IW brutalise MW2 further!

The lovely chaps at Infinity Ward who in their infinite wisdom decided to remove dedicated servers from the upcoming release of MW2 have gone several steps further towards insanity recently by confirming a number of shocking modifications to the game.

- No Console (no modifications allowed)
- P2P server hosting, with testers receiving 100ms
- Players have no control over 'server' location
- No Lean
- No kick functionality

Just when you thought they couldnt go any further wrong, they've succeeded! I end with a quote from IW Mackey - "I've been playing mainly with around 100ms ping and it was great."

:: TEK9 Source
great success
Seems like MW2 is going to be awesome.

shame because cod4 was an excellent game in both public and competitive scenes :'( but all developers are console focused now for the money
seems like we need a decent game;)
Seems like we need Brink :)
ik kan nu nog nix zeggen behalve, w8 maar tot cc7 ;)
image: facepalm

i just hope SP will be awesome

and again:

image: facepalm
Are you sure the source is correct? The way of answering was very childish and pretty uncommon for game devs.
I detected an extremely bitter& condescending undertone. It was almost if they answered every question with a "fuck you, don't care"
Some of the replies were as if they think we are a bunch of retards who can't see through their oh so obvious lies and bullshit.
Take this one for example:
Quotewill0812: Do you honestly think you have improved the PC version with IW.Net, you cannot claim the gameplay is smoother, as dedicated servers are much more efficient.?

Mackey-IW: Yes, we believe MW2 is better than CoD4:MW. The reason iw.net exists is to improve the gameplay for our users.
Or the way they laugh in our face:
Quotemaniac1969: Vince, there are 178,000 voices that say you need dedicated servers for the PC. COD4 is the bigest online game in history! Why in the world would you take away dedicated servers and change the whole MP experience for us? And Mackey, the PC version with dedicated servers is already the best experience the way it is!

Vince-IW: All I can say is that we changed it to make it a better and easier experience. Also, not all of the names on that list are legit. :smileywink:

Mackey-IW: 402 signed it 4 times I heard.
It's not about the ones that are illegit, it's about the ones that are legit! Fucking tards...
It was fucking terrible they couldnt answer half the questions put at them.
I bought some of the previous cods but I'll steal this one with joy
oh shit.
BRINK here we come.
After the fine quality releases this year i'd rather be careful with that...
Brink wouldn't be the first game to be hyped as fuck and end up as a big pile of shit...
exactly my thoughts... there is very little known bout brink and still most of cF-users put their hopes in it.
but what else can we do than wait for the next game to disappoint us.
every year crossfire users put their hope on something but every year games are "not the same as ET".
CoD2 all the way.
yeh but this time the BRINK developers have come to CF :D
different marketing strategies are not everything about a game.
I was considering to buy the game just to test, if it aint shit without dedicated servers. But if this is true i won''t get it at all.
R.I.P. CoD
QuoteMoriarte: Ignoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

Do they think we are braindamaged retardmonkeys?

mouse control and text ingame

fucking amazing, than you IW for your hard work in porting this game over.
Nothing new tbh, all the developers lately have been butchering their games to fit the consoles and then just porting them over to PC. These guys just took it to a new level.
but I heard there will be text chat ingame, so it can´t be that bad..
and mouse control!
hell yeah!
We can still flame?
Thank god i can still flame!

Perfect example of making the stupidest decisions possible and still end with a shitload of sales.
faggets... the game will be splendid
This marks the day when I lost interest in MW2.
QuoteMackey-IW: I've been playing mainly with around 100ms ping and it was great.

QuoteVince-IW: We would like you to play the game the way we designed and balanced it.

image: 1y5pgz
C'mon don't be so harsh guys, you have to admit that it's atleast a quality source of free humour :D
good one:DD
Quote"I've been playing mainly with around 100ms ping and it was great."

