upgrades its services

image: 442_1199624672 Dear community, is proud to announce some major upgrades which do not only affect our crew and our broadcasters but also you, the viewers.
The biggest factor that made all this possible, GTVd, is almost ready to be released since the internal betatest showed very promising results. Like ettvd did a few years ago, GTVd will revolutionize the way ETTV (and other games pending) works:

ETTV - Live Casts
One of the biggest changes is that ETTV servers will not run 24/7 cycling through old demos but only run when they are really needed. This may sound bad for some of you at first, but hold on a sec: This frees up valuable resources which go (more or less) directly into the renewed onDemand system - read more about that a few paragraphs below.
The TV servers behave almost the same as you know it, mapevents are still announced with a timer so you always know which team did what quicker, you can follow whomever or whatever and discuss the failings of the players with your co-viewers through the chat, but mind the new anti-spam system:
For every 15 seconds you don't say anything you get rewarded one line to your "chat pool", this way you can collect up to 4 lines - if you speak while you have no lines in your pool (i.e. TOO MUCH) you get silently muted. Coloured lines cost double, they will use up two lines of your pool.
Another thing you'll probably like is the fact that we'll be live on the matchserver 15 minutes before the start - no more watching old demos until the players finally decide to ready up but instead live in the middle of the action at all times. You might also notice that there are only terribly few slots available when a match starts - but as soon as they run in risk of getting full we instantly connect another tv server.

ETTV On Demand
With the new system we have far more influence on what the ondemand replayers are doing. This means we can provide an overall improved ondemand service: No more maps playing in random order, no missing maps which cause the replayer to crash, no more unreliable and inconsistent error messages upon requesting a match.
Add to that the plus of resources mentioned above and the fact that now, when the server which holds the replay you'd like to see is currently unavailable for whatever reason, we can just transfer the demos to another server within the blink of an eye to serve you the match, we should be able to vastly improve the ondemand experience. Furthermore we're fully planning on extending the od-coverage, we aim to have every single match played on available for viewing on demand.
Also matches which were played but cancelled here on (for whatever reasons) can now be watched, and from now on you can also request a match every 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes.
You will also notice that we can now provide a set of ingame commands on the ondemand-servers:
  • .ff <sec> - forward <sec> seconds. ff 999 during the warmup will jump right to the matchstart (and not further)
  • .nextmap - jump to the next map of the match
  • .prevmap - jump to the previous map of the match
  • .restartmap - restart the current map
  • .map <num> - jump to one of the maps directly.

If you forget any of those, just type .help and the server will help you out.
And what if you're bored and just want to check out some random matches currently running - as mentioned above the 24/7 replayers are offline :(
We can compensate for that with the all new:

Live Page
See for yourself. It will not only list all currently running live-servers and what they're showing but also all onDemand-servers including what they're showing and when they were started. So even if you just want to see what's going on with nothing particular in mind, there should be something here for everybody. For your convenience this page will autoupdate every 20 seconds always showing current information. Quick access to this page is secured by a link in the top-blackbar - left to the current date and time.

For Players, leagues and requestees
We're confident that we will be able to cast every match added on, though the automated system will only add servers a couple of hours before the match. So even if it looks like nobody is casting - there is, just wait and see.
Players will be happy to hear that from now on we'll try to hub every single match which will greatly reduce the load on the matchserver. Ideally you'll only see 1 hub, the rest is chained behind it - which brings me right to my next point:
Since we have (fully automated) hubs on the matchservers, we don't need to expose private server information like passwords to anyone. The details of the matchserver will be handled exclusively by a bot and is not run by anyone to leak them.

For (potential) broadcasters
GTVd is intended to relieve you from all the redundand and boring tasks that have to be taken care of to successfully run a (set of) tv server. A quick introducion can be found here, and this page may or may not answer all the questions that pop up in your head.

Of course all these changes can't happen overnight so please forgive us minor interruptions of the service.

The masterminds behind this project are as usual the german duo image: de arni and image: de skooli, but we could not possibly have done it without the support and feedback of countless broadcasters.
To mention a few: image: be Anaconda, image: gb andyF1 (never there but always present), image: nl h3ll, image: gb msh100,image: de ng,
image: de w0nd3r, image: de sHiZo.
Thanks for asking all the questions that needed to be asked, image: cz Santa-Claus.

e: nice!
excellent job :D
those on demand features rock
Exciting! GratZ <3
great job! <3
Where can I search players that played in ETTV matches again? Can't find it.
Archive (left side) -> F3 or "search" in the top right corner
you really should put it into a more obvious place, i can't even find it after i already knew the location before :X
like where?
into the navigation?

I might be wrong but i think it is a really commonly needed function as opposed to stuff like teams, servers, leagues...
Archive > Search > type in player name
Wow, you guys are great. Well done man :o)
Great job, very nice
the new replay system is fucking awesome

nice job, keep it up <3
Great job, thanks.
great job

can ppl ruin your ettv on demand by connecting and saying .nextmap? would be kinda lame but well ppl are lame :D
Only the person who requested the match can use those ingame commands.
and if one disconnects for 20 seconds and then reconnects (eg. because of inet down or smth), will one still got the power? how does the tool know who requested the match? ip, guid, or?
IP, if you get disconnected because of the german 24h provider-disconnect you'll have to open gtv quickly before reconnecting to the server so that it recognizes your ip and lets you use admin commands.
very nice. always hated watching 20min warmups on-demand =)
great job!
was about time you guys did smth, lazy bastards

sounds great guys :>
naise job guise!
Awesome, good job.
Wow, really nice job! :)
Well done ! najs
Really great job, again.
Arno banning innocent people for flaming cheaters , awful organisation.
sounds good :)
Really really nice!
great job as usual
great job! I love you guys!
twenty fucking second century :) gtv has always been one of the few (3? 4?) most important things in ET that keeps it alive.
Ok now that you mean serious business with these on demand servers. How about making it easier to find old matches. It's extremely difficult finding the date which they were played, so a search function would be nice.
Only function I want is searching for "Most viewed"
you'Re doing a great job !
One word is needed:
next map + fast forward = a blessing

Props to the GTV team for making an already incredible service greater.
awesome. gj
Nice work! Much appreciated.
Hi, is there any possibility to download current replays as in tv files?
great work :o

love the forward function!
Good job, especially skipping useless warmup
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