Rage about Rage: No dedicated servers either?

If you haven't heard the news about Infinity Ward dropping dedicated servers for CoD:MW2, you might have been living under a rock or you do not follow CoD news at all. Something closer to home however is that John Carmack, technical director at id Software, has expressed his desire to skip dedicated servers for Rage, id's upcoming post apocalyptic shooter to be released When It's Done. Dedicated servers are something of a remnant of the early days of PC gaming, according to Carmack, who was responsible for some of the greatest technology which has defined the shape of games as we know them today. His most well known work is probably the Quake 3 Arena engine, which powered a wide array of games including Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and the Call of Duty series.

Via Variety

Meanwhile, the game developer behind W:ET, Splash Damage, has announced they will continue to support dedicated servers on the PC for their upcoming fps game BRINK, to be released in Spring 2010.

Everyone has a good connection and can handle 6 people: NP
Games supporting host on 1 guy who is playing, fixing this huge ping advantage NP
pixel perfect antilag etc NP
No baby kids playing games(hosting games and leaving when bored/losing) NP
Making from start on the most compleet games (no mods needed etc) NP
No more competition NP

awesome future (2100) ideas, now back to 2009 plz

we are supposed to go FORWARD with gaming quality not backwards.....
Hmm isn't 'rage' supposed to be some mix of N.I.C.E and fallout 3?
Well if I couldn't care less about dedicated servers - at least for the rpg part it could be beneficial to keep the balance that everyone gets the same chances on anything - and if the default options are well adjusted, suits me

If you have any counter arguments against why they shouldn't include dedicated servers(apart from you saying it'd be a step backwards) feel free to share them with me:)
IT'S about the idea such peer to peer connections on SHOOTERS that's what i care about. tho i heard it will be not PUBLIC like 20man yay! more like CoD coop style or like u said :)
mw2 and rage will give gasoline on warez' fire :)

who buys a game for singleplayer nowadays?
there are a lot trust me!!!
I just bought Dragon Age:Origins Collector's Edition. Not even a little multiplayer there.
zomg zomg amazing game! <3
woulb be fun if noone buys the game to show them that they can't do everything!
like you said, would be.

but this planet is filled with people that have no clue.
yes i know, and the game will be nice thats for sure. i also want to play it but i won't. i will wait 2 or 3 month and then i will buy it, till then they have seen ( hopefully ) that it costs much to make such decisions
Great Idea, I think I've heard it before though..
Let me think..
Ah yes, it was Wolfenstein, a game that a whole bunch of retards still bought (most even preordered) despite knowing that it would totally suck.
nah thats something else, they wanted to have wolfenstein like enemy territory, but that couldn't be because that are 2 different games ( ET is not RTCW and wolfenstein not RTCW2 ! ) so it was up to you if you want to play wolfenstein or not, but with mm2 they didn't change the game or gameplay they changed the servers and your multiplayer feeling. multiplayer should be ALWAYS made FOR the people who play it not for the makers
Well, if Carmack want to drop dedicated servers, then he: a) have some better solution on how to host games better without dedicated ones or b) he's started to drink a lot

Somewhat I believe that Carmack have something cool in his mind! Q_Q
only thing that could help you rage rage, is the ultimate klejf rage pic series!
image: bgxrmo
I think MW2 will prove this new system doesn't sell. And if it will for MW2, then that's because it has been hyped to much. Other games won't have this benefit and will just crumble.
so people playing at a lan will have to connect to an online server?

and at any given time the company hosting the servers can just pull the plug?
thats the main thing, pulling the plug forces you to buy the next edition - which is the epic fail. the benefits are all players will play on the same update (no players playing old versions etc).
or if the company goes bankrupt, disbands or is taken over, we'll be losing the multiplayer as well
what's the chanses of that? and even if it would happen I bet there would be a solution to it. :-p

still, I think it will work sh*t.
I think Richard Ham deserves his name to be put up there in stead op "Brinks game developer"
Multiple people at SD have said it, their community manager Steve Hessel (badman) being the first, back in June already (link), Richard Ham confirmed it at various places, and now Paul Wedgwood confirmed it to take a sneer at CoD:MW2. Hence "game developer" refers to the company, not a specific person within Splash Damage.
If Carmack says so it's true. Brb, buying mw2.
PC gaming used to be awesome. Developers used to be awesome.
Rage is a singleplayer game. The MP section is probably going to be co-op or extremely limited small DM modes.

In other words, its not going to be a game for Crossfire, so raging about it is pointless.
Without dedicated servers you can't really create an experience beyond co-op and extremely limited small DM modes, so those are what Rage will have if they go the listening server/player2player hosting way. No fancy MP. Did you know RTCW was supposed to be mainly a single player game, too?

The other bad thing is that the engine powering Rage will also be powering games a lot closer to the established Crossfire community, such as the next Doom and future Wolfenstein and Quake titles.
Won't be quite as bad as MW2 if you at least can choose who[/i] hosts the game.
the global servers philosophy works great. just look at hon. no lags what so ever.

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