Crossfire Articles for you!

image: xfindent3cfMV0DIThis news item is intended to give two really well written and researched articles the attention they deserve and make sure any Crossfire reader will have the chance to read it.

With a project idea that could be well continued and get some following works the contributer United States of America proficio not only interviewed four of the best ET players, he also gives you the chance to connect the particular player with his country by listing some background information about the countries. His article "Scandalnavia" is fun to read and interesting at the same time. Make sure to not miss this great interview collection delivering you an insight into the Scandinavian ET history.

image: scandF6HVD

QuoteLadies and Gentlemen throughout the years the Scandinavian countries have had players among the very best in Return To Castle Wolfenstein & Enemy Territory. Quite comfortably the virtual world lends itself to a disguise, a special place where people can be whoever they want to be or do whatever they like to do.

In this article I will be taking you to a journey where I will be talking with 4 of Scandinavias finest and most experienced players. The people of these countries share all common bonds wrought by their culture and history. It sets their world apart – and is poised to inspire yours!

Next to the interviews, ClanBase admin Malta Killerboy put a lot of effort into a personal project that gives you some nice information about the development and progress the Enemy Territory activity at ClanBase has made. "The Ladder Report" features three years of ET competition at ClanBase and can confirm that ET's activity is indeed rising again for about half a year now, clearing out the assumption that ET competition at ClanBase is decreasing.

image: report3XO3A

QuoteI have started working on this "CB Ladder Project" for the past 2 months. Initially this project was started by a really oldschool ClanBase Admin called Dussander, his job was to supervise Unreal Tournament, Guild Wars, AOE3 and apart from that he was a real asset to the Chiefs of Ladders (CoL) of ClanBase. You may ask "why?", apart from his Chief of Ladder work, he also made a huge ladder report of every game and every ladder on ClanBase, he started doing this from February 2007 and retired from the CB Crew in 2008. After he retired, this activity report was no longer continued as it was stated to be "a work for a trained monkey". I have gathered the information from March 2008 till December 2009 for ET only, and it took me around 2 months to gather all the information, as all of this had to be done manually. When i heared about all the outsanding work Dussander had done, I got very interested in continuing this report for our beloved game, Enemy Territory and maybe add another puzzle to Wesbo's Column - Why did we stop using the ladders.

thanks alot for this, really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart :)
i appreciate the work you do for ET community from the bottom of my heart :)
they're lying
made me wipe away a tear there
can s1 sum it for me?
tiigeri>all ^^
thats what we need , nice bo ,kboy and proficio :) well done
Quoteany Crossfire user will have the chance to read it

<----------- its right over ther under 'Articles', so why the random news?
guess not many read articles and they wanted to give it attention
I wanted oO
yeees dear, u did a great work *patpat*
newspost for an article? :|
nice banners
Quotethe American contributer United States of Americaproficio


also known as DenmarkSerbiaBosnia Hercegovinaimage: sandzak and now United States of Americaadi the attentionwhore :D
Ah that clears it up :D
what kind of a crossfire contributor is he lolz, he hadn't done much before :D

plus he did it all of this under a fakenick, give the "PROFICIO" guy the credits ;D
With writing this article he became a contributor, nothing more nothing less ;)
agree with you. :DD
every1 is able to find them from the article section. why the fuck news post?
Quote by slajdanguess not many read articles and they wanted to give it attention
if they didn't read it in the first place, why would they now? these kinds of post are pure attention whoring
K, then I'm the attention whore. Sorry
Killerboy is a poppysmicker!
sanee soms moet je gewoon je mond houden, die replies van jou slaan echt nergens op 90% van de tijd, domme kut.
i see little rising in ladder report!!! et is not dead... hope so...
somebody should make a journal about this news
kb article is just FAIL, if he just posted the graph it would say exactly the same as with the little amount of text he added. He didn't explain the graphs with events in ET that happened etc, we've only saw that he was able to make some graphs.

This doesn't deserve a news post, and I think people who want to read the article's can find them themselves. this is just attention whoring!
I'm honored to be the first one who found this too long to read.
Killerboy fucking rules?! :]
thanks we need more of these
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