ET gets its SummerCup

image: cb2
You may have read or heard stewie's interview with ClanBase supervisor Adacore recently on Radio iTG, in which he confirmed that the logistics of organising and playing out a summercup would prove nigh-on impossible, and consigning the prospect of an official cup to the bin.

However, not everyone was prepared to give up so easily. Step forward Malta toxic and Belgium Nightraver, who have announced they will be running an unofficial hosted cup on the ClanBase pages, aimed to last from July to September. The big difference with this cup is the format: it will be played as 5v5 in light of the recent Quakecon ET annoucement. Signups for the cup open from Monday 17th July until Sunday 30th July, with the maplist yet to be decided. Admins are always needed, and those interested can sign up here. Toxic had this to say:

Belgian chocolate combines with Maltesers to produce an unbelievable tasty result, yes, that's right folks, welcome to ET Summer '06 Hosted Cup! This cup will be a cup for all, everyone is invited from the Eurocup teams to Division 7 teams, no exceptions. Start putting on those fans and air conditioning so that your room will be cool over the summer months as the heat will be unbearable!

Visit the cup site for more infos.

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