Demo / Frag Scanner / Cutter

image: 20fvvyc

If you are a passionate Quake3 or Wolfenstein Enemy Territory player, then this software will definitely help you to keep track of your demos.

Media Manager allows you to sort, scan, search, manage and cut your id Tech3 net demos. It is designed to maximize speed, efficiency and reliability! With Media Manager 3.0, it is only a matter of minutes to find your favorite frag scenes!

If you have troubles starting the Program after the installation is done, let us know! Please run this Program with Admin rights if you have installed it into a system directory.

Read all about the Software here:

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hf, and first!

(kinda rushed that rls, so have mercy if i fucked smth up)
awesome as always.

What i wish there would be in the future: Headshots Scanner (something which lists 3hs per kill, or <x> headshots per <x> seconds)
thank you hannes
Have it allready , rly nice work hannes :-)
how can you have it already? it was released 5 minutes ago...
the first version and that is enough what i need :-)
Well done!
Will dl when ill be back home.
;O good job
well done! :)
very useful! thx
Looks nice, but no rtcw frag scanning :<.
and on mine at 1024 x 768 maximized it says
Quotedded 40 demos (40 cached)...

this a typo or a resolution problem.

On killing sprees it also says GRENADE_LAUNCHER, for grenade kills which is kinda confusing :D
thats what et calls them

EDIT: i dont expected some1 still using such resolution, and i wont adjust to that.
making a juhan fragmovie? :p
Thank you very much for this great work.

How can I select all demos in a directory to scan in a row ?
It seams that ctrl A doesn't work.
great tool thanks hannes =)
nice, thanks

Frame Time: 878365050 Round Time: 11:37 Mayor. was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
Frame Time: 878369700 Round Time: 11:33 Ch!mY*(Va was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
Frame Time: 878374100 Round Time: 11:28 KmiKCe*(VaPorRafa was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
Frame Time: 878375550 Round Time: 11:27 kase*(VaporRafa) was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
cutDemo x_fragvsvaporafa-adler-axis_4mank43.dm_84 878365050 878375550

Frame Time: 878369700 Round Time: 11:33 Ch!mY*(Va was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
Frame Time: 878374100 Round Time: 11:28 KmiKCe*(VaPorRafa was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
Frame Time: 878375550 Round Time: 11:27 kase*(VaporRafa) was killed by :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's K43.
cutDemo x_fragvsvaporafa-adler-axis_4mank43.dm_84 878369700 878375550

I see you worked on making the tool more versatile so that it doesn't miss any fragspree. Well done!
I got problems after i installed it
it gives a 0xc0000135 error
have you fixed the problem already?
if so, how? :D
got the same problem...
Nope havent solved the problem yet ;o
pm me if you found out how:D
alright, will do so :P
hannes told me to install .NET 2.0...
gonna try it later!
alright gonna try that to;p
I have the 2.1 edition, what has changed ?
look the 2nd, 3rd, 4th screenshots, thats what changed.
Nice jobs!

2 things:
- My nades are shown as riflenades in the fragannouncer.
- And it would be cool when i play a frag scene, that it maybe not ends right after the frag, but plays untill the player dies or smth, but still excellent work!
its how et threads them, i only give you the entity info, i did not add any additioanal mapping

atm there is 3 sec before and 3 sec after each frag. You can define this diffrent tho, just copy frag into cut panel and change times.
Nice, dunno how this one could possibly be better than the previous one, was good
Nice thanks
thnx really appriciate this tool nice job.
euhm can you give me more info about that cut option?

there is

snap time
snap count
snap number

so how couting it out where to start and where to end to get the frag in it?
eample you got a kill starting at 5m21 and it ends at 5m58 on lets take radar.

what to chose and how to count it from start and end ??

PS tip for maybe later improvement stage delete the pauses automatically might be a nice idea too i think.
obit panel, select frag, right click, copy to cut panel

or ingame /cg_drawsnapshots 1

snap is the snap NUMBER and time is the snap TIME

snap count is the exported snap count...

dont think there will be another version...
thnx for the infos
no bug atm, it works great, I guess it will save me lot of time :)
maybe you should have detailed a little more the cut part on the user manual
great job as always
like i said, other, more important projects are due now. so i had to push that one
anti-pro?! :D
there never was a point in such mod. it would be a total waste of time, time i dont have
:< what are you working on then? :)
Apart from features missing and few bugs, ITS AWESOME.

Lovely work, gui, its very fast. Thanks mate <3
i had it like 6 months already...

does this mean i am in the future?
need test it!
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