CSPromod has been launched

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United States of America Alex "chibsquad" Garfield and United States of America Michael "d0ublethink" Askins finally launched the new CSPromod Website.

Thousands of CS players have been waiting for one specific day, the day CSPromod will be released. This dream has come true. 3 programer, 3 level designer, 3 contributors and about 30 beta testers have been working hard to fullfil the dreams. Not far behind the release of the website, a mod of the game itself should be published. Previous versions of CSPromod failed so version 1.04 is some kind of the last hope for the CS community.

CSPromod Official Homepage
About CSPromod
CSPromod Videos + Images

2 FAQ taken from the website:

What is CSPromod, anyway?
CSPromod (CSP, for short) is a 100% custom-coded Source engine modification. Its goal is to bring the gameplay, feel, and competitive spirit of the original Counter-Strike to the Source engine, along with improved graphics and new features.

When will CSPromod Beta 1.04 be released?
The release date for the next installment of CSP will be announced as soon as the game's ready. While this may be frustrating to some of you, we see it as an appropriate release philosophy, especially given the history of our initial release. While we can't provide a release date right now, we can absolutely promise that as soon as we have one, it'll be announced immediately on CSPromod.com. In the meantime, we ask that you please do not spam our forums with posts regarding the release date.

QuoteThe CSPromod team had the following to say:

Members of the Counter-Strike Community,

After months of development, and much hard work on the part of CSPromod team members Mike "d0ublethink" Askin (Development Manager), Ludovic "alba" Slangen (Art Director), and Steven "Biohaz4rd" Weathers (Web Developer), we’re very pleased to present the new and improved CSPromod.com. As we move closer and closer to the long-awaited release of CSP Beta 1.04, the community’s constant involvement, input, and participation will be come increasingly more crucial to this project’s success.

CSPromod represents the Counter-Strike community’s first opportunity to tweak, polish, and improve a version of the game that we can truly call our very own. What most people don’t realize is that code-wise, CSPromod isn’t really a modification at all: it’s 100% custom-coded from the ground up, and only uses graphical assets, such as models and textures, from CS:Source. Because of this, CSPromod really is – with no exaggeration – completely customizable and fully capable of growing into whatever we all want it to be. Best of all, because the code is 100% custom, CSPromod’s gameplay can be preserved and ported from engine to engine as time goes by.

With these fundamental facts in mind, the new CSPromod.com has been designed to function as the medium of communication between the CSPromod development team and the very passionate Counter-Srike community. We need all of your help and feedback in order to keep refining and polishing CSPromod, and so we hope you’ll check out the site’s following features, designed to keep everyone interested and involved in the project.
rofl bs mod
looks shitttyyyyy
6 years too late
Sounds very promising. Since the main reason for not switching over to CSS was the lack of the 1.6 feel...
looks just like CSS. gonna play for sure if it is popular
me too, FKK?
yea with gifty5hs:_D
and xprawpmaster
where the fuck is my css filter
and now someone could make the same for ET
CS is an HL mod
Looks pretty good actually, id play that if it becomes popular.
title should be "...launched once again"
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