Spreadingdeath adds an EnemyTerritory division!

To add to all the big announcements of late, a 'new' Enemy Territory team has found birth, settling themselfs amongst the ranks of well-known multigaming organisation Spreading Death!

With all the events announced recently, such as the Xfire LAN event and the ESL IPS tournament, this team is looking to expand their experience and participate at as many events as possible.

A full introduction of the team can be found at the Spreading Death website. For now, I present to you sprd.et:

Netherlands sprd.joop
Netherlands sprd.perfo
Netherlands sprd.Wesbo
Netherlands sprd.mize
Malta sprd.toxic
Germany sprd.brot
Denmark sprd.gyzr
Denmark sprd.exq

I wish these guys a lot of luck, and perhaps we will see them perform in Rotterdam!
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