YYT.CoD4 Lose Their Lukz

YoYoTech, the Brittish mgc announced their German CoD4 AK player, Lukas "Lukz" Berens has had to depart from the team for personal reasons.
Lukz requested to be released from his contract, so he could concentrate his time away from gaming over the next few months.

The team is rather new, and since they were just settling down for the next season ahead, this line up change could potentially endanger their chances at success.

The lineup is now the following:

England DeAtH-
Ireland BATZR
United Kingdom smithiE
United Kingdom Scorp

The team will still be in attendance in EPS season 3 and at CiC7 in March. The search for a replacement will begin in earnest in the next few days.
GL finding a newone!
Quote"Lukz requested to be released from his contract"

Serious business!
tougd tha same
i always thought england was part of great britain too -_-
germaine :-)
too bad =( lets hope they'll find a nice replacement and lukz can get everything sorted =)
Ultimate posting time, Krosan! =)

Really sad news for YYT, they were undoubtedly the underdog team of CIC7. Hope they can find a suitable player to fill the void.
Well the timing works for you, but I'm in the CET timezone so it's 14:37 over here! Ah well I just did it for you!
contract? what does such a contract include actually?
Mostly it contains a clause that says that he can't play for any other team as long as the contract is valid, and in return the MGC will do "its best" to provide as much support as possible. CoD4 hasn't reached a point (except for buttonbashers back in the day I guess) where players get a fixed salary or a certain amount of support for sure. It's mostly about the MGC trying to support as much as possible but they don't promise much.
oh ok, getting money would be kickass ^^
very similair to 4Kings back in 2003 then, gaming has come on ;)
The majority of contracts these days (in my eyes) are for the players re-assurance more than anything.

It's also a nice way to hold onto players that have a good future with your organisation, however if a player wants to leave while he is under contract, the ones I have seen have always allowed that.
Posted by Krosan on Friday 8th January 2010, 13:37
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