1 you make a game for OTHERS, SO GUESS WHO SHOULD TEST IT?!
let them test with 50 ping and after with 200 ping, guess what they will prefer?!
and NO don't test it as maker yourself... -.- n3rds

Quote"- No kick functionality"

Supporting cheaters nowadays?!:DDD or ppl who teamkill the whole team?!:DDDDD you guys must have lost your brain :DDDD or is it then insta BAN?!:D by who?!:D

Quote Mackey-IW: Players do not control who hosts.

noo just no, 5vs5 >> 5 uk 3 spain 1 swe and 1 isr :DDDDDDD have fun! :D

QuoteVince-IW: We would like you to play the game the way we designed and balanced it.
:'((( you made ever a game which was perfect??:O)))
and the best thing is that you cant even add a kick function :D
QuoteSince we can not kick people in ranked matches, how will we stop hackers who get past VAC?
Mackey-IW: Our goal is to ban hackers from the game.
But of course, we won't need the kick!
What an inspiring goal that man has. Give him a medal
QuoteIgnoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?
Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

this shit sounds same as combat arms is. nice game but it so fucked up. bcoz they just want moer moneyz, cant blame them.
My impression is that developers as players are clueless (average console cunts), which sometimes often is reflected in the final product.
HELL YEA, game has to be perfect !:XD
Is it only me that worries that it sounds as if interviews with any devs from any company with regard to new fps games sound as if the guy being interviewed is some random who has never even played a computer game in his life.

It's as if companies these days pick some random person off the street to give answers to questions they have no concept about whatsoever.

Next time someone posts one of these interviews, I think I may ask a Somali pirate to give his thoughts on the role of the W.I. in british politics and post that aswell. You'd probably get a more clued up response with regard to the questions being asked lol :D
Nop you are not the only one.

its going to be the worst multiplayer game..

Looks like I need this for my xbox360.
Nono...don't do that.

Get it for your PC instead and you can make use of cool custom features such as 'mouse control'. :D
not to forget, text chat ingame !!!
epic fail i dont buy this game now

anyone want buy my WOLF2 ? ^^
fuck yea! go IW go! make this game dead (competetivly) before it comes out!

Haha, moar please :D

now im waiting for:
- Final Fantasy series turn based jRPG system added
- ultimage combos for every weapon
- X-Men mode where you can shot lasers and shit!
- micropayments for new classic deluxe custom designer
luxury prestige high-quality premium select gourmet combination
key ring, magnifying glass, and garden hose, in a genuine
imitation leather-style carrying case with authentic vinyl trim.
- NFS style races between missions
- Hello Kitty theme for younger female customers (hey, you have to think bout everyone!_
- and for premium version customers House M.D. skinpack
since when nightmares also come true in real? i had always heard that dreams come true...

thank god we will see no more shit wakizashi frags
yes we will.. but in worse quality.. use fraps while you play!
CoD: WaW was the same until they patched it!
image: michael_pachter2

they want to beat endrant... would be really sad if endrant lost their award for the most disappointing multiplayer of 2009
Competition in that particular field is strong this year. Only the strongest retard will stand on high (lol?).
i think they will have to split this price tbh .... so many ppl r entitled on that price atm :D
Do you actually find that funny?
yes I do

wat is your point
his point might be, its not funny.
might be, but I find it funny. wat is his problem then :(
I just wondered if that picture actuallymakes you laugh. Personally, I don't find it funny in the slightest. Infact, I can't even comprehend how you find it funny.

Because, I see a lot of shit like that posted, and it's all essentially just bullshit spam posted by retards.
Yes, I do bullshit spam a lot, but most of my spam is funny for me, although maybe this one makes me smile, not laugh my ass off. :) Dunno why, I might not understand this as well, but still i like it.
well first of all, i hate cats. i want to kill every cat that crosses my way. really. i once killed one by overunning it and i didnt care one bit. they are all just pissing me off with their behaviour. some of the cat pics are funny, but other animal pics are aswell. but this one.. its not really as good as most of the others.
I dreamt of the day there was mouse control and text chat in online games, and from Tuesday, that dream becomes reality.
i definitly will not buy it now :D
QuoteMoriarte: Ignoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

Wow. Just wow.
Didn't happen

He is telling the truth! After that he still had enough time to defuse the bomb. They wanted him to play in h2k but Dave told them they're 2low.
It's like revenge of the nerds 6 or something. All the developers and their mates that got owned online in their own game (CoD4) by competitive players (whom they think hack) are taking the power back!

