Modern Warfare 2 "caters to the hardcore gamer"

image: 14weibtDuring the last couple of weeks the closed beta of Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) has been presented to the press at various events during Infinity Ward's trip through Europe. Detailed previews are popping up like mushrooms at numerous gaming sites, talking about their own little private time with the new game.

On the last event this Tuesday, Infinity Ward revealed that this beta was just the "tip of the iceberg" in terms of multiplayer content.

Speaking in London today, community man Robert Bowling said there's "a lot more" to be revealed in terms of unlockables for the sequel.

"The beta is really just the tip of the iceberg at this point, we're really just showing a little bit [of the game]," he said.

"There's a lot more to come, whether it be customizable kill streaks, custom death streaks, equipment like tactical insertion, Semtex grenades - all that stuff."

"What we're offering with Modern Warfare 2 is a ridiculous amount of customization. The lead-out is insane, you have all these attachments to choose from. It really caters to the hardcore gamer who wants to dive in deep," he said.

Now did he mean the hardcore competitive gamers? Not likely. And all the extra killstreak and deathstreak stuff will be removed in promod anyway. But with the immense load of extra features perhaps there will be at least something useful that can actually stir up the way Call of Duty is played in the competitive scene?
column ? anyway nice post
Ye seems like one, but it's only the last paragraph in which I reflected a bit myself.
Nice read.

Doesn't look like the rumoured delay will happen, which is great news.
hardcore = console nerds who play 24/7 for archivements
makes me wonder how to aim with a joystick
there is a bit of autoaim in the console versions :-p
pure skill ;d
so cod6 on console equals et on pc? :d
Nice read

btw are the system requierements released already?
No, they should be this week at the latest. During the period before CoD4 they were also released around this time.
"The beta is really just the tip of the iceberg at this point, we're really just showing a little bit [of the game]," he said.

yeah we have seen that with wolfenstein, same built but toally different, or was it?

"There's a lot more to come, whether it be customizable kill streaks, custom death streaks, equipment like tactical insertion, Semtex grenades - all that stuff."

okay, how is that new from the promoshit u keep spreading for months now?

"What we're offering with Modern Warfare 2 is a ridiculous amount of customization..."

not relevant to competetive play is it?

"Now did he mean the hardcore competitive gamers? Not likely."

ofc he/they didnt. games r made for the borad public not for fans. fans buy it anyways so lets optimize it for the sales.

i am truely disappointed by the way activision buy/publish so many great titles these days and turn them around to be a console topseller.
activision = wallmart.
Kind of the point I'm making in my column :-)
lol, my thoughts too
CoD has always been a cashual title, though it multiplayer wasn't bad for the competitive scene and therefor reached a great success. Let's just hope they dont fuk it as much up as they did with cod5.
You don't get more depth in a game by throwing more stuff to unlock at it. I certainly won't spend hundreds of hours just to unlock some weapons when the gameplay bores me after a few weeks.
hoho nicely pointed out the weak spot :D

hardcore console gamers who think they are skilled on xbox live hahaha
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