WCG 2009 is over

For those western eSports fans who were willing to stay up until the small hours of the night to follow this years WCG they were rewarded by some of the most entertaining eSports matches in history. WCG 09 has its champions now and there were surprises in almost every game with twists and turns in each final, the last day was cheered on by a capacity crowd of 8,000 fans!


Poland Again (former MYM) - $35,000
Sweden Fnatic - $18,000
Denmark mTw - $10,000

Fnatic still werent able to take the one crown that has illuded them all these years, with cArns pending retirement time will tell whether this is it for the most successful team of the year. They dropped 6 map points against Again and then lost in the 4th overtime to concede map one, and after an amazing start on T side on train fell by the wayside despite some phenominal clutches from f0rest.

Warcraft 3

China Infi - $14,000
China Fly100% - $6,000
Korea, Republic of Lyn - $3000

This was the biggest game of the event for the locals and they cheered their favourites to glory. The atmosphere for the grand finals resembled that of a football match and was brought to life when eventual champion Infi, GG'd after just 3 minutes on map 1! He turned it around late in map 2 and kept Fly on the back foot to win 2-1 - the only two maps Fly dropped all tournament long.


Korea, Republic of Jaedong - $10,000
[ flag=kr] stOrk - $4,000
Korea, Republic of bisu - $2,000

Koreans hate white dudes!


Germany Kr0ne
Germany Hero
Poland Pio

More info at WCG Site
nice prizes
Polska : - )
35k $, lulz nice, and another WCG won ;)
If you divide it each player receives the same as the the Dungeon & Fighter winner (or some other weird game). :-D
damn, why thy even bothered to go there
yeah you're getting the most money by winning wc3 (last year 20 000 for first place)
not really balanced imo
surprised that moon lost :o
moon gets paid more than 1st place per month, no motivation ;)
which moon? mooN or MooN?
this one I would have thought, if he is still with wemadeFox
are you serious ? Does he get that for gaming ?
best corean sc players make around 150.000 usd a year
In 2k6 they got $60k for winning. eco-crysis blows ;/
sad i couldnt watch most matches and this with the best casters:tosspot+rotterdam and tasteless in sc
f0rest & GeT_RiGhT werent enough individual skill to beat ex-vtL..

amazing tournament tho. congrats to Poland
damn, PolandAgain did it again :)
aren't there any prizes for the fifa nerds?
... thanks for spoilers
Knowing you - you didnt give a shit about WC3 or CS so you clicked 'readmore' knowing there were scores contained and maybe for the SC...so your fault.

When you load the BBC site are you upset that they put the football scores on the front page?
well, i clicked through from RSS not the home page :(

starcraft is harder to watch live than football, and if you know the result its just not as entertaining

i should probably be more careful
sc 1-2-3 kr... how suprising
China PJ could have won vs Stork. Was a close 1-2. :) (One russian took a map vs JaeDong, too)
map2 was amazing :o
awesome match by Again - two great comebacks in the most important moments, I got really surprised
VODs? or was coverage shit once again?
Ye it was utter shit once again, you can only watch every recording of every WCG of the past years on their site or youtube.
im used to shit coverage when it comes to cc/qcon. wcg actually does it right.
i could cut myself that i fall asleep before the sc final
worth to watch the vod?
Gold Again (former MYM) - $35,000 ( again ex : PGS MYM WICKED WICTROLIC )
kRONE omg
just finished watching the replays and stork should blame himself for that loose
some stupid mistakes by him :)
Any journal that starts with - "We all know how terrible the WCG organisation is, but this time they really hit new heights of lameness."and is from ESR clearly is gonna be full of shit. This WCG was a raging success.
Can't wait to hear you cast Wise Star 2 and Asphalt 4 :)
redeye got that short straw, I did Dungeon and Fighter which was....epic
Sarcasm I guess? :P You guys didn't seem that enthusiastic when I watched that Korean vs Japan guy. :-D
you followed it ? What games you still play ?
QL sometimes. btw that arrogant TosspoT guy doesn't reply to me
no ET anymore ?

I heard from reliable sources that Tosspot doesnt like you..
Hehe, most people don't. x)
Nobody with the same flag as Loekino has a reliable source, so I wouldnt worry!
That video is amazing though :>
didnt watch the video :P

However yesterdays CS match on the stage took 4 hours and considering its all going on OGN live they kinda need to be accurate on their stage schedule, that and the fact all the fans were there for WC3 - It was unbelievable (jeff) the wc3 final was just ridiculous, not for the match which was good anyway but just that many people watching gaming, was crazy.
I like where this trend is going.
fucking koreans dont have life... how unexpected!
they actually do :O

its their job to play the game
they make more money no-lifing than you probably ever could, LOLUMAD?
no, cause its just money... it wont substitute eg blue sky, smooth wind, green grass
No moneyz for FIFA?
+expected at Jaedong.
sad to see that they have tounaments for so many crap games but not for ET .. would be really nice to see that at WCG ^^
FIFA was nice to watch actually :o
kind of lame with all these sponsor related mobilegames and shit though, would've liked to see some fighting game there. SFIV or Tekken maybe. Trackmania is the #1 racing game, hopefully they will stick with that one for a long time.
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