expecting a great game from their side. The final score will be 4-2 to FiF Red.
image: s_foot

Differo wishes every team the best of luck and remember lads don't forget to tune in and follow your favorit player.

#differo - stib & bumblebee - Everyone has a story
write about 2nd div too !!!! :D
gl beltards :o)
QuoteDiffero wishes every team the best of luck and remember lads don't forget to tune in and follow your favorit player.

that sounds familiar :p
You're almost our 3rd man.
gief credits for layout :D
next time use transparent pngs. Current layout looks shit at xfire2 skin :/
Squad.ee vs sIN gaming plasa maybe aswell :D
n00b teams xd
Adze seems to be having a bad memory. It's not last year, but last month!

Anyway, gl, wouldn't be too sure about you losing the game though.
nice cover but what's the term "differo"
It's latin and means - To spread news :)
wow you are actually intelligent !

2bad your social skills are a bit low mister-Im-afraid-to-pm-iMmi-for-prediction! :p
Used mIRC and actully everyone from your team was afk 5 min before I posted the newspost :(
like Netherlands overschie replacing Netherlands fusi is a bad thing?

anyway looking forward to our match
Interesting border.
lol luna! gl ahah ;D
that banner is again HUGE :D
no, it's your firefox
(20:22:29) (kartez) [20:10:25] [Killerboyyy] i replaced your clan with velerion
(20:22:29) (kartez) [20:10:28] [kartez] ok ok
(20:22:38) (kartez) [20:10:30] [Killerboyyy] and velerion are dead so..

one hour before a match we did know that our oponent has moved to premier league so:
1)why WcK not dECLINE?
2)dECLINE want to pwn premier league
3)WHAT THE FUCK BRO'S? dECLINE should get a place in 1st OC@CB instead WcK
4)Killerboy sux
Don't cry bitch!
slarto to pro!
adze couldn't be more wrong probably xD
I think it will be a nice game for our team, resulting in our first win. Izi bash.

I guess bizzy is aswell prety much wrong:P!
But that's just ego :P :D
where is Benelux aestas guys =)?
Eddo : >
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