CIC7 ET Seeding Tournament Details

image: ciec

The groups have been drawn at random, much like the FIFA lottery system. Each group has one team from each seeding pool. In other words, each group has one top seed, one high seed, one mid seed and one low seed. The only exception to this rule is the two extra low seeds which were added to two randomly picked groups.

Group 1
Benelux Plug & Pown
United Kingdom Trial and Error
Belgium Nothing is impossible
United Kingdom Validus
Group 2
Europe rockit
Belgium oceans6
United Kingdom Infinitus Gaming
France famas
Group 3
Poland polagz
Germany ePROX
Netherlands Boondocks
Europe EU United Soldiers
Group 4
Estonia nOu
France dESIRE
Germany aGu
Group 5
United Kingdom yyt
Germany reveal
Belgium nkNn - angeldust
Europe Normality
Group 6
Netherlands pstarz dNan
Germany AoW
Czech Republic inteRaction
Europe TEMR
Group 7
United States of America blight
Europe Phantoms
Greece plasa
Germany Lost Soldiers
Europe section9
Group 8
Benelux myRevenge FIF
Europe perception
Germany eXcess energy-WAVE
Europe enLANced
Read more for the tournament schedule, rules and maplist.

Update: Technical problems have been resolved, start scheduling & playing your matches!

Tournament scheduleimage: s_foot
The first match week kicks off today. There is NO space for any delays! Schedule and play your matches in time otherwise your team will get a default loss! Forced date of each match is each week's Sunday at 21:00 CET, only if no team reacts to the protest opened before.

- Schedule -[/b]]
Groupstage Week 1:
  • 25th January - 31st January
  • Maps: Frostbite Supply
Groupstage Week 2:
  • 1st February - 7th February
  • Maps: Radar Braundorf_b4
Groupstage Week 3:
  • 8th February - 14th February
  • Maps: Supply sw_Goldrush_te
Backup Week:
  • 15th February - 20th February
  • 21st February 19:00/20:00 CET until finish

For the two groups that have five teams: Your fourth match will have to be played during the backup week, along with pending matches that got delayed.

All first, second, third and fourth placed teams create an 8-team playoff bracket on their own. This is played in a 1day cup on the 21st of February. That's why it is crucial that you perform to the best of your abilities during the groupstage. Ending second instead of first in your group results in dropping to the second playoff tree, and therefore only being able to obtain the ninth seed at best!
Rules for the playoff 1day cups are still to come.

Rulesimage: s_foot
Make sure you have read the rules and guidelines:
  • General ESL ET Rules apply, which means everyone needs to have his guids up-to-date.
  • As this is the seeding tournament for a LAN event we allow teams to play without PB only if both teams agree.
  • Modus: Best of Three, free decider choice after cointoss by elimination of the mappool maps.
  • Wrong PB Guid: 0:2 Defloss
  • Failure to appear: Wait 20 minutes and inform an admin
  • All Rules can be found here in detail.
Useful links:
Mappoolimage: s_foot
The mappool for the seeding tournament is fixed, but the CIC7 mappool is still subject to change (although it won't change much from the seeding tournament mappool).

Supply, sw_Goldrush_te, Radar, Braundorf_b4, Frostbite

The admin team: Germany Sn4kE, Germany eiM, Spain M1st3r, Belgium Notorious, Romania FoaMeA, Germany essAh, Netherlands h3ll and Belgium Krosan
ESL still has some dummy teams, but by the end of the day they will be removed.
Placeholder teams however are for teams that signed up for CIC7, but didn't make an ESL team yet. As soon as they make such a team, they will take the place of the placeholder teams. Watch this newsitem to see who the placeholder should be.
Great we have to play YYT :(

still don't get how the seedings will help us get a better place at lan?
if u play like a top team, youll be seeded as the top team of your group instead of having a top team in the group and you as mid team for example.

so be the high/top team of the group or gtfo.
Yes we will roll YYT, Reveal and nKnn np :)

still think we got one of the thoughest groups (for a low tier clan)
too bad you cant now make izi group for your team xDD
Yeah, though exactly the same. Now he cant make easy group so he'll whine instead.
so if we come last from the group, at CC7 we will have an easier group or what? :P (kinda confused from what my teammates are saying) :D
well we are seeded in the lowest seed, so we can never go lower :D how will the CC7 groups be decided, randomly or picked
I think randomly too, we've been figuring out a way where we could pick them intelligently according to the ranking, but it seems a dark art to me.
make a playoff for the clans which place 3rd and 4th :P
What do you mean? :o
make a playoff for those clans placing 3rd / 4th in all groups, just for fun, playing only 3 games sux :(
QuoteAll first, second, third and fourth placed teams create an 8-team playoff bracket on their own. This is played in a 1day cup on the 21st of February. That's why it is crucial that you perform to the best of your abilities during the groupstage. Ending second instead of first in your group results in dropping to the second playoff tree, and therefore only being able to obtain the ninth seed at best!
Rules for the playoff 1day cups are still to come.

