Threewave cuts staff

The pioneers of CTF in first person shooters, Threewave Software, today announced they will be cutting staff members as they move into a reorganization phase. Threewave were responsible for the Return to Castle Wolfenstein ports on the Xbox and the PS2, worked on the Jedi Knight and Soldier of Fortune franchises, and did some early work on the MP mode of the critically panned latest entry in the Wolfenstein franchise.

Not long after the release of Wolfenstein, a list of the features Threewave apparently implemented in the Wolfenstein MP was posted by Wolf1337. Many Crossfire users have expressed their preference towards the Wolfenstein release Threewave had in mind, while disliking the version released by Endrant.

Read more over at Gamesutra
wolfenstein was a success:

just wait for patch & wolfpro and everything fixed kk
Premier League
Group A

am i the only one that loled at that statement
"Many Crossfire users have expressed their preference towards the Wolfenstein release Threewave had in mind, while disliking the version released by Endrant."

People wanted deployables, veil weapons and more magical abilities?
Sainted wanted.
First Raven, then Endrant, then Threewave. Hmmm.
this sux tbh. Threewave has at least shown that they can make good stuff
It's like everything in life. Project finishes, no more in a certain specific field and people are let go. Doesn't mean business is poor or higher-ups are unhappy with a finished product.
If a company does good business, they don't make major cuts, it's really bad PR. What used to be "just good enough" nowadays, just isn't good enough anymore.
Do the companies think it's bad PR or is it just the way people perceive forced cuts? The staff in question may specialism in one specific area and at this moment in time, the company has no orders to warrant their skills.

Even the company spokesmen says that the information "Isn't quite accurate" about the "Job cuts".

But yea, I think it's bad PR mainly due to the way companies go about informing people of lay-offs. They really don't help themselves.
i have to thank endrant...
after wolfenstein i think my passion for videogames in a competitive way is gone forever...

that game was a good therapy .. now i am healthy !!!! :)

hope brink will be a fail or i'll fall again in the tunnel... :P
while disliking the version released by Endrant

Threewave maked a shit game for activision in few month and endrant just added the veill + few details.
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