Ex-Tempus Moriendi Return for CiC7

The Polish CoD4 team that came fourth at CC5, the previous CoD LAN in the Crossfire Challenge series, is back for CiC7.

Those who still remember CC5 will surely know this is a line up with potential. For all those who don't, Crossfire
are some end-of-round pictures from the semi-finals against FatGames who went on to win the LAN. Surely a force to be reckoned with!

The line up remains the same as it was back at CC5:

Poland Rafal "crol" Duda
Poland Marcin "doomciak" Jesiotr
Poland Marcin "M4rko" Marczuk
Poland Jakub "iVaneK" Prusak
Poland Piotr "reaktiv" Przylubski

Reaktiv gave Crossfire the following statement:
QuoteHello crossfire reader. After a year break of playing together, me and my friends decided to make a comeback to the scene. The main reason for that was the announcement of the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 back in December. We can say that CIC7 had an impact on our decision to start to play again. We would like to keep playing the game for a few months from now on, but it all depends on our current situation, as we are in need of an organisation that would help us in our trip to Holland, and later in both online and offline competitions. If any organisation would like to help us in our goal, please contact with doomciak via xfire: doompl or with me via e-mail: reaktiv[at]tlen.pl or IRC /msg reaktiv. Thanks, and wish us gl!

The team is looking for a new home and we wish them good luck in their search, and hopefully see them perform at CiC7 in early March.
Good luck & have fun over there!
You're not coming? :o
Can only go till saturday n00n so it's not worth it
I was sitting in the aula at kortrijk and I looked in front of me, standing "Rafiki" on the stekkerdoos! Got anything to do with it? :O
Euhm... i've been in Kortrijk once but i can't remember writing my nickname on a stekkerdoos so the chances it was me are relatively small :D
Probably one of my fanboys ;)
Nothing against the news or your writing activity (+1) Krosan but why is the same news published at Cadred, Tek-9 and Crossfire? I mean the CoD4 com is mainly centered at Tek-9. Cadred is for CSS and CF is for ET so why writing CoD4 news everywhere? There are no ET news at Tek-9 as well. And it's all one big network anyway.
set filters on? or maybe a cod4/et news section would be nice, but it's mainly CIC7 related aswell. :p
I just want to understand ;)
CiC7 = crossfire related imo :)
The reason behind this is basically because the CiC7 LAN hosts CoD4 as a main game next to ET. We like to show our support to both games and their respective communities by offering scene-related news of both games. Of course people can just go to Tek-9 but next to Crossfire being in the Heaven Media network we're also independently running the Crossfire LANs (well that's my assumption at least), and that's why we also want to be a news portal for the CoD community especially in preparation of the LAN. Next to that it was a specific request from TosspoT :)
And news doesn't kill anyone does it?
No its fine :)
Thanks for the compliment btw :)
Start making news post @ cadred and tek-9 about ET also then. Every sunday evening game etc
Cause they have an ET LAN? Please use your head before you reply to me.
Are you retarded? You come here, make cod4 news n'shit. Why cant you do the same @ cadred and tek-9 for ET ? :D. u faking arrogant brick
Congratz, you're officially a dumb fuck.
Just to get more attention to game, maybe some bigger mgc will pick up idle for example ?
I ain't a tek-9 nor Cadred newsposter. And like I already told you but apparently you're blind: CiC7 has CALL OF DUTY 4 as an official competition. That's why CoD news is on this site.
Journals and forum topics are enough for cod stuff
i dont get why you have to put so many cod news at the main news, and decent teams like disko wont. just put the stuff at other news, majority here, including myself, has never heard of the players
Then this is a good time to get to know them. Don't want to get to know them? Then use the filters.
no, therefore is the other news sections, main news should be the news wich goes to the interest of most of the ppl

look the difference:
YYT.CoD4 Switches Teams (216 views, 13 comments)
Team YYT.ET call on twidi for duty! (1857 views, 67 comments)
diSko-teque rocking (956 views, 56 comments)

even excess, a med skilled team gets way more hits
eXcess-eSportz going to Enschede (924 views, 90 comments)
diSko-teque rocking: Posted on Sunday 10th January 2010, 22:57 = 19 hours online already
YYT.CoD4 Switches Teams: Posted on Monday 11th January 2010, 15:48 = 2 hours online already

Little math:

diSko-teque rocking: 67 comments / 19 hours
YYT.CoD4 Switches Teams: 13 comments / 2 hours

Gives you:

diSko-teque rocking: 3.5 comments per hour
YYT.CoD4 Switches Teams: 6.5 comments per hour


Cod news is almost twice as popular as diSko news.

(for the record: I just go with your flow)
my bad, ment this one: YYT.CoD4 Lose Their Lukz (623 views, 21 comments)
Alright, it might have less hits than the majority of the ET newsposts. That's logical, since this is mainly an ET community. But this site also offers more than just ET news. If you're only interested in ET and don't wanna get spammed by other games, then use the filters.
The main news items about CoD are important news in CoD-land, maybe not in ET-land, but that doesn't matter since this site is for ET and CoD. There was also other CoD news today about RaigeKi joining Dreamrar. But I didn't post this cause it seems to me personally not as important as the other newsposts today. If I would have made this newspost, I'd surely categorize it as "other news", because it's less important for the CoD community.

If we follow your train of thought, all non-ET news would be "other news".
id say most of it yet, cuz ET is still crossfire's maingame. and then theres is ofcourse the LAN, but still, i personally, would prefer decent ET teams in the mainnews than CoD teams were i only know the mgc from : )
Well we surely need to get important ET news on the main page too, that's logical :)
Do you think they don't get enough attention?
im not sure, i bet if you put excess to LAN on mainpage, youll get massive amount of flame "main page DASHJASKD????" etc, i think they just dont care about the COD, dunno, guess ET Aint active enough for it
Well ye just look at the signup list for CiC7. CoD turn-up is huge compared to ET. They deserve the attention! :)
just spread it a bit will you :D
Can't help that a shitload of teams decide to announce their lineup changes all on the same day :XD
nice, gl ex-tm mates :D
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