GamingHeaven's Game of the Year 2009 Awards

image: is organizing its yearly Game Of The Year competition.

Prizes for this years Game of the Year Awards are going to be awarded to members participating in the voting and discussion in GamingHeaven's GOTY forums section. To be a member all you have to do is register for a free forum account, and then follow the links in the game categories to the voting area.

Here's what's up for grabs!

So there you have this years amazing prize selection, as stated earlier to be in with a chance of winning one of these prize packages all you have to do is participate by voting or discussing the GOTY on the forums in the dedicated forum section of GamingHeaven. Sign up for a free account here: REGISTER
More info:

image: 2m4w3l0
Quote by redeyeLast year when we posted this on Cadred, many of the readers there won a significant amount of prizes, so it really is a chance for your readers and community to win something!

Good luck everyone :)
I am ok with you quoting me, if you need to :) And thanks for posting.
I can use your name? Ok :)
Krosan, tomorrow's news today! Nice prizes though :o
Voted. I expect prizes!!!!!!!
6 copies of Lavasoft's Ad-aware Gaming edition

what do you need with 6 copies LOL
who the fuck would BUY that shit?
i dont care :|
Obviously, 6 copies arent for one person, its 6 copies to give away to 6 people, but I thought that would be obvious!
I'd like that 5970
Signed up for the freebies. Toss, make it happen <o/
"Hotmail/Yahoo Email Addresses are not allowed here"
insta fail.
Just a small note to let you all know. Unfortunately, the hotmail and yahoo email accounts are banned on Gaming Heaven due to HEAVY spam abuse in the past. I have looked in to this and there is nothing we can do short of removing the ban on it, which is not practicable for us.

Aplogies to anyone not able to register, but a gmail account works fine and I whilst it is annoying, I would urge you to register using a different email account than Yahoo/hotmail as there are some really cool prizes and you DO stand a very good chance of winning some of them.
why the hell is MW2 covering most of the banner , shouldnt a game of the year candidate deliver on all platforms, not make a lousy console port for the PC?
I am pretty sure the graphic doesnt represent which game is more deserving of the award...
if you would make a banner and write something on it, how would you write the word youre trying to put the emphasis on..but whatever, i know my theory is pretty far fetched
It is the biggest media release of all time...
Just vote or do we need to post?
Vote is enough I think.
need to be sure x]
Hotmail accounts are BANNED! you cannot use hotmail or yahoo as your email.

Who still uses hotmail these days -_-
I do for all useless crap :D!
I see what you did there! Fu :P
what's wrong with using hotmail? =s
It's microshit!
hotmail is my old account, its for my shit facebook,etc. haha
Made my first email address there 12 years ago, why would I give it up :) ?
Cause times change, technology evolves :P
It's already nostalgic thing, not many guys had email address back then, and even my password is still the same with 5 small letters (wouldn't be possible anymore), and I hope you won't go try my pw out now :D
Back when it wasn't from microsoft yet and had nothing to do with msn? :D
I'm not sure if it was already microsoft's at that time but surely it had nothing to do with msn :)
like im going to register a new email adress EXTRA for this crap
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