Demo Decoder [Update]

After lots of coding and tons of GUI dev / code I think its time to give the lib a little stress test.
I assembled a small program which will index all demos in the Application's parent path!

Note: If you have lots of demos in the Folder, it can take quite some time to start the scanning, this is normal!
  • Files have been updated to give better output
  • The index Method has changed (should be much faster starting now)
  • 64 Bits version added (the old one wont load properly on the 64Bits system!)
it would be nice if you guys could test this again and give feedback

What is this tool and why should I use it?
  • Because the API needs to be tested against as many demos / mods as possible.
  • The API will be able to cut / write demos, or search for specific frags / messages / events / you name it...
  • It scans all demos in it's parent directory and stores all gathered information in a SQL Database.
  • The Database can then be used with the MediaManager, which is not released yet.
  • Supported in this test release: ET, QL, Q3, RTCW.

How to use this Program?
  • Copy the whole folder into a directory that contains ET / QL / Q3 / RTCW demos and run the Demo2DB.exe file.
  • You can always close the Program, however i suggest closing the Program while scanning, rather than inserting into the DB.
  • There are 3 types of CPU Levels. If you have time and need CPU time, then use the Bite Me or Less CPU Intense Profiles.
    Those settings can be changed on the fly and are internal settings. They are not operating on the System level!
  • Upload your LOG files, thats what i am looking for!
What to do when the Program has finished?What to do when I experience an Error / Application Crash?

Many thanks for participating in this Testrun!
well done mate.
will try.
Last time it didnt work at my laptop, cant remember the problem tho
this is rewritten from scratch and will most probably work!
so what am i doing wrong?:PP
Not winning vs nffb :(
i love your work :DD gj
# Processing Files

Nothing to parse found!

it has to be like that:

<random Dir>
<demos folder with demos>
<program folder>
<Demo2DB.exe> <-- click

:< cf does not know format!
is it
Quote by a/random Dir/
/random Dir/demos folder with demos
/random Dir/demos folder with demos/program folder
/random Dir/demos folder with demos/program folder/Demo2DB.exe
Quote by b/random Dir/
/random Dir/demos folder with demos
/random Dir/program folder
/random Dir/program folder/Demo2DB.exe
the 1st one.

It is just scanning the parent directory.
heyyyyy hannes making stuff for QL yaaaaaay world is saved
ql, like rtcw are both only semi supported. more on that later.
well, demoscanner is quite useless for QL ;( maybe only for TDMers.
But what really could be awesome is a movie-mod 8)
I have over 13 gigabytes of demos since 08 July
cmon, dont bullshit us
ive got 64GB of demos :P
cmon, dont bullshit us
If you'd say: "On wow I have XXX days played time" i would reply with the same comment most likely ;)
you would pm me and ask me where i sold my account, wouldnt you!
I only had like 45 days played time and that was enough to get bored of the game :p
But i got my "invested" money back and had a good time so can't complain!
thats why im still addicted :(
Game Past 7 Days Total v
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 26 hours 2.286 hours
fucking hell
i has 10 gb of demos since last summer
Gonna check later.
I just deleted 1500+ demos a week ago and now this :D

This program is a timesaver for any moviemaker!
Very nice job Hannes!
its not really meant for moviemakers only. The GUI will be quite advanced and youll be able to do some really nice and nasty stuff.

there might also be a slim version wich could be run on a server and provide "live" stats in some kind of database. We'll see
Something like would be awesome!
but its from the server console logs :D

I remember having them parsed on the telenet servers back then. It was still somewhat bugged but it was yawn² :))

Filtering high hs% to create a top "suspicious players" list :p
one could easily write an exporter that generates output that this tool can read. tho i think the times for such stuff is way over :>
You should see how the PHP script is coded to parse the console log file :D
thats not for me to do. there will be some kind of sdk, so ppl can do their own stuff with the lib
no no ofcourse not... Just wanted to point out it took a lot of time to code the whole parse script based on the php source code I saw :))
im no fan of php anyway :>
reproducing ET's console output should be not much of a proplem tho
really nice and nasty

