Fall League Playoffs

image: fall_09_playoffs
The last group stage matches took place last week. We found all play off teams which will fight for the crown of this year's ESL Fall Leagues. All Play Offs will start simultaneus, just like the group stages did.
Check out this news for all information!

  • 1 Match per Week, Matchweek starts each Monday
  • A Protest Ticket will be opened if the match is not played till Friday
  • Forced Date to play: Each Sunday by an admin
  • Only Players with entered ET Pro and PB Guid are allowed to play
  • Cointoss: Winner starts to eliminate the 1st map, loser determines Axis/Allies
  • A Demo of each round must be taken by each player!
  • There are NO Wildcards!

More information on rules, prizes and help to be found on the ESL Newspost.
nice, avi
the 1on1 is awesome, I won my group without playing any match :)))))) Yeah I know, its not your fault
idd :> 1on1s tend to not play. Though e.g. I played all of my matches except one defwinned due to a unlucky protest of my opponent
ESL sux, very hard!
1on1: final: swan vs djfreeze
winner: djfreeze
i need to start praccing 1on1s then to make your wet dream come true :)
freeze i know you whoop candy ass in 1v1 :p
i did like 2-3 years ago, hähä
but there is no 5th division teams :((( this sucks
bF looking for 6v6 pocal
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