CIC7 Signups Progressing

image: cic-header

The signup for the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 are progressing nicely with CoD4 currently leading the way! There is still plenty of time to signup however we'd much prefer it if teams signed up as early as possible to give us as much indication of how to structure things as soon as possible. We've also already had a handful of teams pay their entrance fee already!

- Key – Bold = Paid

Netherlands Charism
Europe Team Even More Randoms
Germany reVeal
United Kingdom fiLth.UK
United Kingdom Team YoYoTech
Europe Lost Soliders
Europe FIF
France dESIRE


Netherlands DOK Gaming
Germany Team Thermaltake
Europe Team Corgz
United Kingdom Sublime
Germany Speedlink
United Kingdom Infused
Netherlands TLR
France burning!
Europe fuZion
Czech Republic Power Gaming
Benelux Arm3d
Denmark MAMUT


To signup for a tournament at CIC7 you need to do the two following things, firstly you need to create your clan profile and get all your members into that Clan on Crossfire. You can create your clan profile here and add new members into it on the Add Members button. Once complete mail your Clan Profile, Your primary contact email address and phone number and which tournament you want to play in to CIC7Signups AT googlemail DOT com. Once completed you need to pay for your entry ticket, each player must pay €50 to enter either the ET or CoD tournaments (QL Info later) – Managers & Spectators are free.

We urge teams to pay their whole entry fee in one payment, rather than individual player payments.
Bank Transfers & PayPal:
- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC
- Bank Address: 65 High Street Ruislip Middlesex HA4 8JE (UK)

PAYPAL Address: stuart at quadv dot com – Paypal users must pay a 5 euro fee ontop which we get charged for receiving the money – so it would be 255 Euro per team

Once you have paid you can send an email to the signup address to let us know, though you dont have to. You will see your signup go bold on the signup list when we confirm receipt of your money.

All payments for ET and payments once the CoD tournament has been formally triggered are nonrefundable. Do not pay unless you're sure you are going to attend.[/hide]

Signups for ET are open until January 24th, For CoD4 initial signups are open until January 1st – If 10 teams for CoD4 have paid by then we will extend the signups to the 24th of January. In February, Crossfire will run a seeding tournament for all competitions, and results of this tournament will determine the seedings for the event. All teams who have completed their payments will be assured a spot in the tournament.
good 2 see so many cod teams yet, missing some important ones though !
ye would be nice to see them coming
talking about reason dignitas mTw TBH.MSI fnatic TCM though :)
Germany myRevenge gonna signup today or in the next days and pay soon!
how many teams has been average for ET? 20?
Around that, yeah. I should have exact numbers kicking around somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find them.
yeah! Ana didn t steal my money :D
i wouldve loved it when he did.
nope, i did XD
the teams are so awesome for ET cant wait for the ettv matches!
your point?
best teams should pay 3 months before LAN?
There sponsors that will pay later, and there are teams that don't know who is going because of 5on5 and there teams that don't have 5 etc etc etc.
is alexL allowed to go? :D
yes but im afraid his girlfriend will tell him again that he isnt allowed to go
according to the rules he shouldnt be. He should be banned untill May.

edit: add Infinitus.eSports to the ET section :)
MAMUT will pay after Christmas :)
PiF has signed up! Payment after Christmas.
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