Crossfire announces first LAN!

image: xfindent3cf
Crossfire, the home of online Wolfenstein and Call of Duty is proud to announce the inaugural Crossfire Prizefight Challenge with 6,000 Euro's in cash prizes to be won!
On the weekend of the 2nd of September 2006, 8 Enemy Territory teams and 12 Call of Duty 2 teams will battle it out for 3,000 Euro's in each tournament at the TGS Gaming center in Rotterdam, Holland.

This initial release is to give competitors some basic information to start making preparations, a full press release will be issued in the coming week.
Over two days, teams will compete a tournament structure that will guarantee 2 games or more per team at a cost of 30 Euros per player, and 1 Euro per spectator. Signups for the tournament will go live next week, and following the sign ups Crossfire will hand pick the participants based on Skill and Stability. Should ET signups and payment exceed initially expectancy, Crossfire will look into adding two additional places.
Teams will then be given until August 1st to make their entry payment until their slot is offered to other teams. The event will not support BYOC, Call of Duty will be played 5on5 and the team size of the Enemy Territory tournament will be open for debate on site until the press release next week.
image: pf1_final
The event is proudly sponsored by PrizeFight and The Games Syndicate and supported by Inside the Game will be onsite to provide coverage for both tournaments! Over the coming weeks Crossfire will be changing to incorporate our new sponsors, and will be adding functionality for the event itself in the upcoming release of Crossfire version 3 in August.
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