KiH Quakecon Comeback

[img=right] [/img] RTCW legends Quakecon bound

It’s official, Knö i Hörn are going to Quakecon! They’ll make up the trio of European teams in attendance.

A Nordic double act of ex-KiH RTCW superstars “smutzig” and “FeTTe” provide the backbone for this team. With “mAx”, “gifty” and “kris” plugging the gaps.

This announcement comes as a shock, with both mAx and FeTTe perusing careers in Quake4 – but with their initial honey moon over neither has overly impressed. Like any ‘pro’ – they’ve gone where the money is, and aim on taking home a share of $15000.

KiH Quakecon Roster:

[*] Switzerland gifty
[*] Sweden smutzig
[*] Sweden FeTTe
[*] Netherlands kris
[*] Belgium mAx

With mAx already attending to compete in the Quake 4 1v1 tournament with’s Quake 4 squad this was an opportunity too good to miss.

I caught up with ex-Northern Darkness player kris, to fill us in on the details.

So kris, how are you guys getting there, paying your own way or has some mystery sponsor footed the bill?

We are probably going to get sponsored, but if not we, are still willing to go even if we have to pay the trip on our own.

So you've not bought plane tickets yet?

We are buying them Monday, FeTTe and smutzig are going from Stockholm, me mAx and gifty from Frankfurt.

Could you give us a brief run down of the team, are smuztig and FeTTe not inactive?

FeTTe has come back from q4 to ET for this great tournament, and smutzig played with noll8 in ET so he knows the game very well already.

Do you think the team can not only learn, but master the Quakecon maps in under 2 weeks?

We are already busy with tactics and pracs, if we will just continue playing everyday around 4 hours, we will master the maps at Quakecon.

Do you guys go expecting to take 1st place?

Beating idle is gonna be hard but, we’re expecting to be at least in the top 3.

Quakecon sign ups are "first come first served" this year - are you willing to camp out overnight to secure a spot?

Yes we are planning to go earlier than the other teams, gifty said he will be sleeping in a tent in=front of the entrance, to be sure we get to sign up fast enough :D

Finally, congrats on raising the cash. Do you rate this lineup over Team Crossfire?

We’ll see

A crappy map list, baffling rules and arrogant admins, this Quakecon had all the ingredients to sink. But one appeal later, and we’ve three strong European teams Quakecon bound.

The question remains, who can beat idle?


These are the teams that have stated they'll be attending Quakecon.

Europe Crossfire
Sweden Knö i Hörn
United States of America Warped Sanity
United States of America kinetic
United States of America no remorse
United States of America ICF
United States of America SNL
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