I bet IW.net has some sort of "suspicious" player reporting system so that IW.net admins can ban any players that own on pubs.
its the classic scenario of skilled players vs low skill players, where the low skilled players think the skilled players hack. Low skill players have now taken drastic measures etc to try and stop these "hackers".

Theyre doing what they think will get them the most money. Which is most likely right.
no shit, get a sense of humour.

not me that needs the sense of humour.
serious gamer is serious >:|||
I know you are.
ok lets play the I replied last therefore I win game...

Serious comment lol:

The crossfire community/"Competitive Gaming"community is such a small fraction of the gaming community that IW don't give a rats arse. Even with dedicated server support (therefore lan tournaments with large prize money) and the flow on affect for sales, IW made so much money from the sales of CoD:MW that they can do things like this.

10,000,000 in forecasted sales minus what? maybe 100,000 people "claiming" they won't buy the game because of no dedicated server support.

Rough competitive community breakdown:

400 teams in Australasia (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, island nations etc) @ 5 players per team = 2000
600 teams in Asia @ 5 players per team = 3000
800 teams in America @ 5 players per team = 4000
1000 teams in Europe @ 5 players per team = 5000

Total = 14,000

Warrant most teams will have more than 5 players so your probably looking more like 15,000 to 20,000 competitive players world wide.

The remaining 85/80,000 dedicated server supporters will cave and buy the game anyway (if not just for the single player) and are more than likely just "pub only" casual multi-player gamers.

Compare that to the remaining 9,920,000 xbox, PS3 and PC gamers that will buy the game to play it "as designed"/"out-of-the-box" and you get back to your point which is basically; 'They will maximize profits this way' and 'that's just good business'.

... but i'd still like to throw the whole skilled gamers vs noobs out there as a far left theory, for shits'n'giggles.
Too long, sorry can't read that much.
aww but you were doing so well!
yeah now its fucked, we wont see the fucking diff between a skilled player and a fkin hacker and if we see we wont be able to kick him WTFF!!
nice done keep on fucking all sorts of new games WTFF!!
yeah rOx ... i told you ... ET u will play next 10 years 4 sure. :)
Ahahahah! I watch television at my moms and I just see how shit are all the programs that there is. Next 10h we will show you reality shows about a women who blalblablalbalblalsa.... So I told to my self... well this is crap and it will not get better. Same shit happens in games.

Games getting worse every damm year and well it will continue. Why fix something that is not broken?
Since we can not kick people in ranked matches, how will we stop hackers who get past VAC?
Mackey-IW: Our goal is to ban hackers from the game.


Well, time to just pirate the single player. Don't plan on playing this piece of shit.

My favorite lol moments:

QuoteSince we can not kick people in ranked matches, how will we stop hackers who get past VAC?
Mackey-IW: Our goal is to ban hackers from the game.

This guy obviously knows nothing about hacking on the PC

QuoteIs there a console in the PC version of the game, so we can change our field of view from the xbox's default 65 FOV to 80 also can we tweaks the weapon damage for each gun, removes perks, graphical debris, breathing sway, also thru console like we where able to before or is this all gone?
Vince-IW: We would like you to play the game the way we designed and balanced it.

What an arrogant fucking prick. If you designed the game well enough the first time around we wouldn't have to build a promod for it. Developers should embrace the community, not alienate them.
Bhaahahhaahhahhahahahh RAPED
Tosspot , I hope the cod4 community works on those new custom maps ,cuz no need to say mw2 will fail harder than wolf.

Or you can use your celeb status to force ppl to create a new anticheat for cod2 ;)
It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
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free willy?
Is there even going to be a pro-tour in this game? It seems kind of hard now :<
apparently it has been forced into the upcoming iseries lan
So much awesomeness. =)
And you guys thought Wolfenstein was fail. :-)
bah, let it fail, cod4 was like counter-strike for less skilled people anyways.. =)
good that i didnt wait for this game :D
waiting for BRINK :~>
Now the game is really fucked up... I hope we will see CoD4 instead of MW2 on CC7 now. That would be the right decision!
HAHAHAHA keeps getting better and better xDDDD
wolfenstein > mw2
sadly to say, but agree :s

and to remember that wolfenstein allready was full of shit :(
Good going IW, keep up the good work.
Less is More people

Still worth buying (downloading) for the SP
i guess wolf meight be the better CoD xD
i was gonna download sp and then wait for reactions to maybe buy the whole game.

