Quakecon Doubles & Config Released

Quakecon staff have today rectified their previous error of judgements. In a move to appease players travelling to compete, spending thousands of dollars the tournament size has now been doubled. Increasing the number of teams competing from 8 to 16. The structure will remain double elimination.

It is believed this move come after players from both America and Europe raised the issue with Quakecon staff, worried that they could effectively waste their air fare. This move enables both ‘proper’ teams travelling, and BYOC mixes to compete. There was controversy when the initial announcement was made, as with it being ‘First Come First Served’ teams spending thousands of dollars to travel risked not securing a place in the tournament.

Along with this change, and although severely belated, the Quakecon Enemy Territory 5v5 config has now been released – just one week before the tournament starts. This config looks to appease players from both Europe and America.

Notable cvars include

[*]b_pronedelay 1
[*] b_extendedprone 1
[*] team_maxmines 5
[*]g_heavyWeaponRestriction 20

The one notable cvar that could cause some controversy is the inclusion of pronedelay, an etpro feature not used in America – though used in Europe for almost two season’s. More worryingly however, is that this config does not limit the number of soldiers a team can have. Enabling teams to run both the panzerfaust and mortar on Battery, whilst also utilising the 5 mines available.

Tournament Director Nate has also clarified that USB Rate Switchers will not be allowed at Quakecon. In a post on the Quakecon forums he stated

QuoteUSB Rate Switchers will NOT be allowed at QuakeCon, due to the risk of damaged hardware.

Quakecon Config
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