Team YYT.ET call on twidi for duty!

image: 24wg31j

With CiC7 approaching a lot of teams start to straight out their lineup. After we saw a player drop from the CoD4 team, the ET team of United Kingdom Team YoYoTech replaced Poland Xanah with Finland twidi. This Finnish allstar who just came back from his army-duty, will return to activity and try to reach his previous level. The side will compete at CiC7, aiming at a top-3 position.

The line up will now consist of the following players:

Malta toxic
Belgium Jere
Belgium Worm
Finland twidi
United Kingdom R0SS

Read more for statements and an interview with Belgium Jere!

Quote by twidiI just got off from the army after a long year off from competitive gaming and the opportunity to join YYT couldn't have come at a better time. I'm really excited to join them as I know that we'll have a great time with this team and surely perform well. With still 2 months left until the event there's plenty of time for me to get back into my best shape and the team to get everything working perfectly.

Quote by JereAfter the departure of Xanah due to real life commitments and having lost motivation, we had to look for a new member for Team YoYoTech ET.
As we already have quite a lot of aimers and aggressive players, a solid smg engineer who is very objective based was to be searched for.
At first it looked like we couldn't find the right person, as most players already had a team, but then twidi pmed us.

In light of this line up change I sat down with Belgium Jere to discuss this remarkable choice and how he sees the future of his team and ET in general.

QuoteDo you think the addition of twidi is a smart choice considering he hasn't played a single game in a whole year?

Well he told us he've been mixing and pubing now and then and his aim isn't totally gone. After playing a few pracs with him, he performed already quite good and he will only get better. We think he's the perfect addition to our line-up and he still got 2 months to get on top of his game.

What are your goals for CiC7? Do you think you can win it?

Hmm it's quite hard to say as there are still 2 months left for teams to be formed, pracs to be played and reputations to grow. Still I think we are going to CiC7 for a top-3 spot, that should be our main goal. Of course we could win the tournament but with a place in the final I would be already very happy.

How have the amazing PC directing skills of your star player R0SS influenced the performance of the team?

The PC directing skills have done shit to our performance, but I actually was very surprised to see R0SS performing this good. His aim is at the moment the best in our team I'd say, something I didn't really expect. While some players are still struggling with their performance (or internet :D), he is playing great already.

Where will you be staying at CiC7, and do you have any sponsors?

Actually we are about to discuss that matter, I guess we'll stay at Logica Hotel or Bad Boekelo, but can't tell you anything for sure yet. And yes we are obviously lan-supported by Team YoYoTech, who we are greatly thankful for their belief in us.

Do you think your team would have a chance if the likes of would start praccing seriously again like the old idle days?
Or do you think times change and those old line ups would get overaimed nowadays?

Hmm difficult one. At the moment isn't really performing like they should, but then again, they still have 2 months to prepare. I don't think they'll overrun us at CiC7 but if they would be praccing a lot, I guess chances are kinda big they'll win against us. But ET stays ET m8, anything can happen =).

What do you think will happen after CiC7? Will teams disband, go inactive or become random mixes like we see after every CC? What do you think could motivate teams to stay praccing even after CIC7?

I guess all decent teams will fold or go inactive for a while. They'll probably still finish the EC that's going on at that time I'd say, but nothing really special. ET really needs CC's to become attractive and active.
So another CC (in sep/oct/nov) would certainly motivate the teams.

Would online tournaments with a prize purse be a good idea? Or would the cheaterteams ruin it for everyone?

I don't think there are any cheaterteams left in current EC-teams, but teams aren't playing for money you know. Online tourneys with prize purse could motivate some teams a bit, but it won't matter that much I'd say. Crossfire's LANs are more than just playing for the money as you might know.

Do you feel like an all-star already? Do you still look up to the oldschool players? And who would your idol be?

I really don't feel like an all-star tbh. I feel like a newschool player who's kinda talented in playing rifle and my smg skills are really improving tbh. I don't really look up to oldschool players, although players with the experience of Toxic or Night are amazing. As a rifle I always enjoyed speccing Night and Xylos. But it isn't all about experience, Worm or olbaa for example don't really have this experience, still they are playing superb.

Will you buy me a drink at CiC7?

If you buy me one back!

That's not how it goes!

=D ok I'll buy you one just because I love you!

Alright you're allowed to come to CiC7 ;)

We'll see Belgium Jere & co in Enschede and wish him and his team lots of luck!
If you're planning on coming to CiC7 too, make sure you don't forget to sign your team up. Signups are still open but won't be forever!

lineup is stronger now

gl :p
good luck :)
didn't know twidi played call of duty

oh wait :)
he finished his army-duty so now he's called for duty by YYT :p
lol dodged army for cc7 nerd lol
Goodluck, twidi's aim is p00ning, see you there ;D
almost as good as my i-view with jere
gl yoyonerds :-)))
expecting some good result from this team :>

good luck guys
gl guys !
all-star jere :))

good luck
gl jere
QuoteDo you think the addition of twidi is a smart choice considering he hasn't played a single game in a whole year?

he merced for several times but ok ^^
goodluck oude rukker
olol ins landodger
ins will go with FiF (Jo0f ins siL vaNq ovie)
pff... moet ik die bijlmerboys weer bellen blijkbaar...
gl, top 3 perhaps.

gl folks
nice guys, cu there
Main news for a little lineup change, and the team not even that good.
you deserve main news m8 :PP
cmon, dude...
have u ever seen hungarian and slovak being bffs? not gonna happen i think ;) but slovaks and russians are brothers for whole eternity <3
i smell hate
nice :o) gl twid
gl guys & cu there ;)
gl jere, toxic <3
played once with twidi, friendly and skilled guy <2
gl twidi!
nice lineup. gl
gl Worm, hope you can win CIC 7 and show these people who the real guys with talent are.
hf, but we will bash YOU!
gl twidi

nice to see you again on lan!
gl guys, hi there twidi :D
nice read Krosan, gl guys !
GL nice team!
np for smg owner and most improved player!
QuoteDo you think your team would have a chance if the likes of would start praccing seriously again like the old idle days?
Or do you think times change and those old line ups would get overaimed nowadays?

Hmm difficult one. At the moment isn't really performing like they should, but then again, they still have 2 months to prepare. I don't think they'll overrun us at CiC7 but if they would be praccing a lot, I guess chances are kinda big they'll win against us. But ET stays ET m8, anything can happen =).

GL guys, will see ya there ;D
doet da wa goe he jeroen en wimmeke!
nice interview :)
gl @ lan
pretty nice team, best of luck guys.
nice forgetting your uber-backup btw. gtfo.
in fucking deed essah!
we've been amazing @ cp defense supply, but rest was kinda fucked up haha
its hard to carry a team with 2 ppl only without any support...
ye man they played so bad, need more players like us -.-
best of luck to ross and worm <3
wb twidi, i doubt u will get in nc finland team now though .. alot of things have changed :P
who gives a rats ass, idle is bäkk
No aim, only brain (excluding R0ss, who has neither <3) gl :)
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