PBBans Resume ET Bans

image: file.php?forumicon=anticheat_pbbans

Quote by MaydaxWe have coded the Hub to check if a GUID is verified and if so it will be banned when bannable violations are raised. If not, it will be added to the unofficial banlist.

Also we have added GUID Age check so admins can set the minimum number of days the ETKey has to be. You can enable this from Manager Servers in the AccCP

image: 11j2fj9

Link to source here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/et-banning-suspended-now-resumed-t88257.html
The Banlist can be found here: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-latest50-et-lfb2.html
Krosan should add a pocal for unexpected comeback of the year 2010, cause we got a winner!
Arent we already playing without Pb ? : ))))
element does have this since ages
QuoteWe have coded the Hub to check if a GUID is verified and if so it will be banned when bannable violations are raised. If not, it will be added to the unofficial banlist.

that should prevent innocent pbguid bans/spoofing (spoofed pbguids or fake pbguids will be added to the unofficial banlist). I doubt element has the first part since this is from PBBans HUB and not server side.
mixed it up then , was just referring to the screenshot
that is old
get on irc plz, need u for some epic bans
now release a working anti cheat software kkthxbb
there is a light in tunnel
Still one sad thing about pbbans that is that they dont accept new bans.
GV does still accept bans so i think GV should start implenting this option too.

Else we need GV for keeping out the banned guids and pbbans for keeping out the too new guids ;)

But it is a good thing they made this.
i now man but if you do submit a pbss to ban a guy they will not allow it cause they dont support new ET bans by pbss stuff for some weird reason.

the list you link to is imo hub banning on cvars.
can somebody (kb?) explain in human language what it means, pls? :)
PBBans started banning ET PBGuids again, now it can recognise between fake bans (and spoofed guids[?]) and now you can disallow ppl with a too new guid to join.

maybe a pbbans admin will confirm this on here or explain better :p
and what if u buy a new pc u have a new guid....
well u need to wait for 2 days, and then u can play normal etpro i guess.
kinda shit but good to
well, there's no reason to delete your etkey just because you got a new pc now, is there?!
no but for the people who have a new pc and they need to play offi or smthing that is shit
well - if you want to play an offi with your new pc you need your old guid what so ever-.-
but howe to get ur old guid?
I don't know if you ever heard of those awsome innovations such as FTP,or peer-to-peer, or LAN...BUT using those allows you to send your etkey(containing the pb_guid) to other computers:P
LOL, you serious ? : OOOO
just trolling, I mean, even the idea of sending files to someone else sounds redicolous:D
bah, i even thought for a second that it is possible :S
Send it to me, I'll take care of it. :>
when u even read the rules for cb then u see that it forced to play with pb in ladder and oc :o

now u should finish anti-pro because noone using pb ;DDD
they noticed that almost noone is using pb anymore?
at last
Just fix the god damn lags, care @ anything else.
Good to hear, I always liked PBBans for being so straightforward to use/set up.
ALWAYS quality over quantity!
My question is, all the work that Foxdie put in his anti cheat?

Will it be put to good use and/or does pbbans care what his work was all about?

This is THA community, but don't forget, there's loads of public servers and different Mods
that people play whom are crying for a decent anti cheat.

I don't speak for those people in a whole and i never saw Tosspot meantion them and that makes me sad.
I am a part of that community and people make maps, mods but never get through to the competition side of the scene and in my opinion it should.

Alot of young and kiddy behaviour on this forum makes me feel sad.
KB trying to do his best to ban or atleast remove players from cheating.(only to get his arse kicked from those who don't know better)

I'm 37 and joined a clan because i'm fed up with the attidude of the comp players in a whole.
That wasn't the case back in 96 because everyone wanted to play a game, no matter what.
In the end, most people have forgot what it's all about, fun and games and NOTHING else.
"This is THA community, but don't forget, there's loads of public servers and different Mods that people play whom are crying for a decent anti cheat."

ill answer 2006-style: care

"I'm 37 and joined a clan because i'm fed up with the attidude of the comp players in a whole."

logic motherfucker, do you have it?

