RTCW Chaos

image: 2s7zyow

The Early Xmas RTCW-Cup so far is a great success. The first matchweek has passed with 0 dropouts and all matches were played on time. With no big surprises happening all higher seeded teams have won their matches with the exception of EuropeFallanx who lost to EuropeRewind 4-0. This Monday rewind look to extend their winning streak as they meet EuropeChaos in a match that will most likely decide who is going to take first and second place in group C.

EuropeChaos is the former raw team with a few lineup changes. Compared to the team that took the second place in the RTCW-Cup II the most notable departure is the one of the former svper players: BelgiummAx, Belgiumedge, Belgiumkritos and BelgiumaRno. Instead chaos have picked up Germanyfro and Estoniabff to fill the lineup. It will be their first official game together and it's their chance to prove that they deserved their first seed.

I've met up with United Kingdomdictator to ask him a few questions before the match:

You renamed your team from raw to chaos - is it an allusion to your gameplay?
Atm yes, but i'm hoping it becomes a paradox :D

Do you think your new lineup has the potential to go as far as you did with raw in RTCW-Cup II?
Since we've had little time to prepare i think it's key we win our group to avoid playing a top seed in the first knockout stage. If we do that then i see no reason why we can't do well, although there's a lot more "good" teams this cup.

What are your expectations going into the match?
We expect a hard game from rewind, we've only just found a 6th player so we've had very little practise time. I think it will be a close game !

EuropeRewind on the other hand have contiously improved after their loss to Finlandfixed in the seeding match. Since BelgiumsyL left nP to join them as teamleader and EstoniaNight returned to rtcw to pick up the panzer it looks like they have found what they were missing to aim for the top again. This has shown in their first groupgame against EuropeFallanx that they won convincingly with some nice individual actions by Denmarkdarkie.

image: game14664


LatviaClown from United Kingdom118
QuoteIt should be a nice match for viewers and it should be pretty close. Rewind have a team of people who have played the game years ago and have been good at it, chaos on the other hand some newer players who aren't that experienced but might have an upper hand in aim. That said, I still think rewind will take this match!

GermanyJackh4mmer from EuropeFallanx
QuoteI think this will be a very close and exciting match. On the one hand there is rewind, with their huge experience and success in the past. About their current teamplay and aim i can't say that much, because i haven`t seen them playing in this cup. On the other hand there is chaos, with their decent aimers and a really nice teamplay. For me they are one of the favourites winning the cup and so i think raw will take it.

FinlandSipperi from FinlandFixed
QuoteGoing to be a pretty close game im sure. Rewind has really nice teamplay already and now theyve made progress rising their individual skills back to a high level. But im still putting my money on raw, theyve proved that they are still one of the top teams in scene.

[center]Groups - Schedule - Demos - #rtcw-cup[/center]


hf gl both!
fuck off, i dont speak with poor or ugly people
for that same reason i dont play rtcw with you
they obviously miss Belgium kritos
nice, glhf everybody

wish more teams were switching back to rtcw :<
wish i could play more in the cup :( oh well, busy life
eventho i never played RTCW, i really like this little "comeback" from RTCW.

Keep on going ;)
should be a good match!
gl both
sounds nice :)
rewind imo!
go darkie ^^
wow rewind back playing, almost makes me want to dust off my thompson.
My raw... :< gj fellas :P
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