Read everything next time :p
oh lol misread stupid me

e: single elimination right?
Ye I think so. But not sure about that yet!
you r cb admin and dont even know what is seeding hehe
nice gl!
What about teams from waiting list?:P
Good question!

If by Wednesday the "trusted" teams can't provide proof of payment, or the teams that did provide proof of payment already, but if we didn't receive the money by then, the teams on the waiting list will get 24 hours to provide us with proof of payment. The first in the list will get first chance of course. They then have to do their matches in the weekend, or asap.
As far as I know at least some of clans from waiting list signed up before deadline. Isn't it possible to take more teams and make like a qualifiers for groupstage- but already on LAN ? It could be @ 1 map eg. to fit in time table.
I'll talk about it to TosspoT
Personally, I think it's a good idea.

+ you got more teams playing
+ you can create such qualifiers that would give you good amount of clans in groupstage in order to make a simple playoff tree
+ you won't receive any complaints from waiting list teams
+ when clans seek a gaming, they can show superb numbers regarding CIC7
+ you won't kick decent teams out of the cup - more decent players -> better event -> better chance of bringing other mgc on ET scene

and so on:)
Ye I'm all for it, but I'm afraid the LAN is at absolute capacity right now. We've got 80 teams attending, and TosspoT said there's no way that we can expand this in any way. I think we'll just have to bite the bullet. In the end it's their own fault for not signing up and paying, they had about two months to do so.
I know I lack of inside info and Ada is probably raging already but still I believe it's worth a discussion :p
By all means, go for it :)
Dunno if i understand you but is this what you mean: ?

A Qualifier for the groupstage on lan, so if you will lose that game you arent going to the groupstage and then you only played 1 match on lan?

Like a team would pay 250 euro (+ hotel etc ) for that, i dont think so.
No, I meant to have smth like pre-eliminations phase @ lan, but definitely not a 1 game for each team:)
Why should we pay if TosspoT wants a 32 tournament and we're only on the waiting list? I mean atleast 3 teams have to drop out and then the first team of the waiting list can join, so if youre on the waiting list as 5th atleast 7 teams have to drop out, obviously I'm gonna pay then ;x
No need to be ironic about it. Only the teams that do get a spot due to a dropout will be asked to pay. If seven drop out, seven waiting teams will be asked to pay. If only one drops out, one waiting team will be asked to pay.
O my bad, misreaded something in your comment where I replied on :p
gl lightning +tekoas team are missing :P
gl phantoms
Was expecting frostbite and braundorf in one matchweek

image: everything_went_better_than_expected
Ah, we meet again BeneluxP&P
When was the last time ? :P
I don't think you met us with our LAN lu yet :]
where are you in team nl :DDDDD:D:D:AS:DAS:
it was his brother !

ah wait..
i am in :))))
good job, cant even see the rules
btw someone add the league on GTV so we can request matches please :p
we're energy-WAVE... nothing else
The idea is that if you wanna get a better seed than the seeds for this tournament, you have to do better than the team in your group that comes out of a seeding pool above yours... If you lose vs. a team in your group that comes out of a seeding pool below you on the other hand, you'll end up in a lower seed than your initial seed of the seeding cup!
group 1 seems to be pretty weak, and i still see braundorf there....
You could call that fate :P

