SummerCup signups and maplist

image: cb2 Summer only comes round once a year, unless of course you migrate to Australia for half the year in which case you get 2. Or 3 if you're being clever, because you get another when you come back. In which case this analogy doesn't work. Let's start again.

The SummerCup only comes around once a year, and this year we nearly didn't have one at all. We now know that Malta toxic has taken up the reigns, and introduced his 5v5 style of gameplay upon the masses, much to the horror and vehement protests of a certain "high flying" German. But all that is irrelevant now as the signups are officially open, as has been the maplist announced. And boy, you're in for a shock. Let's get the easy ones out of the way. There is no supplydepot, there is no radar. But what there is, is sure to turn a few heads. The maplist is:

HoG_b10 (Heart Of Gold)

If that doesn't raise a few eyebrows, I'm not to sure what will. Toxic moved to justify the decision:

No Radar as it has been a constant feature in every mappool of every competition, so this map takes a break from the 5v5 mappool. And also no supplydepot2, even though the map is great, we felt that it had to be sacrificed to try out the 2 new maps and grush had to be kept to keep the balance of different styles in the mappool.

Think you can step up to meet the demands? Sign up at the league page
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