Heaven Media Award Winners

image: ng8ww3

Throughout the past month the people of crossfire have decided upon the Heaven Media Award nominees and elected 10 winners across varying polls ranging from best Player and best Team of the Year, to Player you hope will Quit and Community Member of the Year.

There was quite a lot of controversy regarding the nominees, but even though some nominees might have been out of place, the ones that made a chance at the price did make it through. It's safe to say that all the winners are rightful winners.

These winners were chosen by you and represent the general opinion of the community. That's why the results of these awards are not merely Heaven Media awards, but awards given by the community to the best of us.

The Heaven Media Awards have been running on tek-9 and Cadred too simultaneously. Go check it out to see their results too!

well done, all votes are like I wanted :D
Congratulations Krosan, niceeeee job !
Was a nice read, but most awards were quite expected.
way to go idle.ee! <3
nice job ! :-)
im team of the year :)
you are : Crossfire’s “Waiting to be busted” award :))
I lost!
Afaik players such as senji didn't really like him...
good we have insider infos
he still played there.
so we wont add him to lineup just because senji (who is probably not reading this) didnt like him.
calm down, I just stated the obvious (check his profile) : PpP
insiderz infoz, you have them
Well done! : ))
2 golden pocals, better than expected
no snb in poles
wd on the article Krosan
Good job :]
Quote by Stuart "TosspoT" Saw[...] Crossfire is full of great people [...]



Homer not h0mer !

Thanks for all votes :)
<This user is now offline>
tbh, i wanted pds to quit because he is such a fucking dickhead, he is always whining and he thinks he is the fucking god of ET. He's no where near 45 acc and 20% acc HS.
what happened to this btw: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=4770

went out of mice?
We got DeathAdders instead of Lachesis Phantoms
mh ye i meant headphones instead of mice and was refering to

For the next month, therefore, the prize on offer is a brand new set of Razer Moray gaming earphones (RRP €54.99)

As with last month, everybody has the chance to enter, all you have to do is provide the community with useful up-to-date news, articles and columns for the crossfire community.
lachesis sucks anywys , nice job !
i recieved my Death Adder today :p
too many stiupid awards to care...
nice read
mAus fanboy's don't think:)
pds is a fuckung taliban lol
like hype! brothers?
Real Name: Shkar "pds" Dark

Shkar sound like talibani yup:)
He was not in idle. He joined the team later after we already lost games under the dignitas tag. (for the CDC3 lineup)
nice read!!
enjoyed reading "Player of the Year", "Most Overhyped Player" and "Best Aimer" the most ;D

nice job Krosan and everyone who helped. And grats to every1 winner :P
mAus fanboy :))))))))
nah not rly....i liked the way it was written for every award. m not a typical mAus fanboy :PP
yeah credits go out to Night, urtier, Worm, Jere and the superstar we know as Killerboy!
winning the best aimer award + most overhyped player

seems logic to me!
gij ook al sigh

best aimer => amazing player
overhyped player => amazing player, but talked too much about or whatever but doesnt take his skill away

overhyped is not the same as overrated

plz !
imo ppl can never talk to much about the best aimer
ofc they can

altough christiano ronaldo plays really well, still he's kinda overhyped
most topplayers are overhyped tbh
overhyping is good cause it keeps the community alive, it gives them something to talk about
I honestly think people voted pds because he's an immature cunt, not because he shoots to good or never went to LAN.
People voted for pds because he's the only retard in the list. The others are liked by most people I guess.
who is pds?
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