MW2 PC Console Unlocked?!

image: mw2_bnr_console

The non-existant console for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has now, somewhat, been unveiled! However, this isn't an official change to the game. MW2 fanatic, AgentGOD, has spent time "breaking" the game & coming up with a great little application. This allows the player to tweak his/her config via the console in-game. Just like in previous versions of the Call of Duty series.

However, AgentGOD does issue a warning with his smart application:

QuoteBy using this program, you agree that any consequences of usage
shall not be imposed on the programmer (AgentGOD). Use at your
own will and risk! I, the programmer, will NOT be held responsible
in the event that you are banned by VAC.

With that in mind, the program should NOT trigger a VAC-ban, but I cannot
make any guarantees.

Modern Warfare 2 Unleashed - The Dev Console Unlocker for PC v1.1
by AgentGOD

Home Page:
Donation :

Screenshots of Proof-of-Concept:
image: mw2console
image: mw2console2
image: mw2console4

Tested on:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer v1.0
Microsoft(R) Windows Vista Ultimate x64 SP2

Tired of Infinity Ward locking down the PC version of MW2? No problem!
This program will allow you to bring back the globally loved
developer console in the game! Plus, it will unlock important cvars like
cg_fov to change the field-of-view at the same time!

I hope with the release of this program, Infinity Ward will un-neuter
Modern Warfare 2 officially.

NOTE: By using this program, you agree that any consequences of usage
shall not be imposed on the programmer (AgentGOD). Use at your
own will and risk! I, the programmer, will NOT be held responsible
in the event that you are banned by VAC.

With that in mind, the program should NOT trigger a VAC-ban, but I cannot
make any guarantees.

Run LoaderX.exe.
Click Auto-Inject.
Launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Single/Multiplayer.
Enjoy the tilde (~) key in its full glory.

Copyright notices:
Call of Duty(tm) and Modern Warfare(tm) are trademarks of Infinity Ward, and
I am not in any way affiliated with Infinity Ward.

Copyright © 2009 Ultimate Filez

Download link:

Original thread:

Holy fack, I've never seen a console before!. This is naice!.
we are treading deep water here

if someone uses this and gets a vac ban, will that mean a league & cb ban for them? essentially it should, because if not then surely you can argue against any pb & vac ban?

Publishers are interfering with competition far too much and are creating too many gray lines. I don't like it.
It's a 3rd party program, so I can only assume so.
i think every game should allow players to tweak to their own desire but i dont want a vac ban so i`ll wait with this one but ty anyway

but any tips on how to tweak?
or is it possible to make your own cfg and load it??
You can edit the game's config. Go to your game's install directory, then "Players" and in there should be "config_mp.cfg". Just edit that.
just modify the configs :P
they are in steamapps/blabla/cod6blabla/players
but this option will change nothing because it is a fail game
I can only assume you've actually not played the game, or at least enough to get to know it a little better.

I thought the game would be epic fail, until I played it.
Whenever _you_ like a game, it's certainly destined to fail. Thanks a bunch.
but no dedicated servers = lame settings for wars....
The game is more comp-ready than COD4 was when it 1st came out.

There's options when setting up a private game to change the ruleset (perks disabled etc). Just needs a few tweaks, obviously.
you are forgetting the fact that you cant mod the game...
it needs to be heavily tweaked
In which way do you mean heavily? I'm keen to find out exactly what everybody's thoughts on it are.

Here are a few of my ideas:
good idea's.

but i doubt they will listen to any of the PC gamers :(
ofcourse i hope they do, but they haven't shown a lot of interest in competitive PC gaming thus far
Very true. Hopefully the fail of i38's MW2 tourney will make them realise.
what are you smoking and where can i buy it?
You have quite good sense for good games, Wolfenstein first, now COD6.
That was very much possible in cod4 as well. cod4 was miles ahead of mw2 in terms of comp-readiness out of the box.
Crossfire - a hacking community.
day by day mw2 is just getting broken down :D
You only have to use it once right ?
i heard seanza touches kids...
Sadly this can't be used in competition :/
pretty sure they'll get VAC banned
Oh please, play this game as developers balanced it, on xbox.
Now we just need to get a hack for dedicated servers and we're set.
just read the manual ..... ooops

image: cod6
Someone in USA sue IW for providing wrong informations. It says you can turn the console in the manual, but you cant do it ingame. They lie to people.

People were suing companys for stupid things like "i didnt know cigarettes cause cancer, you didnt put any warning on the box!" or "my coca cola exploded in to my face cause you didnt put a warning its not allowed to put mentos candy inside"

Easy win.
I remember reading that a woman won a court-case because her microwave oven's manufacturer didn't mention she couldn't put her cat in it.

Crazy stuff.
It was because the microwave oven's manual didn't state she can't dry her cat in it!
someone poured hot coffee on himself at mcdonalds, sued them for not having text "hot" in the coffee mug. won in court.
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