Now i won't.

I just hate the fact they want to disguise their moneygrubbing techniques with
"Vince-IW: IWnet was designed to make the MP experience on PC easier and more balanced."

sad sad sad sad day , been looking forward to this game since cod5
Why not just skip MW2 and keep on playing MW? Didnt that happen with CSS vs CS too?
The competitive CoD community is too small to be able to take any division. MW2 should have been the uniting game for the CoD series, but now that community will probably just die.
Your prob right about the division thing, but I think we are a long way off from cod4 dieing.
I truly hope I am :<
seems like CoD competive scene is staying @ CoD4, I know game devs prolly don't give a fuck because the public players and console noobs will still buy it.

Think Vince is going to be fired, he told us the game was crap before the release :D

QuoteIgnoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?
Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

So this means yes! It's the console version with mouse input instead of the gamepad, and we can chat with each other! never seen chat in online games, ooh forgot it's in almost every game.

image: iwpcgamers
Vince is the CEO ;)
then he should gtfo and find another job, he forgot what gaming made what it is now.
I actually thought that the EPIC FAIL of Wolfenstein could not be topped, now I know it better, this one tops it all imo. Not going to buy it.
Screw it, they wanna jerk of the console gamers... then im not gonna pay for that shit game.
They might as well have left out the multi player and sold it to PC gamers for 25 euroes!
what are they thinking? the mp part is the only thing keeping pc gamers from piracy, as you need the original key to play online. why do they cripple that and make an awesome SP that prolly everyone will download for free illegaly. they could have just cut the pc port then. and keep it console only..
next step to make more monney.actualy i think they are one kind of a inteligent persons.competetive scene is to small to care about them, the real monney is on public nodays.proly next thing coming is stuff like weapons and equipment for real monney.like most of the developers making atm.
Indeed Dylon, it is the direction of the future in order to keep a steady continuation of revenue far after the hype dies down. Gaming or should i say online gaming is being radically modified and as many have seen or should say many have displayed their disgust.
Well said

''to keep a steady continuation of revenue''

and thats all i wanted to say :p
the dude from iw even ment that u cant change fov.
high @ 65 fov forcced
You people confuse me.

The brilliant fan-daz-i-tastic thing about the internet is that knowledge is free, commerce is free, everything is free – why on earth do people become mindless fans of franchises or developers? Become needless consumers?

Whatever happened to the DIY attitude? Esreality had it. Warsow has it. CPM definitely has it. Crossfire had it. This was our world, our internet – no dev can ever replicate that – and we’re all too entrenched to go elsewhere, so you better get used to it – the last stand, it won’t last long. The internet is slowly but surely being carved up and attacked by commercial conglomerates on one side and intrusive government regulation on the other.

Hold out - hold on.
Nellie. You confuse me.
"Don't expect the big boys to act on your whim, care to your needs, expect to influence them - if you want something, do it yourself"
Don't throw your Jeremy Kyle quotes at me Dougie
Heh you've met me in person Alan, didn't need acceptance on fb to use my name!

I'm right though ^^ "omgz why doens't this massive company selling millions make a game exactly how I want it?!?!" - Warsow be the way to go - or alternatively, ET is the best team fps & CPM dm - why change? We don't reinvent footy every few years...
I think people are more outraged at the treatment of competitive gaming as a whole, rather than specific in-game features.

I'm sure there is a reason why they've cut x, y & z, crippling the competitive scene, but I for one don't know what it is - and their absolute ignorance in the face of Q&A is bound to anger 'you people'
Comp gaming has always been community player driven – don’t confuse the likes of CPL / WSVG / that Korean shit with comp gaming – it’s not.

I don’t need the FA to organise the 5 aside every Thursday – neither do I need IW to buy me corner flags.
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