Modern Warfare 2 Launched, First Reviews Surface!

image: mw2bnr

Today Modern Warfare 2 officially launched world-wide.

You can read up on reviews here: (Dutch & SP only)

These are the scores that reviews have given the game already:
  • The Telegraph - 10/10
  • The Guardian - 5/5
  • – 88%
  • – 93%
  • JustPushStart – 4.5/5
  • Gamesplanet – 7/10
  • BigPond - 3/10
  • GamesonSmash – 4.5/5
  • Videogamezone – 91/100
  • GamingBolt – 10/10
  • – 10/10
  • – 9.5/10
  • CheatCC – 4.9/5
  • IGN – 9.5/10
The Single Player campaign will last between 6 and 10 hours on hardened.

Gametrailers has put a video review online with loads of footage from the game. (Beware of spoilers!)

image: 1zgzv3b

Updates: Even after the game is launched PC gamers are being left in the cold as Steam customers will not be able to play the game until November the 12th! Hooray!

3 million copies of the game have been shipped to the UK to satisfy the customers until Christmas. The 900,000 copies five-day sales record that GTA 4 currently holds is bound to be broken!

Deredactie reports that in Belgium all sale records will be broken with already a total of 11.000 people standing in line at the midnight launch.

Razor1911 was the first release group to deliver a crack at 15:40 this afternoon. Skidrow also released a PROPER version.

This article will be updated with reviews and news of the first day of the game.
Ordered it! Hope to recieve it tomorrow=)
Morrisons have it for £25.99 - Sainsburys seemingly sold out in most places.
Yep, I cancelled my Amazon order when I heard yesterday thank god and managed to grab it for £26 this morning! Only 3 copies left when I got there. Was late to work because of it, but oh well :D
IGN's given it a 9.5

The single player seems a little short and slightly less realistic than the previous one but I still can't wait to play through it :D

Plus yay @ martyrdom removal!
nay @ last stand & grenade launchers!
wish i could play it :(
you have other things to do :(
my lasers!
had to wait for midnight to install, it's pretty good fun :) although the unrealistic part of brazil is a bit sad. oil rig mission was good though! story seems okish too :)

anyone played the Multiplayer already? Is it playable? how are the pings etc.?
played it for 15 minutes, didnt encounter lag but couldnt find the scores
"Razor1911 was the first release group to deliver a crack at 15:40 this afternoon. Skidrow also released a PROPER version."

So I can download and try the singleplayer without installing that steam shit?
Yeah, but make sure you get the Skidrow Release... Razors rls still requires steam to be installed. Guess they just wanted to be 1st rather than to provide a proper release without the steamshit...
What clayman said. The Skidrow release works perfectly without any Steam crap :)
but still it takes ages to download if you don't have any premium account...
Ah ye I've got one and also a very good download connection :)
But tbh I just finished the SP and it's still worth buying it!
you have a dedi, torrents... :P
take binaries, I got it in like 6 hours :)
too big to download :XD

for once im not ashamed of comment like that!
Tryna get it today but everywhere it is SOLD OUT. I heard they are going to push prices up too ; got last copy
I tend to agree to the 3/10 review most.
who gave the 3/10 review?

You're alive? :O
so gamesplanet and bigpond is the only ones not paid?
Cool banner bro :D
Ye, found it somewhere on the net on some superrandom site ;-)
survice surface
omg you're right. I was wondering what was wrong with that title :o
Dude stop posting this shit :P
read most of those.and if you want a review thats not mass-produced, assembly line, fabricated bullshit, read gamearena and gameplanet

aus/nz tell it like it is baby
QuoteThese are the scores that reviews have given the game already:
The Telegraph - 10/10
The Guardian - 5/5 – 88% – 93%
JustPushStart – 4.5/5
Gamesplanet – 7/10
BigPond - 3/10
GamesonSmash – 4.5/5
Videogamezone – 91/100
GamingBolt – 10/10 – 10/10 – 9.5/10
CheatCC – 4.9/5
IGN – 9.5/10

And their oppinions weren't influenced by getting early previews and exclusive interviews. These are without doubt the most unbiased reviews out there.
Usually those magazines only care about the SinglePlayer. I have no doubt the SP rocks again. :->
Gamesplanet – 7/10
BigPond - 3/10

These two are kind of the only ones that are really subjective!
Obviously BigPond didn't get any exclusives!
Only one thing is sure: no way in hell they will ever get one :D
Actually the 3/10 is the user rating for the MP and Big Ponds (GameArena) rating for the MP is 5/10.

The SP got a 9.5/10:
"Editor's note: This is a review of the multiplayer portion of the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 - our opinion of the single player campaign outlined in our console review remains consistent here in the PC version of the game."

And btw, this is a nice read :)
what a shit game :D
i only care about the SP part. who givers a fuck about MP?

the most MP games this year were a fail, this one will follow as i heard.

steam shit (not that i have a prob with it. i have steam since before cf was born),
no dedicated servers anymore,
11-15gb of installation just for some MP ?? ..

they shud go fuck theirself, exorbitant confident fucks ..
Did u play this game? I doubt :). There are not decicated servers, but u can creat own, I mean something like p2p, it works much better, no more UNHIT players :). The only "-" so far is lack of Record function. So first, buy a game, get PC to play with it @ stable fps, then comment.
as i wrote, the SP will surely be kickass again.
and yes i am playing it, and SP is kickass!! .. the rest is still meant as i wrote it!
BigPond - 3/10
Just played a war on it, actually not bad.

Co-op is epic.
i just bought this today and omg - can't install it without steam, can't install it to where my other games are installed, no fucking console, no fucking dedicated servers - no fucking way.
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