I like!
@ Merlinator: "There were 184 demos in the folder, it wouldnt scan more than this"

could you check if those other demos are maybe not from the same rtcw version? (by file extension)

also, id like you to send me one of the demos which it would not scan, so i can investigate
hint, when the scantimes really starting to take long, just restart the program. the already indexd demos will stay in the db, so no data is being lost!
Is it possible to watch the frags ? ;P
yes, in ET
ya but only the frags.. without having to search for them.
yes, but this is not what this is for
hm how can i watch it like that then? well maybe you can do much more with it, but still it might come handy for those who are sorting out their demos
---> related screenshots
links arent working 8(
ftp down?
this is not normal.
about the links. smth is messy with my apache :< restarting it in a few mins

top - 14:19:53 up 12 days, 12:11, 1 user, load average: 84.64, 134.50, 143.44
nice work yet again hannes <3
download is down for now. apache acting up again and i have a meeting. will look into it later. sry
need to scan for 3hs kills and cheat cvars :(
you also need a scanner to check if CB rules are all respected during a match. Could help you much more imo
the effort you put in is amazing
ftp down i guess hannes
good job
A program for lazy people.
What do you have a against lazy ppl????!!!!
Nothing. I says only this program is for fucking lazy people.
should be good again
hannes for president
Nice work Hannes!
Waste of time !
you can cut demos nice saves some space good job will test it later on ;)
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\cvar_backup693.cfg -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\cvar_backup694.cfg -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\cvar_backup695.cfg -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\cvar_backup696.cfg -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\cvar_backup697.cfg -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\cvar_backup698.cfg -> not supported
copy the Tech3-StressTest folder into your demos folder and run the exe.

you probably did something different ;p
C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos

hmm dont think so
but he just takes C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro
copy the Tech3-StressTest folder into your demos folder and run the exe.
you think. i didnt do that ?
I think you copied the contents of the folder
You need to copy the folder itself.
rritory\etpro\demos\2009-09-27-180036-braundorf_b4.dm_84.txt -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos\2009-09-27-180651-supply.dm_84.txt -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos\2009-09-27-181640-supply.dm_84.txt -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos\2009-09-27-182930-sp_delivery_te.dm_84.txt -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos\2009-09-27-185051-supply.dm_84.txt -> not supported
skipping C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos\2009-10-01-173803-supply.dm_84.txt -> not supported
arent they just text output from hannes other scanner, it shud be ignoring them.

Is it scanning anything ?
no its closed.
it skips this kind of files, but try to remove them and add demos (.dm_84) to this folder...

just make finally a program that is searching for awesome frags and makes a movie out of it... yeah.. and posts it on crossfire.
don't forget it has to search some music and add some nice effects. Hitsounds required too.
Log opened 8.01.2010 0:52:13 stream flush enabled
System: Nerd (Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
Processor Count: 1
.NET Version: 2.0.50727.3053
ParserManager: Scan Thread started
ParserManager: Starting Parser 1.0.4 Build 123 - 8.01.2010 0:52:13
ParserManager: Created Compression Tree in: 301 msec
SET CPU LEVEL TO: Very CPU Intense -> 0

Setting Scanpath to: C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\demos

ParserManager: Cut Thread started
ParserManager: Cut Thread finished gracefully

huh? :o
Probably you use folder with maaaaany demos. How many? :P I tried with few GB and getting same. Mayby program still (pre)analising them before scan. With small number of files its take a while.
Formatted recently , got like 150.
what does it do
sounds great!
happy birthday!
h8m3 Thursday, 7th January 2010 01:30
Slarto will lead his brave team to another loss

This is how much you trust me? ;_;
Lamb Of Gods drop the ECC due to lack of players.
Scared?! I cleaned my Goliathus because I thought I would get to rape some fintards.
then teammates didnt want to get raped having such a low 5th in their team
Cant find my QL demos, where is it located or what files they are .dm something...
appdate/local(low/roaming)/idsoftware/quakelive/ etc.
Nice really nice
When will it fully be released?
when its done!
you sound like the wolfenstein makers :)
i made wolfenstein
ow noes can i haz my money back then xD
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