A Fresh Power at CiC7

image: logo4The previous eSuba team, now playing under the wings of Power Gaming, have changed their line up once more to beat inactivity.
They will be attending to CiC7 with the following players:

Czech Republic Jan "paradox-" Duchon
Czech Republic Nikolaj "Mazarini" Lazarev
Czech Republic Lubomír "Luboshmir" Pešák
Netherlands Erik "Froster" van den Biggelaar
Netherlands Nick "toxjee" Hol

The Dutchman Froster has recently joined the squad, and now also toxjee was added to the line up. The player is well known for his achievements in ButtonBashers and Serious Gaming.

Toxjee had the following to say to Cadred:
Quote by Nick "toxjee" HolAfter the serious gaming team I played for broke up due to lineup issues I went semi inactive, waiting for an offer, but not really looking for one, to join a new team. I played with a few different clans mixing and playing in cups, HoN (I am too good at it) and minigolf (unbeaten!). I got asked by Froster to play some matches with Power Gaming.

While we were playing it took off really well felt good playing with them. They're loads of fun, almost no whining and they all have really good team play. After that we played for a week or two and they then told me that I fitted into the team just right and they wanted me to join properly. I will be going with them to CiC7, so make sure I see you there!

Today they had their first official in the ESH Roccat SDMS cup. They won from Team Dignitas with 13-5 on the map crossfire, which surely means a great start and a confidence boost for the new line up.

The side is looking to achieve at CiC7 and we wish them the best of luck!
nick HOL hahahaha
gl guys! =O
a very nice lineup , gl ;)
Mazarini <333
<3 thanks guys:) cya on cc7
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