HoN Beta Key Raffle

image: raffle

Crossfire is proud to give everyone another opporturnity to grap one out of 25 keys over the next week. With a little work or a little luck you will have numerous chances to get one of those.

Competitions4 keys


16 keys


1 key


1 key


1 key


1 key

_______1. Fanart creation from Monday until Thursday, 12th November
Create an artwork based on HoN's official grafic set for conception art and from the fan site kit. We will pick the best or most creative one to give you one key each day. Submit your artwork sending a PM to chosen -- Send PM

2. First come first serve from Monday until Thursday, 12th November
Based on a daily news post related to HoN (posted in the evening) the first four comments with the right answer to a question will receive a beta key.

3. Write a Journal about HoN until Friday, 13th November
The best journal entry related to HoN will receive a beta key. To participate just add "(raffle)" at the end of your journal title. -- Write a journal

4. Give a reason until Friday, 13th November
To receive an invite add a good reason why you should get one during the week to an official news post related to the HoN raffle. We will give an invite to the person with the best reason.

5. Storyline Creation until Friday, 13th November
HoN offers numerous heroes to pick - Create your own storyline based on the concept art from the official website in a small comic or text. To participate send a PM to chosen. -- Send PM

6. Atlantic Battle Slogan until Friday, 13th November
Known from Enemy Territory the Atlantic battle has been a great event for the past bringing both communities much closer to each other. Even though HoN is a new game and the official forum is beeing used by most nations already to figure out who's the best we will hold an Atlantic battle with the best players from both sides.
Your job is create the slogan for the first HoN Atlantic Battle held by crossfire. Add your slogan to this news post as a comment, the best slogan will be voted and picked on Friday.

As a winner of a key you will also have the chance to win an additional prize announce soon and will receive one additional key for a friend of your choice.

To create artworks, story lines or whatsoever the following links should help you to get some content up:
Official Website
Fan site kit
Concept art and Grafics
This looks like a sega game
well now it s really no closed beta anymore :D
try LoL instead....from creators of DotA

i dled ..now patching
lol no denying lol slow
LoL is shit
'From the creators of DotA' = no

League of Legends = shit LoL
nah, you have to pay for heroes or some shit like that
i played it for 3 hrs, i had lot of fun (against bots as matchmaking takes ages)
if u guys saying HoN>LoL, then hmm....i wud like to try to get a key or just wait for open beta ..

never played an RTS like game..
hmm have one already,but great idea
well all I'm reading is "crossfire" and "key competition"

hitting youtube shortly, Magmus Ain't Shit - Dr. Meez ft HoNET

image: magmus

Magmus here to, re-re-re-represent,
shoutout to all my bitches and hos on vent,
don't try and gank me 'less you wanna get spent.
i got a lava surge that provides me a stun
but sometimes its a blink if im on the run
just chilling in the lane with my volcanic touch
fuck with me? rot op jonge i'll end you in dutch
cause i just dinged eleven and my ultis level two
i got less time for you than a dog in my shoe
and pebbles over there, he just grew
went for the chuck and threw me at you.

you try make stun on me? not gonna work
shrunken head in your face, greasy turk
dribbling lava on the floor as i chase you down
activate my frostfield plate and run around
my face is rolling all over the keys
you try and escape through the motherfucking trees
but you know its hopeless and you know its futile
i just unleashed a genocide and it was fucking brutal

cos im Magmus. volcanic rock creation
when my ultis down i go on vacation.
do some farming in the neutral creeps;
earning dollar and XP when a zephyr leaps.
oh fuck whats this? is it the ropeadope?
five man gank, not dying is my hope
but ive got lots of strength and lots of hp
towards my teammates i run in the chat i plea
but im not gonna make it im dead for sure
theres not much more which i can endure
i think ive solved it, i did the math
you can't kill me in the motherfucking steam bath!

i bet you somehow miss out on a key like last time

Step one, You make your beta hard to play
It's only your fans that you betray.
Despite no good downloading speeds
Fileplanet still owns all your beta keys.
Wanna play? Then wait till Saturday
Still won't get one unless you pray.
Between the whine on IRC
Is this the game you really want to play?

Locki you went wrong, with your quake wars keys,
I'll just play Enemy Territory
And I hope you see that who, is to blame
Because of, how you killed your game.

Limit fps? Yeah you know best.
But why did you choose 30fps?
Gigantic maps that are all outdoor
I jus' wanna play, and not get bored
Vehicles? What the hell were you thinking?
Don't tell me about strogg reviving
When the game was revealed,
It just looked like battlefield.

Locki you went wrong, with your quake wars keys,
I'll just play Enemy Territory
And I hope you see that who, is to blame
Because of, how you killed your game.

ET and Quake it sounded good,
But it won't own quite like it should
None of my bullets ever hit,
The spread I don't like a little bit
Movement? It's slow like the gameplay
Maybe you could release a patch someday
The interface, is ugly too
Another thing for you to redo

Locki you went wrong, with your quake wars keys,
I'll just play Enemy Territory
And I hope you see that who, is to blame
Because of, how you killed your game.

Crossfire you went right, with your quake wars keys,
I'll enter your little key compy
And I hope that I will win a quake wars key
Because I, made a fool of meeeeee!

TosspoT, foonr, taLa; nellie and fusen,
Cash, raza, arni and chosen,
Crow, Max, PetriP, and the whole damn crew
Yeah you know, how to make a site.

TosspoT, foonr, taLa; nellie and fusen,
Cash, raza, arni and chosen,
Crow, Max, PetriP, and games-tee-vee.
Yeah you know, how to make a site.

[Please give me a key]
[Please give me a key]
nerfed sand king
crossfire, a HON community
free invites!

pm me
Can't i just re-enter my "give me the fucking key" qw beta video, then be equally disappointed by the game?
that was a pretty amazing video
doubt u will be disappointed here
Is that because any replies criticising the game get deleted?
its a game by gamers for gamers

no bs, just plain hardcore MP. I thought they stopped making these kind of games :)
got some extra beta keys if someone want it
can find me in #hello!project
only played League of Legends till now and its good, is HoN better?
and what exactly is better?
engine, graphics, gameplay, heroes, minimap, hud

everything really
but i already have a key :<
well i already have a beta key, i thought this was for the actual game so now im kinda mad that i wasted my time but ill post what i already had written up until i realized this was just for a beta key

There once was a girl named nymphora
The heroes all called her a whora
She sucked swiftblade and also magebane
Then Slither came over and they all ran a train

Later she woke and nymphora felt weird
she had vaginal warts and a green pubic beard
she knew slithers penis looked odd
"I should not have touched that nasty green rod"
I'm glad you didn't finish it
I guess i am the only one who doesnt know what is HoN, is it like WoW?
not WoW...its Warcraft III type game, not RTS too. (if m not wrong)
its more like a strategy game then its a roleplaying game.

Where each players gets to play a different type of unit each match
it's like DotA
haha yea what a fucking nerd
>_> i got 5 hon keys if any spanish guy want one pm me.
I can exchange hon keys to something too, noticed that had got 3 spare invites to my account. Reply or pm
I made an artwork to submit. Made a journal but I figured I'd post here too.

Sand Wraith:

image: sandwraith
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