Groups were drawn by a lottery system, so there's no way we could predict or influence the outcome.
well, i dont see any team there who i would rate with top seed, thats the point, any of team from phantoms/european elite/desire should be there instead of Plug&Pown
The seedings were done here. If you claim there isn't a top team in that group, then it's because of the seedings.
well, considering the fact that braundorf is still in mappool this is not so big fail, but still, somebody made a mistake in seedings...
Why should any of those teams be there instead of us? They have achieved nothing this season. We won oc premier & we still have to play the esl premier final. We are far more stable & active. While phantoms for example is having weekly lu changes since they signed up for lan. I'm not saying we are currenly better than them, but I still think we deserve the spot.
It's because of you that he thinks this way Gifted ! newbie !
its nice that u won OC and going to play some ESL winter league final, the thing is those teams played EC and phantoms are even still competing in EMS.
thats what this seeding tourney is for. If e2 is that good, they will beat fif & take the topseeding. they are the only team that played ec. & if we are that bad, we will lose our topseeding.
u just dont get it, u will prolly win ur group, that means at worst u will be seeded as 8th. On the other hand, one from the couple of FiF/e2 will surely ends at 2nd place in group, that means they cant go better than 9th, so there is no chance u will lose ur seeding another way than losing some match in group.
being seeded top 16 is still nice. if they are that good they wont fail against Low/mid seeds & reach the playoffs :p
are you serious about group1 being a weak?
yes, dont see any reason to not think so.
How hard is it to just say BRAUN IS NOW REPLACED WITH ADLER..? What's the idea? You want us to play it in this seeding tourney and you hope we'll find out it's actually quite alright xD

Dont come with excuses we cant please everyone its already fixed blabla its the best decision just get it over with. You're seriously making me consider removing my buddylist here!
:D Just keep that rage in the mappool discussion topics :P
Das nog nie 100% zeker e :P
Take him! He is awesome, and his sister is naice!
lost soldiers will win over blight, be prepaired
mn team is 5e backup voor lan ofzo dus gaat waarschijnlijk geen lan worden ":D"
If a low/med seeding team will drop out and they will get switch by for example Lightnings team (from waiting list), then thats a bit unfair for that group isnt it?

(I know you will pick the first clan from the waiting list first, but dunno wich clan that is so it could be that team)
If the team matches the seeding pool, then we don't have a problem. But otherwise, we'll have to look at it case per case. Perhaps that new team won't play the seeding tournament then but will get a wildcard to a (relevantly not so good) seed in the final seedings... Not sure yet though!
niet mijn schuld, waren op tijd ingeschreven zover ik weet maar zijn als backup geplaatst
Er is ook nog poker tournament & QL community compo ;)
het pokertornooi, hoeveel is da buy-in enzo? en wa zijn de topprijze :p?
vorige keren was dat 5 euro buy in geloof ik
cancel frost
gl Germany snoop :-)
I remember him raging at CDC 3 when someone did pipi on his bag :DD
I remeber him raging on everything.. wonder how he treaths his mom :<
ast eten ni lekker is, dan smijt em da wss gewoon in die haar gezicht :D
haha :D zat ik ook al aan te denken 'geen vreten KUTHOER'
ik ga daar zover mogelijk van weg blijve op cdc pijsek :D as die jonge zot word :D
àls hij komt
I've never heard sNoOp rage.
Please change the map list :E
yeaah frostbite <33
teams should be able to have 1 wildcard imo..
Come on... change maplist, ATLEAST put braundorf out and put adler in, everyone fucking agrees on that. for the other slight changes we can always check later. but please do that :>
he only listens to clown and urtier
Change maplist please. SD / GR / Radar / delivery / adler
naw delivery can stay the fuck out
gl EU ;D
no u, mongloid!

QuoteGruppe F

# Name Points Matches Score Diff. PP
1. nOu way! 3
2. dESIRE.CIC7 0
3. advanced Gamers united 0

nOu is cheating!
pp = penalty points i guess :x
ahh ok ty :)
pp for what !?
no clue, guess u shud pm an esl admin about that, i just said what ' pp ' means.
yes they hax but you are a complete moron (what xperia said)
sorry im no nerd and didn't know the penalty points where shown there. now get a grip inet hero
great to have 6 groups with 4 teams and 2 groups with 5 teams when there are 6 teams on the waitinglist... why dont you do 8 groups with 5 teams instead so all groups are even and the teams from waitinglist can also play

image: Borat_Great_Success
Where's Valkyrie :D?
Yeah we will lose every match!
desire is a hard opponent for us but they dont play with the best lineup afaik

blight vs phantom will be good match
I don't think it will (blight vs phantoms) their LU changed once again and if im correct they don't even have a 5th atm (euruz dodged) so dunno if u shud expect that much good from them anymore. :>
they can expect atleast more from us... then from p&p with the lowest group
What's there to expect? that you'll get bashed by blight? or maybe you're angry that you didnt get topseed :'(
gl Poland victis

oh wait..
2/5 of my group wont show:(
TBH i think it's unfair to have blight AND 3 other teams in your group
got the games a bit backwards on the schedule - top seed should always play bottom seed first week and second seed last week.
gl plasa gl polagz
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