STA Season 15

STA’s unprecedented 15th Season of Competition is here! After much debate and deliberation, we’ve decided to return to hosting competition for at least one more season. The first week of the regular season play will kick off Wednesday, October 28th!image: stalogoThis season there will be some minor changes in STA-ET’s format in order to support the NA ET Community’s current state. For starters STA-ET’s 15th Season will return to a 5v5 format based on overwhelming votes on the recent poll as to what format we should use (3v3 or 5v5). STA-ET will also be running a shorter five week regular season with a two week long playoff in order to fit our first full season back in before the Christmas and the Holiday season begins. We also wanted to keep this season shorter than normal in order to avoid schedule difficulties in the event we get less than expected teams turning out for this season. The shorter the season the better the competition we believe will be in the long run. We also want to point out that with a 5v5 format comes the need to limit the number of mines from 5 (6v6) to 3 (5v5).

Signups for Season #15 are now available on STA’s Website by clicking “Join STA-ET” on the left nav bar. If your team has competed once before in STA you have the ability to reactivate your old team and retain any former records, wins, titles you may have gained. Simply PM an admin and we can reactivate your old team. You can also signup a new team the old fashioned way by clicking Join STA-ET. An Admin will approve your application and you can begin adding players to your roster once activated.

A new config is under development and will be released soon. As always STA’s config will be required for all matches this season! STA-ET will be releasing more details on our map schedule, config’s and a few other things in the next few days so keep a keen eye on STA’s website and for more details!

Update** A beta config has be released & details can be found here

If you have any questions please contact an admin ASAP! Remember the season starts October28th! That's just a few weeks away! So get signed up ASAP! GL HF!

United States of America Virus047
xfire: virus047

United States of America zOMBie
xfire: gdevol

irc: #sta-league

-STA-ET Admin Staff
HF Yankees
North American matches > all.
Asylum's gonna win the ring ;)
time for shaun to shine again
Why release a new config? Just use the GLOBAL configs.


Just saw virus is admin... LOL THAT EXPLAINZ ITTTT!
Cool admin attitude, bro.

How about fucking answering the question, dickhead?
answer is in the post....

but don't bother reading anything before inserting random flames. makes you cool ;)
Why don't you explain in your newspost above. And please, my flame isn't random.

Think logically.

QuoteThe NA community needs one standard set of configs & we hope to provide that

Didn't realise the term global excluded NA.
Because the global configs did exclude NA from the time they were 1st created. Not to mention the fact the configs don't include all maps we play.
Dont be silly, we don't want them to be considered part of out globe :o
Hi Seanza. Miss me?
oZEN aka Mission you're fucking dumb. That's all.
never been pbbaned in his life.... never played with cheaters either
Im avi!
Omg nice league cfg's

"sv_cvar rate IN 3000 25000"
"sv_cvar cl_maxpackets GE 38"
"sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0.000001 20"

That's what i call laaaaag party :D
Obviously the rate & max_fps needs adjusted, it is a beta config updated from a 3 year old STA config. Impossible to catch all the outdated cvars on 1st pass which is the reason we run open tests on it.

packets will remain. We don't exclude wireless players in NA
what hacker am I playing with on wocen? My cousin IS a shady player but I'm not playing with him.... I'm not even playing in the wocen league anyways unless you count benching for mt40
OzeN i am glad you will not be playing ET with others on your continent. You were a cancer to our community back then and it can also be noted you have neither matured or grown a set of testicles. Thanks for your concern though. Other euros i look forward to being held in spawn by you thanks. P.S. mikey or homie if u stll read this site u both swallow
Yeah man cuz being good at the InternetZ means a lot to me bro. Maybe if you had any intelligence you would be attending college to get an education. but yeah thats not in the picture for you. I totally feel "pwnt" after your post. your thought process is clearly so fucked that you cant even articulate a coherent sentence. Your clearly flustered as fuck.
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