"In the end, most people have forgot what it's all about, fun and games and NOTHING else."

who do you think you are to tell me why i play the game? its up to each person to decide whether he plays for fun or hobby, more seriously.
first of all, u seem to care since u reply to his post

second of all, hes right tho :D
all these whiny shitty kiddys that talk shit bout everything :( its just sad
you could at least try to read a comment before replying. perhaps then you would get what i dont care about. come back when you join letters together.
i read ur pathetic replys:

first one is bout caring? u seem to care since u reply

other r some utter shit flame bout a retarted shit that i wont even bother to keep on replying?

btw engrish?: come back when you join letters together.
"first one is bout caring? u seem to care since u reply"


oke ill make it easier for you. the key to understand the sentence is reading this: "there are loads of public servers and different Mods that people play, whom are crying for a decent anti cheat". now think what i may not care about from it.
i see the word care

if u reply with care, it seems u care, so dont say u dont care?

if u have problems with the understanding of the word care, get a fuckin dictionary?

k thx bye
rofl :D ill say it straight, i hope you can get it that way but who knows! the dialog form!

HE - there are loads of public servers and different Mods that people play, whom are crying for a decent anti cheat

I - why should we care about ffa and other mods? (means i wanna say that we shouldnt care and indeed we dont care)

i wont explain any further, you got owned, have a nice day :)
I do get it motherfucker and that is not the problem.
U just confirmed what i was talking about, the attidude in general.

I wasn't complete about the fact of joining a clan, the clan i am talking about was formed
back in 2005 because of the way youngsters react and behave in general.

2006 style, wtf are u talking about? u didn't see the light nor did I, that reference seems so 85 isch to me.

there's a community outside the competition scene, but noone seems to care.
I've witnessed loads of threads cmplaining about "fuck pB, we want new maps, anti cheat, etc..."
Most of the people tare it down and bury the subject before it even has turned alpha.

But from my point of view, the most active community is outside the competition scene.

Pointing out that my engrish and dialog isn't good, well that's just plain kiddy behaviour.
First of all, i havent rly flamed you personally but that idiot above us called Notorius. And i havent flamed your english, but logic of that sentence (cause i had no idea what clan you were talking about in your FIRST post in this journal).

Btw, i said 2006-style because crossfire used to say "care" in 2006. This has nothing to do with your age. Your age doesnt make any difference to me - thats not my point.

Look, ill explain what i mean:

You say there are loads of public servers and different mods that people play, whom are crying for a decent anti cheat. And i ask: why should crossfire care about ffa and competition? I dont remember anyone from jaymod or any other mod coming and asking about some help with new anti-cheat. Havent heard about a proposal of joining forces, etc. Why should we go with proposals? What will we gain?

Crossfire is about competitive orientation, very strict orientation. We are able to conduct big things on our own and dont rly need anyone else for cohabitation since all other scenes have nothing to offer to us. We are not saint mariah church, but specific "society" that thinks we are the best in what we do (ET).

And its not anti-pro died before it was born. Most of the tool is finished, just it needed some more coding, but developers have a very hard job trying to get motivation to continue - thats why they stopped, one by one.

I might speak "kiddy" language but im telling you serious things with it.
Agreed on most points.

But as i said, the reason our clan was founded was because of the way comp players acted/act.
And there's a few public clans that still (recruit is a bad word for it) let players in.

In general u are so right, i still watch ettv and still learn from the way the game is being played.

I'm still concerned that this community doesn't really care about the 'outside' things of ET.
I don't expect to see one journal after the other about some new skin or ....

What i've never seen is that people post news about new facts and achievements
about the game OUTSIDE the competition side of things.

Both 'scenes' would/will benifite from it.

*just read this again but can't find frase myself as i want.(beer is a pain in the arse)

Anyways, no harm done, atleast u replied and took it serious as most wouldn't. peace...
Football, hockey, chess, card games (including and not limited to poker) and stuff were invented to kill time. Now there's beeg money in them, serious business.

Same goes to computer games.
PB <3 :)
cant even install fucking PB
is PB laggy?
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