Quakecon Announces ET

image: Quakecon_logo
Tonight Quakecon has announced its tournaments and surprise surprise, ET got itself a $30,000 tournament!

The tournament that last year saw Estonia take home a big chunk of Texas is back for another year with the return of the Nvidia championships!

However Quakecon not without its surprises has tossed in a trump card to the Competitive community. ET a game that has been 6on6 in Europe has for this tournament at least been changed to a 5vs5 tournament. Heres Quakecons Snippet of the tournament:

QuoteWolfenstein: Enemy Territory 5v5 - $30,000

A crowd favorite from many years past, get ready to gather up the best team possible to trounce the competition in round after round of Nazi-killing goodness.

[*] 1st Place $15,000
[*] 2nd Place $10,000
[*] 3rd Place $5,000

Readmore for the Crossfire Wooden Spoon Challenge!

image: woodenspoon
Crossfire will not only be live on event, it is offering the money generated from Google Ads since being added to the site ($100) as a donation to any team that can make up the remainding funds.
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