CB ET Crew after changes

image: zxpbb8

November 2009 might be remembered by a major change of the guard in Clanbase Enemy Territory Crew. From current 3-men admins group only 1 will continue his work under [CB] Tag. What is more, it's declared that OpenCup 3on3 is back in favour of supervisors. Furthermore, after several months of application process and interviews, CB ET Crew has recruited 3 brand new volunteers to keep organising ET events.

First noticeable change happened on the main position in CB ET Crew. After years of work, Spain Donex has finished his service. New Game Supervisor will be Malta Killerboy.

With a change of Game Supervisor, CB ET Crew was strenghtened by 3 new admins:
  • Belgium Goldorak
  • Belgium iMmi
  • Germany Rayzed

New GS is aiming to recruit 1 or 2 more admins to optimalise managing various tournaments organised by Clanbase, including:
  • EuroCup
  • OpenCup 6on6
  • OpenCup 3on3
  • NationsCup
  • Ladders

Please fill in apply form here: APPLY

Those 4 supervisors ( + 1 or 2 more) will be associated to one or two of mentioned tourmanents. If you have any proposals, don't hesitate to drop a comment under this newspost!

Please wish them good luck in doing their job.

mhz we will see ...

but i think it will be hard for rayzed ... i dunno why :D
maybe cuz the other 2 newbies are belgians :P
rayzed :XD
its iMmi not imMi !

Thank God it's my last OC season.
I would still do her.
i don't that that's a her, dude :|
i dont that that?
wow i just realized how much i fucked that up. i stayed up 24+ hrs when i typed that haha
without kissing`?
With a bag on her face :D ?
a hole is a hole :D
so you are gay?
Oh my god !!

do u want to be gay with me :D ?
its not the same hoe .. you can see that on her left arm!


paki controlling CB? this shit is dead
nahuj idi polak ebanqj fanboy
I'm German man.
"CB ETC Crew after changes" ?
After years of work, Donex has finished his service
No more Homer @ CB :) Enough of doing 80% of job and being called shittest lazy admin:)
good choice x))))
noob,thats nonsense!

then admin smth else :[
err? will u stay if i ask u nicely?

and seriously as an admin you shouldnt expect to get some thumbs up for the things u do well, in a community like this you should only expect whine if u do something wrong. but then again, this is a community with poor people who don't even want to pay for their gameserver or for a game itself, so why the heck would you let them influence your adminwork ?!

and get ur ass on irc plz :x
when I called you lazy I was under stress, actually you're a pretty damn good admin <3
it's all bullshit & lies, the amount of work me and you did was equivalent to what 6 supervisors would have done. You did EC Supervisor + Coverage + Shoutcast/Radio + ETTV Requests + Reffing and OpenCup Supervisor + all the enterting scores & forcing matches for both cups and IRC Support & all the new stuff you introduced, only the jealous and most un-updated ppl on earth would call you that.

don't quit :(((((
lol thought you stay :(

nice effort tho <3 :(
plz unban Sup3r before you go :$
you're one lazy shite admin...^^
c'mon don't drop out - you know that you're neither lazy nor bad - awsome might be more suitable <3

C'mon I'll keep you cheered up and you stay with CB :D
u helped me with my case, thank you if i didnt
Just go away from my internetz!
I must say, you are by far one of the best admins that I have ever had to do with at Clanbase. I also know that many of my friends think the same.

Well done Homer!
I was better, too bad you never had to deal with me :<
Yes I did, when I played in mereo and my ETPro-guid changed at every reboot. You we're awesome too of course!
Im sorry. Stay :( please
thx for ur job m8
gl rayzed
3on3 OC <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
fuck yeah no more donex... ow, wait theres another retard as GS :<
Thank you for your work, Spain doneX!
People always remember bad things and forget about good, so I will remember donex as someone who didn't do ANYTHING when I was complaining about Zell's and Nawor's wrong decision (according to CB C&A Policy and their own OC rules), so... just bye. Not 'good' at all.
at least no mUnduS, worst cb admin ever
Finally some active admins, good work and keep that with that 3on3 opencup!

Good luck new admins :)
After years of work, Donex has finished his service.

calling what he did WORK or SERVICE would be really far exxagerated
oh no just not Killerboy... worst admin ever.

j/k m8, how is it goin? good luck with you new job! :)
thank god donex is gone, shame about u homer gl !
How come Donex left ? :D
Because of you, didnt you know that?
rl issues ? doesnt sound too good :/
after nearly 9 years with CB i guess he got tired of it...(he was with the rtcw crew before as well)
awww shame hope things are ok for him, and hi2u Bart n Ana :)
yea, without doneX it won't be the same ;x
Im going for NC sup btw lab, care to join me ? :D

Hoi Bulld0g ! :D <3
now donex is gone you make your comeback :DDD I say go for it... you were always better suited for NC then I was
hehe, so true :P
"New Game Supervisor will be Killerboy."

Thank God it's my last OC season.
Applied for NC ... dont consider my application if i cant do NC please ;)
nice now get donex,bartichello and homer too ! :(
what a pain in the ass, no homer and bartichello, instead that fucking retarded prick called Goldorak...
really? :DDDDDDDd
after years of retardness Donex has gone
retardness just found a whole new level my friend. don't celebrate just yet!!
Will do my best, keep on flaming me ;)
gz und hf :>
pls do that as your first step to success & getting a respect !

(adding a poll @ xfire wouldn't be wrong I guess, so people which actually play in the ladder could choose those 2 new maps)

(ofc I asked killerboy, looks like he is permabusy making journals about 1.his wetdreams &
2. beating lowminus polish clans )
too bad about homer quitting :(
gl immitje
happy day for kb :D
shittest lazy admin
Avi to be supervisor of the ET- ladders and/or OC!
We do not want you!:!:D:D:D:
donex out = step forward for CB
2 bad homie :<
den immi gaat het hier nekeer doen eh maat, met de groven borstel derdoor :D
I would so like to revive 6on6-ladder, but I guess there wouldn´t be enough activity and I would mess it up :/
Wp Goldo !!
Isn't Clanbase that site that used to host this prestigious cup with LAN finals that nowadays nobody cares about anymore?
+1 :)
btw how are you doing mate? :)
omg immi oh noes ! :(
Personaly im avi on IRC from 8h30 to 16h30 and from 21h to 01h00 so feel free to pm if u need something :)
For the rest just pm me on CB i read it as most as i can
Totally understand Homer, the 'job' just isn't worth it by any means.
yeah good to hear that there are going to be new admins....
3o3 OC... finally
rosicky, eboue and atkinson to the pocal?
ok so it sounds quite good :) have fun at uni
3o3 oc :~>
oh noooes not immi and goldorak :<
no doneX anymore? party up

donex is shittest admin in the world

homer is nise and killerpoi too <3

gl guys!
3on3 OC yay

donex stepping off is a good thing after all, although generally he did a good job
And well, sad to see homer go, he really did his job and invested a lot on that :)

gl for the new candidates
Thanks homer, for all your work.
to bad you need to leave!

GL den iMmi!
i think ur forgetting some old supervisors :( :P
killerboy is waaay worse than donex as game supervisor, but immi will rule em all anyway so np.
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