MW2 Petition "Won't be ignored"

image: v2tgddOnly two days ago a petition hit the net to have Infinity Ward reconsider their decision on no dedicated servers in Modern Warfare 2 and has already reached over 100,000 signatures. Infinity Ward has now responded, promising fans that their outcry "won't be ignored".

The petition states this:

"Get Infinity Ward to review their decision not to allow fully dedicated servers for their forthcoming game release CoD:MW2. Remember that this Call of Duty was made popular by PC Gamers who have supported the series throughout."

Robert Bowling, Creative Strategist of Infinity Ward via Twitter:

"[It] definitely made a big wave, and the response will not be ignored. I'll ensure everyone at IW sees the petitions and responses to it."
Would be interesting if they actually changed it, but might just be talk to keep people happy.
i thought exactly the same...

i will definitly not pre-order the game and will wait what ppl say about dedicated servers in the final version, before buying it.
This is probably the best way :)
why the hell is this in main news and WCG is not ?
Cause this is a CF game and none of the WCG games are...
then need cod mw2 filter
E: and what's up with iem dubai 1.6 news ?
And maybe also a seperate Quake 1, 2, 3, 4, Live filter?
thats called "tags". ability to ignore every post tagged with "xxx" (provided that newsmen properly tag their news) would be a nice feature.
If someone doesn't block CoD then it's kind of logical that he's interested in all of the CoD series... Well, with 9 out of 10 people that is.
ye, all except dexter :d
Is your cod filter broken?
well, i want to see cod4 news,but i don't care cod mw2 ...
Don't open any "MW2" links then :D
Well let's be honest, it's not going to be considering the current model.
sounds like a bureaucratic response to me
No dedicated servers? bloody hell. started employing ex-treyarch employees :@:@?????
Yeah right.
too vague.
Bowling's statement means shit and it sounds exactly like Sokal's statement about not ignoring the user's suggestion for the wolfmp... everyone knows how this ended up...
nice grammar fail too

"[It] definitely made a big wave, and the response will not be ignored. I'll ensure everyone at IW sees the petitions and responses to it."

repsonses to it :S ?
It's a correct quote though:
image: c89846b25e18a0374b4dbc9ddbdb34b7
yeah i know : P

wouldnt suspect you of making a booboo like that -_-

Exactly! :D <3
Priorities man.
that actually made me laugh. he blames the internet that he has to do his job
They spent already hell of money in their multiplayer model they have in mind.There is zero chance to change that because of a petition who every guy signed up x10 or something.
The email address needs to be unique...
so?i know friends of me who signed up x10,that's why i said it...
I signed it just twice :(
Well seems like it did pay off. There's no way in hell they gonna remove that system, but at least he explained it more so we know what to expect :)
best had change it plzplz
those 2 lines aint doing it for me

they can keep my game cause i aint buying it
whats a dedicated server ?
A PC which only purpose is to host multiplayer game servers.
too bad they already removed all topics concerning that matter and banned all users that made them on their forums. How could anybody believe them now? :p Sokal vol. 2
It won't be ignored. It will be disregarded.
"[It] definitely made a big wave, and the response will not be ignored. I'll ensure everyone at IW sees the petitions and responses to it."

translated in money language "buy the game then we will see... but no promises"

reminds me all the bullshits that sokal told gamers about wolf
sigh....thnx twitter!
Priorities man.
Quote108633 Total Signatures

Chances are he is saying this to make people happy and not actually taking action
What was the name of that game which developers were supposed to listen to community feedback?

Was it Wolfenstein?

Oh yeah it was.

Were I you, I'd start cancelling your pre-orders.
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