Intel Sunday Night Cup #1

image: cic-header

To aid the transition from 6on6 to 5on5 at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 we're running some 1 night cups to get teams playing 5on5 together. The format is very much like the old cups, one night only, max 32 teams, 1 map, Best of 3 SW Rounds on that 1 map, Single Elimination. Only the strongest will survive! Rumour has it that a number of the CIC7 oldschool top teams will be returning to activity during these cups!

Sunday December 6th

Signups Open: 16:30 CET - A new thread will be made where you'll need to post your lineup
First Round (Round of 32): 17:30 CET - Goldrush
Second Round (Round of 16): 18:30 CET - Supply Depot
Third Round (Quarter Final): 19:30 CET - Radar
Fourth Round (Semi Final): 20:30 CET - Goldrush
Last Round (Grand Final): 21:30 CET - Radar

I've kept the map pool very small and classic for this cup for simplicities sake to aid practicing. Theres no point having a 7 map map pool just yet if teams are not prepared on many maps. Its an exceedingly tight schedule to get BO3's completed in an hour, hense why its set to finish at 21:30 CET with a little contingency for delays.

It'd help greatly if you can show your interest in playing in this cup in the comments below!
nice nice :)
nice not playing QL OC :(
oh shit, i forgot about the match, thought it is this sunday lol... shit :/
Thank you sinterklaas! I knew it!
You must be a fucking psycho that you predicted this!
Said the man that was born out of Sinterklaas or Zwarte Piets sack!
Dude that's gross :D
if I get my team together by then we'll gladly play
My birthdaaaay!
Well done :D
bb\Clown: I cannot wait to play and get the old gang back together for another wacky adventure!
will this have an irc channel or smtg?
[@mikza]: most retarded murso tag incoming!
#care what is murso?
too oldsk00l for j00r beatz!
nothing could get more retarded than the 'classic' tag :P
don't plan to play
cu final ecw
cu final ecw
too early :(, start @ 19:00 or smth
flocky needs to take care of the misses first?:D
yep, till 8 o' clock :(
The real old 30 min goldrush? I like.
YEAH! cant wait
Nice one, bit too early maybe :/
19.00 or smth would be better i guess
TvLAN.GOSSIP is playing!

#TvLAN.GOSSIP idle&stay
QuoteRumour has it that a number of the CIC7 oldschool top teams will be returning to activity during these cups!

I think you need to tell us something!!
should be pretty nice, good idea!
just one thing, why only those three maps :P

edit: just read that last part of the post, fair play ;D
can we except some shoutcasting? :p
Rodcad lan will own.
Looks nice, will sign up. Downside is that there are always lots of offi's on sunday.
kanker sukkel we hebben offi
om 6 uur al :{D
no missile = fail!!!!!!!!
i hope sw_goldrush_te
its really early imo :( but I guess we'll play
yey, cool maps :P
Ofc its sw goldrush, but do I really need to write sw_goldrush_te_released_on_the_17th_of_november_1981 everytime?

I hearby rename it to Goldrush
You can compress it even moar, like how about: grush or grsh or just gr! hihi
its Supply not Supply Depot !!!!!
who entitles u to change names of maps mister !!!!

i wanna see zeh good old names !
also Supplydepot was the first one Supplydepot -> Supplydepot2 -> Supply D:
Now you're just being fussy!
couldnt resist!
The good news just keeps coming! Awesome-o =)
Moved start time back 30 minutes to please those saying its too early.
still too early i dont finnish work till 6 pm gmt ya prick
well probably they'll get 16 teams I guess, so it starts at 18.30 CET probably (which is still early :P)
Rumour has it that a number of the CIC7 oldschool top teams will be returning to activity during these cups! TosspoT was talking about us, oldschool 0E yes! prolly playing it
i hope sin.gaming can play due for our na's its rly early :D
Good Idea!


will be our line-up (:
Need to kick the worse player from that lineup. Goodbye mAus!
cu final mm
play 5on5 during the active 6on6 season, get all the outdated maps and aim to get oldschoolers playing a one day cup.

this is how u r saving ur personal scene
all the seasons are close to an end alrdy. 2 more games & cb opencup is over. these tourneys are rly nice.
lol newbie nick
starting at 19 and finishing at 23 would be better :p. But i wont complain cos its been hard to find opponents in 5v5 lately and looks like it will be a nice tourney. Thx Stu !
get on IRC; lets play an offi ! :)
at work !
when are u back?
going out 2nite?
going gym so wont be out tonight. Get home at about 20.30 cet
fast reply is fast, going gym aswell, back @ 21:30 cet
cb ladder gotta feel the pain boooooooooyyyyyy.
yerrrrr boiiiiii
so be online around 21:30 cet boiiiiiiiiiiiii
gna' roll dem nerds.
merc avi :X
merc avi :<
a-football prac ends at 19.30cet.. so can't play :(

would be nicer if it was played in 2 days. don't think ppl like to play 5 hours in a row

edit: canceled (coz of birthday of Finland!) so I can play :(
merc avi !
good work
merc (maybe) avi! :D
1 hour might not be enough for 3 sw-rounds
Do not want! ET is a 6v6 game, not 5v5.
you sir, are a spacca
heartZ will play :-)

e: need mercs, pmme
Good luck getting 32 teams @ 17:30 xD.
need skilled team, pmme!
Me and Estonia Intact and Estonia Night will play this for sure.
pls ferus too ;D
merc avi
prizemoney and config? plus do you need to be going to lan to play?

scrolled the money out must of been thinking about lan when i typed prizemoney, cant ever remember a 1daycup having prizemoney instead its bncs but beggers cant be choosers
So it's an Intel cup without prizes? Nois.
gonna play...guarana or sth.lookin forward to it
gonna play !
one is missing bot all the time. might be jungling

ps: nice ganking ET btw
Too early ;(
so maps have to be won twice in order to progress to the next round?
GLHF Hombres!
MIGHT be hard to get a team that early.. otherwise im avi . pm me at #e2
Put some nice games of this tourney on ETTV :>) ?
Awsome im sure THE CUBE will participate in a few of these :)
grand final shoutcasted by you? :D
still dont know if i should be glad that there is a sponsor who could put fresh air in ET or if i should cry, because the 6o6 leaves us :|
wudnt have been prob for the teams playing in GameArena,.... 5o5, 1 map, best of 3 round (though GA has best of 5 rounds). :>

gl everyone participating =)
Nice maps!
yeah lets go for it !
would be better when the winning team is only allowed to participate once (cuz of the price....else we will never be able to win something...)

ps: there were prices right?
dont think so, at least they arent announced
wow, great idea.
dont try to act smart
i just think it's a great idea to ban good teams from competition so the teams that are too lazy to prac can win some prices. what's wrong about that?
It is not about banning good teams. i just thought that there are prices for the winning team and i think it is unfair if every week the same team win that cup and gets a new mouse or whatever.
the best team wins, if the others aren't able to beat it it's their fault. there is no reason in becomimg the best if you then get dismissed from competitions.
how about different leagues with different prizes? :D
u must be trippin' -.- so lets keep ppl who spend time praccing and making tax out of comp that ur lazy irl_friends_from_teh_blokk team can win without any effort : DDD u need to get sum help mr kebab =)
was just an idea :]

but at least i get some decent feedback here...unlike some other nerds who just want to flame
i didnt see any ideas there -.- just random talk about sum nonsense
too late for me due to army :(
haisee selitykset :D ei oo puolest tunnist kii!
gief team
avi pm me @ brendan on irc =]
5on5 > 6on6.
High merc avi for this /q me at
bah, to early :[
need ettvs btw
avi ! pmmeeee
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