sw_fueldump_te Released!

image: fuelclosedIt's been a few days since our last maptest for Lugerfrag (sw_railgun) and of course we couldn't stop there, so I went looking for a new map. I wanted to do sw_fueldump, but I knew that it wouldn't be much in the state that I found it in. I contacted arni, and luckily he could help me out. We changed sw_fueldump into a better one (or so we hope)! That's right ladies and gentlemen, Fueldump is back, and back with a vengeance.

Fueldump is a map that has been impopular for a while, and for good reasons. It was a slowmap with that annoying covert ops (some can disagree) and often lead to fullholds or coverts sneaking through. But it's always nice to have them oldies back, isn't it?

One and half year ago a guy named United States of America Mortis created a map called sw_fueldump, and it had some interesting changes. However, it still had snow, and, as we know, a lot of people are not so fond of the snow. Germany arni told me he could remove the snow, and make it a spring version. And he did. Me and arni looked at eachother, and we knew it, we had to change more in order for this map to work. And we did.

sw_fueldump_te is a renewed version of Fueldump and sw_fueldump. The following is a list of changes from the normal Fueldump.

[*]no more snow
[*]tank moves 50% faster
[*]bridge is built 50% faster
[*]tank is indestructible.
[*]tank moves automatically (this means no more escorting the tank)
[*]tank has 3 stop points, after this it needs to be 'touched' again, in order for it to move automatically again.
[*]allied can spawn at command post
[*]1 of the CP gates can not close entirely to prevent axis from CP camping
[*]tank becomes destructible again at the very end of its route.
[*]the depot fences are nadeable (chuck 2 nades on the first parts of a fence and it's destroyed)
[*]axis can now spawn @ the truck inside the depot's building (3 people only)

Most of these changes are obvious. No-one likes snow (almost no-one) and the biggest whine about the map was its size and thus its long times. With a faster, indestructible and automatic moving tank, we hope that's a bit cleared now. Furthermore a automatic moving tank means you don't lose 1 guy escorting the tank when attacking.

With the fences destroyable by nades the focus is changed to the entrances instead of the fences, however this would give axis a pickle on the west side, so we put a spawn at the truck inside the depot gate building to make it a balanced game.

We hope the map is now in a good condition to be played competitively. Therefore we will do another showmatch for Lugerfrag! Hence I am looking for a team to take on Finland sFx SKIT-EVIL to compete on this map. The showmatch will be later this week. Contacted me in IRC if you want to challenge them, you can find me in #radioitg or #lugerfrag

For those of you that can't wait that long, here is a url where you can find the renewed map: http://arni.name/maps/etmain/sw_fueldump_te.pk3

Here are some screenshots I took:
Axis Truck Spawn
Main road before Depot Gate
Allied Command Post
Bridge area

For those of you who want to test it you can connect to arni's server where you will automatically download the map über fast:

match2.vpclan.de:27960 (currently passworded so test the map here:

To end this long post me and arni would like to say thanks to the following persons
-United States of America mortis
-Germany Berzerkr
-Germany FlyingDJ
-Germany urtier
-Germany swine
-Europe our mothers and our fathers
-United States of America God (little provocation)

there is still ice in the river
if you feel it needs more changes contact us, but somethings are unchangeable. Me and arni are no mappers.

edit 2
We created this map with the intention that mortar would not be used, i.e. that in a config it would be disallowed.

edit 3
Instead of a showmatch I am thinking of doing a small 4 team cup (thanks to nellie for the idea). If your team has skill and is up for this pm me. :-)
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