MW2 players banned by their ISP

image: 3375328

It seems like bad news about Infinity Wards latest Call of Duty title will not stop.

Some United States of America american players reported now, that they got contacted by their ISP for breaking the terms of use for their ISP contract. Since there are no dedicated servers in MW2 multiplayer, games are hosted by the players themselves (with the system), which runs over peer-2-peer connection, just like filesharing tools for example.
So the ISP accuses their customers for "excessive filesharing over a p2p network".

Infinity Ward has not released a statement yet, but there are alot of angry players raging over at the offical CoD forums.

This could also affect users in Germany germany and other Europe european countries, who's ISPs have similar terms of use in their contracts.

Source (German):
made my morning when i read it, thought i need to share this :D
too bad i'd read it @ 3/4 AM already tho i couldn't rly translate it perfect:)))) and i guess the german who gave me the link was too lazy aswell i guess :(
You need better sources than this for news, until then this is just FUD. :P

(Would have been a funny April 1st joke though.)

yeah fucking copy&paste, fixed :D
what a troll
<3 :D

cod4 c'est soir?
hahah nice... it is getting even worse

€: Noor overtakes cf news section! ;)
lolZ mw2 sux totaly
hey Noorgin, imma let you finish, but p2p servers are best idea of all time

why did you open the door??!?!?!?!
Why didnt you give ammo? I asked before you set the artillery! WHY DIDNT YOU GIVE AMMO?!?!??!?!
Individual performances is all that matters.
lolZ mw2 sux totaly
Just make that damn patch which includes dedicated serveres, mods and consol! I would buy the game then :)
i guess 90% of the competitive CoD4 community would buy the game then :)
Virgin Media in the UK have capped the p2p too and a couple of my friends have been throttled because of MW2
this is highly fucked up
cant blame cod for it
there should be nothing illegal in p2p itself
That's not the only problem. Tons of ISP's prohibit users to host servers/services on their internet connection.
Yup, back in 2000 when i first got cable I already got disconnected for hosting FTP servers. There's almost no ISPs which allow people to host servers. In Belgium its only some smaller companies.
almost all in holland allow you to host a server, but I guess we're the lucky ones
noor back to ET? :)
He already quitted again.
why should i ? CoD4 is great fun :)
u never invited me to try it :(
HAHAHA!!!!! I LAUGH AT YOU!!!!! Hope the providers sue all the ppl and they have to pay a whole lotta money xD

Oh yeah thats sooooooooooooo nice...thats the payback when u support crappy games and their greedy companies

oh happy day
gonaaa buy MW2 for the ps3 soon!

who gives a fuck if there is no dedicated servers
you should be banned from life.
haha what a fail :D
where is my shoutout?

This game is a farce. Although not on the same level as wolfenstein but close.
IW's failstreak continues :DDD
keeps on getting better and better, almost failing as much as wolfenstein.
lets hope they make the PRESSING T WILL OPEN CHAT patch soon enough for cod, so it can sell out better
Aready one step ahead!
A great success is great.
And please fucking please, fix the fucking javelyn glitch.
hahahahahaha roflmao thats so fuking funny
and how is the pc system different from what ppl have on the consoles for online play to punish one and not the other?
It's about American ISPs and all you've got is a German gaming site as source for this?

You'd think this would be all over the internet if it was true, starting with American gaming sites & blogs.

Credibility: low
The news seems to have came from:

I wouldn't doubt it in the least though... our ISPs are especially picky about how we use our bandwidth. Hosting on Xbox Live wouldn't get you in trouble since Microsoft probably got it put on a whitelist years ago. IWNet on the other hand wouldn't have that privilege.
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